Part 12

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"Boss, I'm fin-"

"If I so much as smell your perfume at the entrance of this building, I will double your leave, do you understand me?" Martin almost had a panic attack next to me as he was bring Lucian in to thank me for the designs I had made for him.

"I want you to get all the rest you need. You are a valued worker here just the rest of my employees but what you did this morning was beyond scary. I almost called an ambulance." Martin walked to the other side of his office, picking up a bouquet of Azaleas and a chocolate and handed it to me. "I'll see you in a month." He guided me out the office.

"You better listen to him." Veena said, turning the corner. "Since you're on leave, I'll be working for the big man. Come back soon."

"Veena-" She hugged me. "You're going through a lot right now and you really need some time for yourself. I love and care for you so please, talk to someone about this, someone that can help you."

"I will. Don't cause too much trouble while I'm gone." She scrunched her nose up at me. "May Vishnu help them all." Laughing as she entered Martin office. "I'll call you tonight, love." I took a deep inhale before walking out the building to my car. Of course I got a lot of stares but at this point, I really didn't care. I just wanted to go home.

Home. Should I even be calling it that? What was I going to do about this whole situation? I groaned, holding my head. "I can't do this anymore." All of a sudden, someone tapped me on my shoulder, causing me to drop the bouquet.

"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I just wanted to talk to you." Looking up, it was none other than Lucian Appius. "Don't you have a company to be running?" I snapped, reaching to pick up the bouquet. 

"I do, actually, I was just leaving, I had my business transferred to Martin and now I'm on my way. I just saw you here and wanted to ask-"

"If  I was alright? No, I'm not, I just had a mental breakdown at work, in front of everyone, I might add. Not to mention, I have a failing marriage but you already know that part as well since you were the man to show me and I'm being sent home from the one place I feel happy. Which you also know because you were there. You're always there!"


"Is there any other situation you would like to be part of?" He looked down at me. "You have every right to be mad at me, I get it. You were hurt in ways that no one should go through but you have so much more valu-"

"I'm actually pretty worthless at this point but thanks for trying to make me feel better and the gift." Opening the car, I got in but he stopped me. "Azaleas symbolizes abundance and makes an ideal gift for a person who wants to be successful. By giving this flower, you are telling the recipient you hope that good things may come their way."

I looked at the bouquet in my arms then back at him who had a small smile on his face. "Get ready for what you deserve." With that, I started the car and turned to him once more. "Thanks but I'm not sure what that is anymore." With that, I drove off.


As soon as I entered the house, something immediately felt off. "Baby, you're back so soon?" Westly walked out of the kitchen with a smile on his face. "Yeah, Martin told me that I needed some free time." He walked up to me, taking my coat and bag, resting it on the counter.

"What are you doing home?" Aren't you supposed to be out cheating on me? "Well, I decided to take a break as well. I haven't been with my wife in so long and I missed her."



"You missed me? Are you alright?" He gave an over dramatic laugh before sitting me down. "I know I've been absent a lot and it made me realize how badly you must feel." He handed me a glass of wine. 

"So I took this time off to spend with you. Just you, me and all the time we could spend together." The oven dinged and he pulled out an entire stake. "Let's start with dinner and a movie at home, then we could go out tomorrow and do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" Westly nods with a grin, pecking my lips. I felt a tiny tingle, making my heart flutter. Oh no. "Why don't you go shower and I'll have everything ready for you." Without a word, I got up, making my way to our bedroom. What was going on?

When I arrived back downstairs, he had set up the entire table.

When I arrived back downstairs, he had set up the entire table

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"Wow." He sat me down, pouring me some more wine then sat next to me. "How have you been? You got anymore big time clients at work?" He rubbed my hands. "Yeah, Lucian Appius and -"

"Wow Lucia-"

"Could you let me finish my sentence before you interrupt?!" I snapped at him, pulling my hand away. 

"What? Baby I was just ask-" I cut him off. "You always do that! I can never finish a sentence around you! You always cut me off like I don't even matter." Westly bit his lip, leaning back. "Wow, I never really picked up on that."

"Is there anything else that bothers you? We could talk about it right now" Yeah, you screwing someone that isn't me.

After a short while a settled on a quiet 'no'.

"I never meant to do that to you, from now on, I'll try my best to listen to you instead of cutting you off." He stood up, walking behind me, rubbing my shoulders ever so gently. "I'm here for you." He planted a kiss on my cheek. 

"I'll do anything for you, Alaire. You're my all. Just say the word and we'll do it, this is all about you."

I looked at him dead in his eyes as he smiled down at me. "Can we go on the trail where you proposed to me? We haven't gone there in so long." He simply nodded. "And we could also buy those awful hotdogs that gave you really bad gas." He teased me as I remembered that day.

I laughed bubbled out my mouth as he had to sleep outside on the balcony that night. "It was really bad." He snorted. "Bad? The neighbours down the block thought it was a chemical spill." I hit him as he laughed at me.

This was all that I wanted. Just someone to love me the way I do them. Someone to talk with. "Hey, are you alright? You're not eating a lot." Shaking my head, I smiled. "No, I'm fine. Sit so we could eat together."

Could I still have that with him? I could always forget this and start over. He looks like he's changing. Maybe this could actually work out.

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