Part 46

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"I need to pee again." Alaire said to Veena for the sixth time. "You just peed!" She was so nervous, she thought she was going to die. "Alaire you need to get into the dress!" 

She looked at her best friend and a few of her cousins in the room. "I'm scared." Veena shook her head, hugging her friend. "Lucian is the one for you. You know that this man would drop a meeting with the president if you needed something."

Veena wore her maid of honour dress, smiling at Alaire. "You're finally having the wedding that you deserve. You- I'm going to cry." Veena turned her head, trying to stay calm. "I'm so happy for you, Alaire. You're getting the right man that is going to treat you like a queen."

She wiped her tears. "This is your day so don't let that bald bitch get into your thoughts. None of that will be tolerated!" Alaire nodded at her friend as she stared at the dress. Today was finally the day she would walk down that isle and say I do to Lucian.

Who would have thought that she would be doing this all over again but with everyone she loved. Everyone would know and everyone would be happy for her. "Help me with the zipper."


Lucian sat in the chair as his father fanned him. "My son, you need to get it together. You have to be at the altar in ten minutes." Lucian was shaking. "I need a drink." His father gave him some water and a mint.

"This woman is the one for you, Lucian. She is everything you wished for and more in a woman and today she will be your wife." Luca spoke to his son. "I know your mother isn't here to see such a moment and I blame myself all the time but know that I love you more than she ever could. I can't fill her shoes completely but I will do anything to make this day better."

"You being here makes it so much better. I know that you aren't to blame for mama. You sucked it up and loved me for her. You did all you could to show me what I was missing out and I admired and love you for that. I don't want mama here because you're my mother and father."

Luca kissed his son's head, trying not to cry. "I love you too, now let's get out there, your future wife will get nervous if she doesn't see you out there."


"Oh my little girl." Emmanuel burst out crying, seeing his daughter. "Daddy, don't cry, please." Alaire cried, hugging him. "Oh no." Veena smiled as the photographer took pictures of them. "You look so beautiful! Amahle, are you watching this?"

Alaire sniffed, wiping her face. "She's watching, daddy." She wiped her father's face. "Look at you~" Veena realized that this was a crying domino so she broke it up. "Baba, it's time." She whispered to him and he nodded.

"You're right." Emmanuel hooked her arms in his as the double doors opened. Everyone stood as the bride entered the room. Everyone gasped loudly as the music played. Alaire's eyes locked with Lucian's causing both of them to start crying.

"Awwww~" The crowd went.

Veena smiled as he best friend stopped at the altar. Emmanuel kissed her cheek, stepping the side along with Veena. Christopher smiled at how beautiful his girlfriend looked, wishing it was him and her but their time was soon.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of-" Lucian couldn't stop looking at how gorgeous she was. He gripped her hands, kissing them. She smiled at her soon to be husband as tears ran down their faces.

"Does the couple have any vows?" The priest asked. "I do." Alaire spoke, confusing Lucian. "I know we said that we would say it at the reception but I can't wait that long." She sniffed.

"Lucian Appius, the man that started all this. I want to thank you for showing me the truth even though I didn't want to see it. Thank you for encouraging me, sending me flowers on my bad days, helping me through my panic attacks and even my cancer treatment."

"I love you so much that it hurts when you're away from me. I love our moments together, even if you have to leave for meetings, you always make sure that I'm taken care of. Everything else comes after. I love how much you spoil me even though you know it's bad for me." She smiled as he chuckled.

"I love how you took your time with me when I was going through phase. You were so careful with me, so patient with me and I never saw that until late. You do so much for me and I feel like I can never do as much for you."

"You do so much more for me than you know." He whispered.

"You're my Eugene and I cannot describe the joy that I have with you in my life. I have so much more to say but I can't even put them into words because we'd be here all day. Meeting you was the best thing that has happened me and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I love you so much." Lucian broke down once again, causing her to cry. 

"I think we need some tissue up here." The priest joked.


"Your eyes are so puffy." Veena laughed at her friend as she fixed her makeup. "Is it that bad?" Alaire sniffed. "No, just try not to cry again and we'll be good." Alaire really didn't expect to cry as much as she did.

"Let's get out there and party because you deserve this." Veena smiled at her best friend, helping her to her husband. The rings shone on their fingers as people applauded them. "Mr. and Mrs. Appius, everyone."

Veena cheered loudly as her friend took a dramatic bow. Lucian helped his wife up on the podium to sit. "Here you go my beautiful wife. Wife, that sounds right." She grinned. "Thank you my sexy husband."

"Who has any words for the bride and groom?"


"From the moment I tackled her, I knew she was going to be my best friend. Alaire, I love you and I can't imagine my life without you here. I know I've been saying this all day but you really deserve this. All of it. Stop crying!" Veena laughed as she wiped her face for the hundredth time. "I'm trying!"

Emmanuel stood up, taking the mic from Veena. "My daughter has been through so much in her life that it makes me sad just thinking about it. She pretends that she's fine and nothing is wrong and she covers up her feelings but I can tell."

"When she was younger, there was nothing I can say about her that was bad, she was such a good child. She always went to school, never skipped classes, did her work and she went out with friends but she never lied to me about where she was. She trusted me."

"Not many parents have that with their kid and I'm so lucky that she trusted me. All my life I just wanted her to be happy and now she is. She's the happiest I've seen her in a long time and nothing can bring me more joy than seeing this face right now." He turned to his daughter has tears ran down her face.

"Lucian, please take care of my daughter and love her like she deserves and she'll definitely do the same. You're a great man and be a greater husband and hopefully father one day. Grandchildren doesn't sound too bad, right Luca?" 

Luca laughed, giving him a thumbs up. "I think I speak from both fathers when I say this. Talk to one another when you have a problem. Cherish each other to the fullest and be there for each other when they need it."

Emmanuel walked to his daughter, kissing her cheek. "Stop crying, your eyes are getting puffy." Lucian wiped her nose and eyes, giving her some water. "I swear, I don't cry this much. I'm a really happy person." She laughed through the tears.


Lucian took the mic, looking at his wife. "My wife... that sounds perfect. My wife, Alaire Appius." The crowd cheered him on. "You told me the way you felt at the altar so now it's my turn. Everyone knows that I fell in love with you from the first meeting."

"My body and mind instantly became yours, I just wanted a way to talk to you and get to know you. Sadly, I messed that up and caused a lot of problems but I'm glad those problems brought us closer together."

"I can't even start my day without seeing you. I can't do anything unless I know that you're happy. You make me feel like I should be better for you and hopefully for our children."

"I promise to love and cherish you until the day I close my eyes. I love you so much, Alaire."

He walked up to his wife, kissing her lips softly.

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