Part 13

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"Wow, it really hasn't changed much." Westly said, holding me in his arms. "You're righ-" Someone behind me shouted. "On your left!" Westly pulled me into his arms as two bikers zoomed passed me.

"Well it's a little more active than before." My eyes looked up to meet his. His charming smile, his mesmerizing eyes. He was still holding me to his chest until I cleared my throat, pulling away. "Sorry." Before I could move, he pulled me back into his arms.

"Sorry for what? You're my wife." No words were able to come out as he leaned in for a kiss. I inhaled as his lips brushed against mine.

 "Get your hot dogs! Fresh and tasty! Gas free!" We looked at each other before laughing. "How about it? You want to test his claims?" Nodding, we walked toward the vendour. "Ah, the lovely couple! Please state what you would have on your buns." The old man asked.

"I'll have mustard, ketchup and sauerkraut and this wonderful woman will have mustard and hot sauce." The old vendour looked slightly confused. "No ketchup, no other toppings?" Westly shook his head. "She likes light topping and ketchup tastes like acid to her. She's a fan of spicy things."

I can't believe he remembered those things about me. "Wow, so nice that you now these little things." He handed me the hotdog and made another one. "One the house. Share it with your beautiful wife. Enjoy your day."

We thanked him before he walked off. "I can't believe you remembered that about me." Westly looked at me confused. "Of course I'd know that about you. You're my wife. I'm supposed to know that your favourite colour is blue, you hate peanut butter so much that you tell people that you're allergic."

I stopped, looking at him as he continues. "You hate it when I look at your toes, you don't like pickles because you don't think they should be in a preserver if they're good for you. You also like to sit on the bed after a shower in your towel for an ungodly amount of time, staring at the wall. Don't have a clue why -"

Tears pinched my eyes but didn't fall. "Why are you crying? Was it something I said?" His finger wiped my eyes before placing one end of the hot dog in his mouth and gestured for me to put the other end in mine.

A laugh rang out as he hummed. "You really want me to do this?" He nodded, taking his phone out. "Fine." I bit into the hot dog and looked up at his phone, laughing more. We looked ridiculous. "Aye eek." (say cheese.)

He snapped the picture of us with a big smile on his face. "Perfect, my new wallpaper." I feel like I'm dreaming. Like everything I experienced was a bad dream and this was my life. His phone started ringing but he ignored it. "It's work, I'll get it later. I'm on a date with my wife." Westly clasped his arm around mine as we walked on.

Westly stopped me right under a tree. "Here it is. The tree I proposed under." I couldn't believe that it was eight years go. "Where did all the years go?" I mumbled, leaning on the bark. "How about for our tenth anniversary, we have a photoshoot right at this stop?" The very thought of it made me gleam. "That would be a memory to have."

His phone chimed but he switched it off. "I specifically told them that I won't be in for a while." He sighed shaking his head, placing the phone back in his pocket. "Let's go honey."


One week later~

Westly laughed loudly as I stumbled on the rink. "Help me!" I laughed, slowly making my way to him. "That was beautiful. Best skating I've ever seen." He held my arm, pushing us on the lane for slow skaters and beginners. 

"We have to come back here, I need to catch that on camera next time." I poked him slightly as he feigned hurt. "So mean for no reason. I should let you g-" I gripped his arm tightly making him laugh even more. "I'm kidding, I wouldn't do that to a woman this fine."

"Are you flirting with me Westly?" I teased him but all he did was wink. "Maybe." I moved to his ear. "Well you're really bad at it." Westly scoffed before pushing off a little faster. "No! I'm sorry!"


Two weeks later~

"This is a new one. I never knew you picked up painting." He spoke, trying his best to copy the river. "I didn't, I just wanted to try something new with you." Westly looked at me with a small smile before focusing on his work. "I'm glad."

"So am I, I'm finally doing something better than you." His neck snapped at me. "Are you saying that my painting is bad?" I smiled. "Of course not! I'm just saying it's not good." He placed his brush down, looking at it himself. "Yeah, I see what you're seeing."

I stood behind him, tilting my head. "I mean, if you kind of squint like this, it doesn't look that bad."

"Babe, your eyes are closed."

Before I could reply, something cold smeared right across my face. "Ah, perfection." Westly laughed but he wasn't getting away that easily. Dipping my hand in yellow paint, I smeared it all over his face, leaving a handprint. "Now, it's perfect."

"You just started a war." He grabbed a bucket, chasing me around the room. "Not my hair, anywhere but my hair!"


Three Weeks Later~

"I said it's fine! Just go!" Westly frowned at me. "This is supposed to be our day, we planned a picnic at the pier." His job kept calling and leaving emails upon emails and it was getting tiring. "I'll come back as soon as I'm done. Call me if you think I'm out too late."

I pushed him out the door. "I'm serious, call me if you want me home." Westly pecked my lips. "I love you." I grinned. "I love you too, now go!" Closing the door, I couldn't help but grin to myself. This is the life that I wanted. My phone started ringing ; it was Veena.

"Hey! How's everything?" I asked her.

"I haven't been able to reach you in weeks! What's going on? You sound a lot happier."

"I am feeling much better. How's work going?"

"That's why I've been trying to get on to you!" That's her gossip voice, I sat down at the table. 

"Lay it on me."

"Mistress came in last week with tears in her eyes. Someone has been sending her mixed signals about the whole ordeal. She came to put the work on pause. She didn't have on the engagement ring either."

My heart skipped a beat at the news. Was he really going to stop? Was he really becoming better? I smiled believing that this could be a new start for us.

"I say it's a trap." Veena voiced, snapping me out my thoughts. "What? What trap?"

"He's up to something but I'm not sure what exactly. Stay on your toes, I don't trust that guy." She furthered her statement. For some reason, I was getting pissed. What the hell does she know about my husband?

"Um, Venna, you have no idea what you're talking about. Westly is a good man, he's changed. He's been treating me so well for these few weeks."

Silence was met on the other side. "What the actual fuck, Alaire. Are you serious right now?" She cursed me, she never curses me.

"That man has put you through more shit than a toilet has ever seen. He cheated on your for years, lied to your face about it constantly-"

"That's enough, Veena-"

"Got engaged to the mistress!! Lied to the mistress about you guys getting a divorce!"

"Veena, stop-"

"On top of that!! You realized that his man has been playing you all these fucking years and you want to forgive him because he's suddenly wanting to play husband?!" 

"I don't need this from you! All I want right now is your suppor-"

"NO! Absolutely not! He gives you a fucking smile and some sweet words for the month you were home and you suddenly want back in this marriage?! How stupid- no, no. How delusional can you be?"

"Fuck you, Veena." I choked a sob.

" Fuck you too and I quit, hope your next P.A can kiss your ass like you want." With that she hung up on me.

That's fine. I could do this without her.

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