Part 8

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"You never fail to amaze me with your talent, my everything." My father kissed my cheek, dragging me to meet other people. I eventually let him do it because I was covering more ground looking for Westly. Where was he?

"Who are you looking for?" Veena popped up beside me, panting slightly. "What happened to you?" She shrugged. "I escaped some security guards, nothing too tough." She took the drink from my hand, throwing it back. "If you're looking for Lucian, he went up those stairs." Oh he already left.

"What are you guys going to do up there? Alaire! You're so naughty~ You're married after all." She teased me. "Very funny. We're not going to do anything, he just wants to show me something." I corrected her but she already had a nasty smirk on her face. "Yeah, his big co-" I walked away from her immediately making her laugh.

"There she is!" I turned to see Veena making a run for it once again and a few men in black following her. I'll bail her out later.


Turning another corner, I finally made it up the stairs. "Finally." I huffed, leaning on the wall. "Ah, she has finally arrived without a moment to spare." Lucian made his way to me with a weird smile, it gave me chills but not in a good way. "Um, w-what is it that you wanted to show me?" His arm hooked as if he wanted to me hold it. "Please follow me."

Hesitantly, I took his arm, following him into a corner with a dead end. "Is this some kind of joke, Mr. Lucian?" He didn't speak as he pushed the wall and it opened up. I was too stunned to speak this time. "After you." He bowed, nudging me forward.

Of course I wasn't just going to step in there. I barely know the man. "I give you my word that I will not harm you but if we waste anymore time here, you'll miss what I have to show you." If I really do go missing, Veena saw where I went.

I stepped in the wall, with him following. He closed it behind us, leading me down the narrow path until he stopped at a glass. "Here we are." Lucian's eyes fell on me once again. Would you like to take a look?" His hand tugged me toward the glass and I gasped in horror. There were two people having sex on the bed. The woman was on top riding her partner.

"What on earth are you showing me?!" I tried looking away but he held my head in place. "Don't they seem familiar to you?" He hummed but I refuse to open my eyes. "No! No they don't! I-"

The man moaned, "Alissa~"  making me stop completely. That voice. I know that voice. Forcing my eyes back on them, the man's hands rubbing up and down her back. That wedding band. A few seconds after, Alissa fell over the man and it was none other than Westly.

I felt my lungs closing up, tears blurred my vision, a ringing filled my ears. Westly; he was cheating on me with his secretary. "We should really go down to the party this time." He smiled at her, getting on the bed. "You don't want to do it one more time, baby?" She kissed his lips. I couldn't look away.

"We've been at it since the resort. You want a baby or something?" He told me he was on a business trip. "Well what's so wrong with having a baby? You are my fiance." Westly held her finger, kissing the big diamond on her hand.

"I can't believe you went all the way to Paris for this." She grinned at him, putting her clothes on. "Anything for you." Paris?

I couldn't breathe. My makeup smeared all over my face at this point. "Get me out of here, right now!!" I screamed, pushing past him, searching for the exit. "Alaire." He called out. "Shut up! Get me out of here!!!" My body shook violently as I sobbed my heart out. I felt pain everywhere. 

He opened the door and I stepped out, tripping over my dress. "I need to get out of here! I can't do this right now." A sharp pain hit the side of my head as I wobbled slightly. Lucian grabbed me. "I need you to calm down, Alaire."

I glared at him. "My husband, the man I've been with for eight years, is cheating on me for God knows how long with his secretary and you want me to calm down?!" I pushed him off me, stumbling down the stairs but I didn't make it very far because of the pain.

"Shit!" I turned to him but his face was mortified. "You're bleeding." Looking down, a red stain marked my dress. The last thing I remember was blacking out and Veena's voice.



Third Pov~

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss." The doctor said, leaving Veena, Lucian and Emmanuel in the room. Veena broke down crying for her best friend as well as her father. "My poor daughter, I'm so sorry I didn't see it before." He kissed her daughter's head, sitting on the chair.

Alaire's body laid still, unmoving but yet she was breathing. "I'm going to talk to the doctor a little more." Emmanuel stating, leaving them. Lucian was livid, he was fuming at himself. The gaping hole became deeper with every passing thought. "I'm deeply and truly sorry for what I did." He honestly felt ashamed.

The moment she collapsed in his arms, he rushed to the fire exit, down the stairs and to his car. Veena ran down to the party to alert her father what had happened Lucian didn't want to cause a scene at something that was so important to his father but most importantly, he refused to let her husband see her in that state.

"How were you supposed to know that she was pregnant?" Veena sniffed, wiping her face. Alaire was three months pregnant but showed no signs up until her miscarriage a few hours ago. "Still! Look at where she is." Lucian stood to his feet, looking down at Alaire, feeling his heart ache. "I'm going to use the washroom, I'll be back." 

Without a word, he left the room, heading down the hallway until he remembered to call his father. He reached into his pocket but he didn't feel anything. He had left it in the room. Turning back, Lucian made his way back to the room only to hear crying at the door. "I couldn't see it, Veena!"

Alaire's voice echoed with agony. "It's not your fault, you are not to blame here." Veena announced but all she did was shake her head. "All I ever did was love him. I did everything for him. Where did I go wrong? What did I do so wrong to deserve this?" She wailed in her friend's arms. Tears rolled down their faces.

"All I ever wanted was someone to love me, to have a family with them and grow old. Was I asking for too much?" She hiccupped as Veena rubbed her back. "Does daddy know what he did?" Veena shook her head. "No, all he knows it that you collapsed."  A slight pinch in her stomach made Alaire flinch.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" Her friend asked her. "My stomach feels weird." A soft sob escaped Veena's mouth at the very statement. That's when her father walked in. He had passed Lucian out in the hall, he refused to look her in her face; not after what he did. 

"What's wrong, Veena?" Alaire asked but she was met with silence. "Alaire, my everything." Emmanuel spoke in such a soft voice. He took his daughter's hand into his, rubbing them gently. "I'm going to tell you something that happened earlier but I'm afraid your pressure goes up again."

Alaire looked at both her father and Veena as she glanced at each other. "Tell me. No more secrets."

Emmanuel took a deep breath. "Honey~"

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