Part 28

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"Can you believe that?" She spoke to Dr. Princeton. "Alaire, I need you to tell me exactly what you're talking about." Oh right, she wasn't explaining.

"At this point, I have no idea. I'm just frustrated with everything that's going on around me. I probably messed up whatever I had going on with Lucian. Westly is actually continuing the marriage with the woman he cheated on me with and now I have to go talk to Lucian about this so called engagement party that I know nothing about."

"I'm saying this because this isn't good for your mental health. Break off the fake engagement. It's not healthy for you or anyone else."

Alaire looked at the woman like she cursed her family name. "Are you crazy? We've come this far to humiliate everyone? I think not. This is happening."

"Who are you thinking about when you do this? Who are you hurting if you go through with this? You're going to hurt everyone."

"Not everyone." Was her argument. "I can't make you do anything, I can only advise it, but please think this through."

"I will."


Alaire sat opposite Lucian who was just as quiet as she was. She looked around his office. "Your office is lovely. Did you design it yourself?" He didn't reply, all he did was look at his laptop. "I'm here because I wanted to apologize for walking out on you like that. It was childish and uncalled for."

"I understand that you were upset so I won't hold that against you." She nods, clearing her throat making him look at her. 

"Is there something else?" Lucian looked at her, seeing how nervous she was. "I feel like you're still mad at me. I honestly didn't mean to make you feel any type of way." He sighed, taking his glasses off.

"Listen, Alaire. I meant it when I said that I deeply care for you, that won't change but you need to love yourself first before you go out there again. I know you look alright but you're falling apart."

She stayed quiet. "I know that this feels like everyone's just repeating the same thing to you but you're not exactly over Westly. I get it, he was your everything. He couldn't have done anything wrong in your eyes and he was your heart. Suddenly finding something like that out could make someone go insane."

Alaire, leaned her head forward, closing her eyes. "I just want to get over him. I want this nightmare to be over so I could love again and move on. Is that too much to ask?" Lucian brushed his hands over hers. "It's not. You just need time. You can't just erase all those years in a few months."

He was right and she nodded. "Actually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about." Luca walked in looking pissed but it soon turned into a smile. "My daughter! What a wonderful surprise. How are you?"

She stood up, matching his smile. "I'm fine, how are you?" Luca kissed her cheek. "I'm perfect, it looks like you two made up." He pointed between them. "We were just talking about the wedding." She lied.

"Excellent, did you tell her about the engagement party?" Alaire looked at Lucian who leaned into his chair. "As you said, papa, we just made up, I was about to tell her later tonight but never mind."

So he was going to tell her. Alaire grinned at the thought. "I'd love that, Mr. Papa. Plan away." That made Luca even more joyous. "If the bride agrees then it shall be." He gave them one more smile before leaving.

"I am truly sorry about him. He's been pestering me about this for quite some time now. I've been holding him off for as long as I could."

"Parents, what are you going to do about it?" Alaire smiled, walking up to him. "I'll see you around then?" He looked up at her with a smile.

The admiration clear as day in his eyes. "I'll come drop you off and pick you up tomorrow from work." She simply nodded, feeling butterflies rest in her stomach. "If you want." Lucian stood to his feet, taking her hand. "Let me walk you to your car."

All eyes were on them. Lucian walked side by side, his arms around her and her, his. "I could never be that lucky." Someone mumbled.

"She really is lucky."

The valet came around with her car, handing her the keys. "Be safe, call me when you make it back to your office. I love you."

Alaire's voice got trapped in her throat. "I-I" Without hesitation, he kissed her lips gently. "See you soon, my love."

"Mhm." Was all she could muster up as she got in her car, driving off. 


She entered her building and all eyes were on her. What was going on? She made her way to her level, ignoring the stares. As soon the doors opened, Christopher was smiling at me ear to ear. "How was your visit to your fiance?"

"How did you know?" He placed his phone to her face and she gasped. "Love birds can't even work without seeing each other? What is this?" A picture of them kissing was big and bold all over the internet.

"Is it that serious?" She asked walking to her office. "Beyond serious." Veena said walking in with folders in her hand. "Everyone's talking about you. People are so jealous like they could ever pull him or you."

Veena bumped into Christopher before walking out the door. "She's so annoying. I swear." He handed her a letter. "Came in the mail for you. Didn't have a name on it." She took it from him, opening it.


I know I'm a monster and a complete asshole for saying what I did but please listen to this.
I did love you, I fell in love with you all those years ago and I became greedy.
I wanted to make money to take care of you and prove your father wrong but my intentions changed over the years.
The moment we started spending time together, all my old feelings came rushing back to me.
But I told myself that it would be too late to start over with you. I told myself that you would have been disgusted with me if you found out.
We always wanted to start a family together and I ruined the opportunity with my selfish ways.
Is there any way you can forgive me?
If you get this message, please call me.
I really do love you, even if you lost everything for me.

Alaire crumpled the paper, throwing it across the room. She was fuming. How dare he? "He thinks he could get me back after the shit I've been through?" She laughed to herself forgetting Christopher still there.

"I think I should leave."

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