Part 26

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Alaire woke up with dread and relief. "There's the sleeping beast!" Emmanuel chimed, walking in with breakfast. "Big day today." She nodded, lying back on the bed. "Don't be sad peach, you will get through this."

"I'm not sad, I just can't believe this is real, like I feel I'm still sleeping and this is all a dream." Today she was meeting with her lawyers and Westly about the settlement and divorce. "Come on, let's get you to your doctor's appointment first."

She slowly dragged her feet to the bathroom. "Oh and I have a meeting this morning so I won't be able to join you at the hospital or the lawyer's office." She snapped her head toward him. "What?"

She started panicking because she needed someone there with her. She couldn't go there by herself, she wasn't ready. "But you know I can't-" He cut me off.

"I know, that's why I'm sending someone with you." Alaire looked at him. "Who are you sending?" Was it Veena? No she's out the country. Chris? No, he's with his brothers. "Where something warm, it's getting cold out there."


They stood at the door quietly until the car pulled up. "You are not serious, daddy." Out came Lucian who wore a bright smile on his face. "Good morning, Mr. Achebe, hope you didn't wait long." Her father grinned widely. "Not long at all."

She stood there speechless. What was she to say? Her eyes glanced to Lucian who was already looking at her. "Get going before you miss your appointment."

"But Lucian is so busy, he won't have all this time to take me a-"

"I would be delighted to take you anywhere you need. Your father has already spoken to me." Alaire really didn't want to go with him. Why does he always have to see the most embarrassing parts of her?

"Get in the car, woman." Emmanuel kissed her cheek, heading into his own car. Alaire dared not move from her spot. "I promise I won't make things awkward, I'll stay away from your business as much as I can but I will be accompanying you today."

His words soft yet strong as he opened the door for her. "After you." She reluctantly got in and prayed the day would over as quickly as possible. Lucian got in, driving off.


"There we are." The nurse smiled at Alaire, as she finally removed the bandages from her hand. There were a few scars but nothing to talk about. "Thank you, have a good day." She made her way out the room to see Lucian arguing on the phone with someone. His face was slightly red but he kept his composure.

"Papa, I told you that I'd handle this."

His father chuckled at the end of the phone. "My son is finally getting married, it's the least I can do. It's already planned."

"Papa! You- How-" This old man was really impossible. What was he going to tell Alaire. All this was fake.

"You were going to have one before you get married, weren't you?" Luca questioned suspiciously. "Yes we were papa but she's has some things she has to settle before anything is done."

"How long are we talking about?"

Lucian glanced around, spotting Alaire walking toward him. "Everything alright? You look really upset. If you need to be somewhere then go. I'll -" He shook his head. "No, I'm fine, let's go whenever you're ready."

"Are you sure?" At this point, Lucian forgot his father on the phone. He stared into her beautiful eyes. "Yes, completely." He hung up on his father as they made their way to the car. He opened the door for her. "Where to?"

She frowned deeply. "Haynes and Ryan's Law Firm." She mumbled under her breath, feeling embarrassed all over again. "No problem." The car ride there was so tense, she hummed softly. "Do you feel uncomfortable around me? Have I made you feel bothered?' He questioned her.

Her eyes immediately widened. "Oh no! It's just that...this is all fake and daddy knows this but he keeps pushing me know....get closer to you."

"Well you're a grown woman, you can always tell him no and beside, I know you have no interest in me so I won't ever make a move on you." The moment those words came out his mouth, he looked at her but she was looking out the window.

"I didn't mean it like that, Alaire. What I meant to say wa-" She shook her head. "I get it, Lucian. You don't have to panic or feel bad about it."

If she wasn't in the car, he was have crashed and killed himself. Lucian's annoyance with himself grew. Why would he say that to her?

They finally arrived and she opened the door for herself. "You can stay out here if you want." Lucian already messed up enough so he agreed to staying with the car.

Alaire's heart squeezed with every step she took to the office and there he was, looking as tired as ever. "Glad you could make it, Ms. Achebe." The lawyer smiled as she took her seat next her ex.


"He can have everything. I don't want anything." Her lawyer looked at her in shock. "Are you sure?" Alaire nodded with a soft smile. "He may need to sell something if he wants to keep his company afloat. Isn't that right?"

His dark eyes squinted. "Wait! Were you the one to mess up my appointments?" She didn't reply to him but looked at her lawyer. "I just want this thing to be finalized so I can go see my fiancé." Her bitterness was coming to the surface.

"I can't believe you-"

"You can't believe I what? Moved on after seeing my husband fuck a woman at a party I came to surprise him at?"

He became dead silent.

"Or you can't believe that you didn't get away with cheating on me for years?"

Her lawyer held her shoulder, asking her to calm down. "I want nothing from you, Westly. I want to be as free from you as possible. So please believe that."

Westly stood to his feet. "I can't believe you would go with him!" Alaire matched his energy, standing in his face, her nose flared with anger.

"Let me give you something to believe then! I was pregnant with your child." His throat tightened, his head lightened making his stumble back in absolute shock. His brain wasn't functioning at all.

"You, you what?"

"Three months pregnant but I lost it because I couldn't handle the stress of seeing you cheat on me." His body ached with each word she spoke. His wife was pregnant with his child.

"Sadly, you weren't in the hospital to comfort your wife because you were out screwing around, like you were a bachelor. Lucian was there for me at the hospital because someone removed their name as an emergency contact."

That why she asked him to stay away from Alissa, she was willing to give him another chance. "You played wife with me even though you knew?" He wanted the confirmation of his thoughts. "Yes, I was willing to drop everything for you once again but you played me once again."

Dread filled his entire stomach. He didn't know what to do at this point. "Alaire, I'm so sorr-"

"Shut the hell up, Westly." Her lawyer finished up her side of the business before she got up. "I hope you watch my happiness while yours crumble." With that, she marched outside, inhaling deeply. It felt like she could finally breathe.

Westly ran outside, seeing Lucian hugging her as she laid in his chest. His heart pained at the sight but what could he do?

Alaire sniffed. "Let's get out of here. I can't stay here any longer." Without another word, he helped her into the car before entering himself.

"I told him about the pregnancy, he was speechless." Lucian kept silent as she spoke. "He then wanted to apologize!" A bitter laugh left her mouth. "That son of a bitch almost got shot."

"You did amazing, Alaire." She smiled at him. She really needed the comfort. Without a single thought, she held on to his thigh. "Can we go to your place?"

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