Part 1

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She looked at her husband with anger but he couldn't even face her. The pain, the humiliation, the anger and most of all, the betrayal. Her eyes filled with tears as a lump grew in her throat but she refused to let this man make her shed tears.

Alaire went into her cabinet, pulling out some documents. With a low sigh, she made her way back to him. He looked down at the divorce papers her husband's signature already there. She placed her hands on her waist, waiting for him to at least explain himself.

"What do you want me to say? I- I'm not happy with you anymore." Westly's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"So you cheat on me, betray my trust and sleep with the one woman I begged you to stay away from?!"

Another long pause filled the air once again. Westly's posture straightened, his eyes grew cold as he gazed down at her. The act finally broke. "What do you expect me to say? I'm sorry? Be real with yourself, Alaire. When was the last time we even had sex together? When was the last time we even held a decent conversation?!"

She scoffed at his response. "So this is my fault now-"

He cut her off. "What I'm saying it that this marriage is dead and it died a long time ago. You just didn't want to see it."

Alaire inhales deeply before responding. "You wanted this marriage to die. You didn't want this to last because you realized that you won't have every woman falling at your feet again-" she slowing walked to him, her eyes never leaving his, not even for a second. "You think she can give you want you desire, then be with her. I am done fighting for something, no, someone who doesn't even give me the time of day."

Westly's jaw clenched, his eyes darken with fury at the sight of this determined woman. "It's never that easy with you." He knew this woman like the back of his hand, or so he thought.

"It is this time, I've already had my fun." She pulled out the box she received the wedding ring in, handing it back to him. He looked at it for a few seconds before meeting her gaze again.

"You want me to believe that you're just going to give up all those years, just like that?"

"You give yourself too much credit, you're not all that. When I had you, you barely had a worth to your name and now that you do, you believe that I'm not enough for you." He bit his lip at her comment. 

Westly broke eye contact with her, taking a step back. "No, you've just grown old and bitter for my liking." Her stomach boiled with anger at his words. "Old and bitter you say?" A strained laugh left her mouth as she gripped the papers in her hands.

Was she really going to sign these papers? Her eyes met his once more but they were dull, there was nothing there anymore. With the last bit of strength she had, she signed the papers, tossing them at his face.

"Mark my words Westly Knight, you will regret what you did to me and when that day comes, you'll be begging me for another chance."
He clenched this rings in his hand. "Don't hold on to that fantasy." With those words, he turned on his heel and walked out of the house they once shared. The door slammed shot causing Alaire dropped her heavy body on a chair, trying to catch her breath.

Tears poured from her eyes as her heart broke more and more.
The man that she spent eight years with just walked out of her life in less than eight months.
What was she going to do?

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