Part 29

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"Alaire, you look stunning!" Veena gushed at her best friend. "Turn around, let me see that booty." Alaire playfully turned, shaking her butt, laughing. Today was the day she had her engagement party. She was upstairs in the room provided, getting ready.

"Very mature, darling." She stopped to see her father at the door way. "You look wonderful. How do you feel?"

"Nervous, I can't believe that I'm doing this. Do you know who's coming?" She asked her father. "Of course. I made the guest list. Just your friends, family and some close business partners."

"Then why did Alissa say they were coming?" Veena asked making Emmanuel grin. "I want to see him suffer with your happiness. It was for my own personal pleasure."

"Daddy! You are evil. Good job." She kissed his cheek as Christopher knocked on the door. "Someone is here to see you." In walked Lucian with a big smile on his face. "I just came to check on how you were doing."

Alaire signaled for everyone to leave so she could talk to him privately. "I'm a little nervous. I haven't done anything like this before." She peeked out the window to see guest coming on. She tugged on her fingers but he held them.

"Don't be nervous, I'll be right here. So will your father and friends."

"Thank you, Lucian. You really are sweet."

Lucian looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. "If you let me, how about a date tomorrow?" She looked at him in shock.

"A date? With me?"

"No one but you." She bit her lip nervously but he pulled it out. "It's all up to you."

"I have my session tomorrow, so how about seven?" Her heart was about to burst out of her chest. "Seven is a good time, I be at your father's to pick you up."

Westly entered the area, already seeing that Alissa distracted herself in a conversation. He slipped away, looking for Alaire. He needed to see her but stopped when he heard her laugh. "Please don't fall on your ass when we go out there."

"I wouldn't dare take the attention off someone as breath taking as you." He followed the voice to a slightly opened door. "Westly didn't even do this for me. We just said I do and that was it." She sadly told him. "He's an ass but thank God he was."

Westly felt bitter about that comment but kept watching. "You think we can do this?" Alaire asked hopefully. She knew she was starting to feel something for Lucian but she refused to get herself hurt again. "I know we can."

His large hand played with the engagement ring. "You know how much I care about you." Before she could reply, she saw gasped at Westly's figure near the door. "What are you doing here?" She stood to her feet, walking backward.

"Are you spying on us?" He couldn't find his words. "We don't want a problem here so I suggest you leave right now." Lucian demanded but he didn't move. "Today is a very special moment so I will not resort to violence so I'll repeat myself one last time." Lucian walked to his face, looking down at him.

"And this time, you will move." Alaire stayed quiet the entire time. "You're going to make him talk to me like this?" Westly asked in disbelief but Lucian wasn't having any of it. He was dragged out the room and pushed down the hall.

"You should know your place about now, Westly. You're the one that messed up. Don't try crawling back to her with your sweet words. It won't work, she's my wife now. Get use to it."

"That doesn't make sense, we just had our divorce, how can she be already engaged to you?" Alaire would never do that to him.

"Says the bastard that's been cheating on his wife for years. What's the problem now?"

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