xxi. doing homework

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The gap was filled with silence, again, until the Doctor speaks up again. "Because Norman Osborn died, years ago" he talks between heavy pants.

"So either we saw someone else, or you're flying out into, to fight ghosts"

Peter's face tenses up, and he stares at us with wide eyes, palms to his forehead.

He then shakes his head and turns to Ned. "Get me ready" the boy orders, and the other squeals in excitement as he gets up from his chair, a grin spread on his face.

"Mj, could you check out the camera system?" Peter then questions the smiling girl, who needs with approval.

Mj excuses us and leaves, leaving me and Peter together, who's arms are now folded.

He looks at me and I bend my head down, a chuckle escaping my lips.

"Now, that was interesting" I leer as I see Peter grin next to me.

"It indeed was, Madame Stacy" Peter mocks, clapping his hands together.

"Would you like some icecream, as you fill me in with your fourth days of adventures?" the boy jokes, focusing his words on the date.

"I'd like to see you try, Peter Parker" I joke and Peter makes his way to the refrigerator.

Something about saying that name felt odd. And then suddenly, my thoughts travel to Peter's.

"Shit shit shit" I whisper to myself, with my chest now puffed, and my lips pursed.

"Pete!" I snap at the boy facing the opened door of the refrigerator, who was also licking his lips at the sight of the sweets in his hands.

"I - I need to tell you something" I say to Peter as I turn to fully face him.

"Shoot it"

Peter scoops the icecream, as I try to figure out the proper words to use.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay" I exhale, shaking my head. "There's this one thing, that has been stuck in my head for a while now"

Peter stops in his tracks, glancing up to me. I see him furrow his eyebrows, a grin creeping up upon his face.

"I-it's impossible to say. I mean - it's just that.. The words can't even find their way and come -"

I feel Peter now smirking. "Let me ask you this one question, Irene" he teases, and I direct nod, hoping to change the topic.

"What were you doing, before you magically appeared here again?"

I suddenly speak up the first thing that came to my mind, after a moment of silence.

"I was.. uh - I was doing homework!"

"Oh, well then" Peter shrugs, and I exhale in relaxation, before Mj, who was supposed to be fixing something, pulls the unexpected

"Hello homework!" she yells in Peter's direction, as she mimics my body language.

I freeze in my place, my jaw now dropped, as I manage to process what I just witnessed, my gaze fixed on the two grinning lovers, who were staring at me.

"I.. no - how could, did you even -"

"Oh shut up, it was pretty obvious" Mj smirks, and I cover my face with my hands, until.

"Wait" I start, seriousness taking over my tone. "It's not you - I mean it as in like, you, Peter Parker. Mj, Peter, you guys know that I would never -"

The couple in front of me then burst into laughter, their laughs echoing throughout the dungeon, after Peter successfully hands me over my icecream.

"Irene, oh my God, you didn't think, that I was thinking, that my boyfriend is cheating on me with our best friend, did you?"

I exhale in moderation with a shaky laugh. "Phew, your actions had me freaked out for a good while"

Mj rubs her face, clearing it from the tears collecting at the bottom of her eyes. "There was once a girl called Irene, who was known by everyone" the girl starts

"And then suddenly, no one" Peter finishes up for her, his smile still on his face.

"I am sick at heart" I scoff, taking a small taste of the icecream Peter offered.

"No one is born sick Irene" Mj starts, smiling to herself. "The biggest tragedy is being convinced that you are"

I slowly swallow the icecream that got stuck in my throat, and put the bowl away.

I dip my head down to the table, as I feel my own eyelids drip before me.

"I agree with Mj" Peter quietly adds. "You're in love with the idea of love. You're a hopeless romantic"

I scoff in disbelief, turning away from the two. "Yeah, thanks for reminding me, Pete"

Peter huffs under his breath. "You won't listen to us, will you?" I hear him say from behind me.

"I bet you know the best person to talk right now" Mj adds, and I could feel her smile.

"She's waiting for you, the lady you were supposed to go visit an hour ago"

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