Part 51

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"Vanessa!" Aden shouted as she tried running but her little legs couldn't out run her big brother. Her little screams rang through the house as she hid behind the couch. "Where did she go." He teased as she laughed out loudly.

"I found you!" Vanessa screamed, laughing loudly as he brother tickled her on the floor. Lucian smiled at his children. "Angry mama alert." Lucas zoomed passed him as Alaire stomped in holding Vanessa's younger brother, Adonis. 

"What's wrong, my love?" Lucian took his son from her hands, kissing her neck. "Your big head son, woke Adonis up, making me cut my meeting short. I told him not to touch him but he didn't listen to me."

Lucas stood there looking guilty. "Apologize to your mother. You know she works hard."

"I just wanted mom to play with us, she never does anything with us anymore. It's not fair." Alaire sighed. "I am sorry you feel that way, baby but you could have told me that instead of waking your brother up and cutting my meeting short."

He nodded his head. "Hi mama!" Vanessa smiled brightly, swinging from her brother's neck. Lucian grabbed her in his other arm, making her poke her twin brother. Adonis was a little more sensitive to things than her. He didn't like noise or too many people. He hated the way his sister played with him but for some reason, he can't eat without her or go out without her. He starts crying hysterically until she's with him.

He whined, turning the other way. "Poop." She sneered, turning the other way. Alaire kissed her daughter's head, looking at her husband. "Watch the gremlins until I'm done and then we can go out for pizza. How does that sound?"

Lucas and Aden grinned. While the other two really didn't care what was going on. Lucian was happy. He was happier than ever. He had a wife and four amazing children. "That sounds great. Come on, copy and paste, let's get your homework done and I'll put Alt and Ctrl down."

Alaire laughed at the nicknames he gave their children. "I watch Tang daddy." Ironically, tangled was her favourite movie, Adonis didn't mind it so since he liked Maximus. Lucas hugged her mother as he walked passed her.

"I'm sorry mummy." She rubbed his back, kissing his head. "It's alright baby. I know how you feel now and I'll make time for you in the future. I love you." That made the little boy grin as he ran off.

After Alaire gave birth to her daughter, they found her brother behind her. Adonis was incredibly small at the time and no one knew if he was going to make it through the night. It broke their hearts at the news but he pulled through.

We was kept in the NICU for four months before he was able to come home. Alaire blamed herself for this happening because she didn't want to get pregnant in the first place. She resented herself because she was mad at her children who was innocent.

He was a little weaker than his sister, no doubt but he started walking and talking before her. He was a smart boy but his sister was always stronger. There were times that she had to pulled Vanessa off her brother because he couldn't fight back.

When Alaire was finished with her work, Lucian knocked on the door, walking in. "I invited Chris, Veena and Charvi."

"What about Cai?" When their daughter turned six, Veena found out she was pregnant again and had their second daughter.

"She's in her 'I'm not leaving my grandparents stage.' She refuses to let her baba go and he refuses to let her go." Alaire found that so adorable. "You remember when Aden had that stage? He cried all the way home when he left daddy's home."

"Then his crying made Lucas cry and then you cried because you felt like a horrible mother for separating them. What a day that was."

"Shut up and help me get the twins ready." He smiled, following behind his wife.


"Look how handsome you guys are!" Veena gushed at the boys. Chris smiled, hugging us. "It's so great to you see guys again."

Alaire sent them to play with the men's supervision as they sat down. "He's getting his balls cut after this." Alaire laughed at her friend. "Already? I thought I was bad." Veena rolled her eyes, drinking water.

"I'm getting too old for this shit. I just lost all my baby fat and he knocks me up again. This is the last one and I'm done. I'm not popping another one out." She rambled, leaning on the chair. "Did you tell him yet?"

She shook her head. "No, hopefully it's a boy and he looks like Chris. Dimples and all." Veena gushed over her husband. "Imagine you used to hate the very sight of that man, now look at you. Blushing at just the image of him."

"What can I say? The man has good dick game." That made them burst out laughing. "But seriously, I'm so happy I met him. I love pretty boy so much." She teared but, rolling her eyes. "The games have started." She wiped her eyes quickly.

"I need some food." Veena huffed. Alaire was happy with her four, she didn't need anymore in her life.


"Bye guys, drive home safely." Alaire hugged them goodbye as they entered their own car, driving home. Once they opened the door, they immediately got everyone in their beds, heading into their own.

"He knows?!" Alaire laughed with Lucian as he laid in their bed. "Of course he knows. He's just waiting for her to say something." Christopher knew about his wife being pregnant.

Alaire propped herself on her elbows at her breasts, leaned to the side. His nose grazed her nipples but she smacked his head. "No." He ignored her, moving the entire vest to the side, tugging on her nipples.

She inhaled deeply, rubbing the back of his head. "I love you, Alaire. I love you so much and I thank you for carrying our children and loving us. Thank you for your patience, kindness and understanding. Thank you for your support and comfort. I can't do this without you."

Her eyes teared up. "What's with the emotions all of a sudden?" She wiped her eyes. "I just appreciate you and everything you do for us."

"I appreciate and love you and everything you do for us too. Even though I get mad at you or nag you, I just want you to be your best."

Lucian got on top his wife, taking his shirt off. "I'll fuck you like I want to get you pregnant." He whispered to her. "You promise?"

His hands hit the lights next to him and he made love to his wife all night long.




The end~

I want to thank everyone in advance for reading my book. I know that there are probably a lot of mistakes but in the future, I will try to correct them. Please enjoy this book and leave a like, comment and don't forget to share. Until next time.

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