Part 36

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I bit into the pillow as I came for the second time this morning. "Dammit." Lucian came between my legs again. "Good morning, sexy." He grinned at me. "Are you feeling up for the pool?" He asked casually cleaning me up. "How about some breakfast first."

"Breakfast seems fine."


"Veena is a gift from God." Lucian licked his lips, undressing me with his eyes. "Stop it." He stood up and walked to the door and I smiled. "Look at your little booty." I smacked it and he covered it. "No!" I laughed as he opened the door for me.

As soon as we entered the dinning place, I knew my scar would get some stares but I didn't care, I was going to show it off. It wasn't entirely healed yet but it was fine. "You have anything in mind you want to order or are you just picking randomly?" Lucian asked pulling a chair out for me. "Thank you and I don't know, maybe something simple."

I was looking through the menu but felt like someone was looking at me. "You really are stunning, how did I get so lucky?"

"Stop with the compliments, you have me grinning like a fool." He clasped our hands together as he looked through the menu once more. "You want to try the Migas?" I nodded. "Why not." Lucian called a waiter over, giving them our order.

"And what drink would you like?"

"Orange and apple juice." When the waiter walked away, another one walked up to us looking slightly uncomfortable. "Good morning, I am so sorry to interrupt your day. My name is Ellis and people have been coming with complaints about you ma'am."

"Me? What did I do?" She subtly pointed at my open scar. "There have been some complaints that it is unsettling and would like you to cover up." I could tell Lucian was about to explode. "I'm sorry some people feel like that but I won't be covering it up for anyone. They have the option to eat their meals in their room."

No one was going to ruin my trip. Lucian went on his phone to make a phone call. "Sorry to bother you but I seem to have a situation at the dinning area. I am this close to losing my right mind." He hung up the phone, leaning on the chair. 

"Who had the problem with my girlfriend's scar? Point them out." Ellis shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Why not? Let's resolve the issue." All of a sudden a man walked up and I could tell he was the captain of the ship. "Mr. Appius, what seems to be the problem?" He pointed to Ellis who was stuttering. "There's not a problem, sir. I'll send them to their rooms."

"No, since we are all here, let's resolve the issue." Roger said. "What's the problem?" Ellis looked down. "Table 43 said that her scar was disgusting and she should cover up. I was just trying to help."

Roger went over to their table and the next thing I knew, they were being escorted out the room. "That will be all Ellis, enjoy the rest of your trip Mr. Appius."

"You didn't have to do all that. The girl was just doing her job."

"I know, I have no problems with her but that old, wrinkly couple wants to expire sooner than planned." I hit his hand. "Stop."

"Here are your meals, please enjoy." Lucian placed some in his mouth, nodding. "It's really good."

The moment I placed it in my mouth, Lucian started laughing as my face morphed into disgust. "That's awful. Why would you be so mean?"

"I didn't want to suffer alone." A click sound made me turn my attention to the crowd. "What's the problem?"

"Nothing, I thought I heard something." I looked at him. "Order something else. I can't eat this."

When we were finished, Lucian took me to the pool which was vacant. "Where is everyone?"

"I had the place closed for a few hours so I could have you for myself. Was that being too selfish?" He hugged me from behind, planting kisses down my spine. "Wait! Can you go into chlorine? You just-"

"Yes, don't worry, my stitches were removed and I'm healing well."

"I'm sorry, I just want to make sure that you're alright. I don't want to annoy you with my worrying." I had so many people around me that care so much.

"I appreciate that you care. I am fine." I took off my skirt piece, waiting for him to stop stare. "I can't really swim so hold me." I stated as he took his shirt and shoes off.

"Well neither can I." We looked at each other before laughing. "Can you even float?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Probably!"

"That's not even an answer!" Lucian walked into the water until it reached his waist. "This should be good, we won't move from here."

"We can't move from here or we'll both die." He laughed, taking me into his arms. "I can't thank you enough for all this. No one has ever done anything like this for me. I haven't felt this relaxed in so long."

His hands rubbed my behind as he snuggled me. "It's been a hectic few months. What do you want for Christmas, we only have two more weeks." I thought about it and smiled.

"This is too cliche but I want nothing. I just want to stay this happy. I am grateful for everything and everyone in my life. I already have what I wanted for a very long time."

Lucian agreed. "Well I want a play boy magazine but with just you in it." I hit him again. "You are so perverted. "But that would be literally the best give you could give me to."

"What about my heart? I thought that would be good too." Lucian looked indecisive. "I mean, your ass would be good too. I'm just saying." I scooped a bunch of water in my hand, dunking it on his head. "Pervert."

He laughed once more making my heart melt. His laugh was so beautiful. "Do you feel that?"

"Feel wh- You are such a horn dog!!" He released another laugh as I hit him. "Get it down, we are in public."

"I'm trying."

"No you're not."



"What the hell is that? Do you hear that?"

"What is it?" He asked but I didn't want to make another scene so I shrugged it off. 

"It's probably nothing."

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