Part 42

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"Stop being dramatic." Veena laughed at her friend as she sat on the bed. "I'm not! I almost died last night, twice." She whispered watching Lucian sleep next to her. "It was that good?"

"You could have waited until we got back to tell her." Alaire jumped, hanging up. He laid there, looking at her with a smile. "Good morning, my beauty." He kissed her cheek. "Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?"

His eyes darkened. "I slept like a baby." He stood up and she saw all of his glory. Alaire covered her face. "You saw it already, why are you hiding your face?" She still didn't look at him. "Still." Was all she could say.

Alaire peeked through the corner of her eyes, looking at how big it was even though it was soft. "I see those lurking eyes." Lucian walked toward her with a devilish smile. "If you want it, you can just ask. It's yours."

Her heart started beating faster as he closed the space between them. "I promise not to kill you this time. He leaned her body backward, opening her legs. "Just one round and I'll stop." Alaire silently prayed, feeling his breath on her clit. "One?"



Alaire cried as she came on his cock for the third time. "It's too early for this shit, Lucian." She sniffed clawing his arms as he thrusted deeply into her. "But you feel so good to stop now." Lucian sat at the end of the bed, laying back, putting his arms behind his head, positioning himself right in front of the mirror.

"Get on." Her legs shook violently as she mounted him. "Put it in." He ordered but she whimpered instead. "Lucian, I'm not exaggerating when I say that this shit is too big." He gripped her waist, aligning his cock with her entrance. 

"Yet you take it like you own it."

"I-" Her head fell back, feeling her stomach fill. He grunted feeling her pussy convulse around him. "Ride me." Lucian demanded, slapping her round ass. Her cries became louder as she slowly moved her hips, scratching his chest.

"Fuck, I'm coming again." Her hips shook, feeling her stomach tighten but Lucian wasn't having any of it. He brought her body toward him, locking her hands behind her back, fucking her pussy like she needed. "Hold it." He whispered into her ear.

He watched as waves rolled off her ass cheeks, making his cock harder. Alaire cursed loudly, biting the side of his neck. "Yes!" She chanted over and over in his ear as the pressure built inside her.

Her hips moving on their own, matching his wild rhythm. "Good girl. Don't stop." Lucian was close himself as he laid there, enjoying his woman on top of him. He looked at his dick as coated him with her thick cream. "Fuck!" Her hips raised, squirting all over his cock as his cum mixed with her liquid.

Her pussy squeezed, still feeling the sensations of her orgasms. "What a great morning." Alaire fell to the side, breathing harshly. "I need a shower, some food and a long nap." She slowly got out of the bed, limping to the bathroom. "Don't follow me, you animal."


"Let me eat in piece, I'm starving." She pushed him away, swallowing her food. "You should have eaten last night. That was your fault." He stated but she rolled her eyes. "I'm trying not to make that mistake again."

Lucian had followed her into the bathroom even thought she told him not to and they had a few more sessions in there. "You behave like a sex crazed beast. I can't feel legs anymore." He frowned. "You're fine."

Alaire looked around at the staff who kept giving her weird glances. "Are you absolutely, positively sure that our room is soundproof?" She whispered to him and he nodded. "As long as it's locked, we are good."

She slapped her forehead knowing that none of them locked the door. "I could kill you right now. You didn't lock the door last night." Lucian paused from his drink, thinking back. Did he? "Well shit."

"I probably sounded like a whale getting chopped to pieces while still being alive." Lucian hummed. "That was oddly specific."

He scooped up some pancakes, putting it in her mouth. "Don't think about it too much, let's just change the subject. Last night and this morning was amazing. You drove me crazy." Her face morphed into horror and shyness with his comment.

"Stop it, that's embarrassing...but it was incredible." She mumbled under her breath. She never experienced sex like that in her life and she's been married for eight years. What the hell was she doing all this time?

"You can't hold back on me after this. I'm addicted now." He gave a sexy look making her roll her eyes. "Listen, Eugene, you better learn to have some behaviour when we get back home."

"You always call me Eugene, who's this Eugene guy? An ex I look similar too or something?" He scrunched his brows, waiting for a response. Alaire bursted out laughing. "I wish he was an ex. Eugene is the thief from Tangled."

Once again, Lucian looked confused. She gasped loudly. "He tried stealing the lost princess' crown and got chased by a horse named Maximus and found Rapunzel?" Lucian shrugged. "Doesn't ring a bell."

"You have the same smoulder like him, you look like him a little too." She pecked his lips with a smile. "My Eugene."

"Must be one handsome guy." She giggled, nodding. "Of course he is. We're watching that movie tonight. You need to see Tangled and Princess and the Frog." Lucian leaned back. "I already know that one."

"Not the one everyone knows. The guy in that one is fine too."

"I draw the line at Eugene." He spoke with a serious face. "Shang is hot too, let's not start with Aladdin."

"Who are these people and why are they stealing my woman away from me? Are they even real? They are, aren't they? You can't be talking about fake men like that. Right?"

Alaire smiled. "Our night will be a magical one and I'm not talking about sex, stop giving me that smile." Lucian sucked his teeth, finishing his drink.

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