Part 43

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Two years have passed with Alaire and Lucian and things have been hectic but they stuck through it together. Of course they would have some ups and downs in their relationship but who hasn't. They both decided that they wanted to move in together and have been living with each other for a few months now.

"Fix it, dammit!" Lucian yelled on the phone as he came. His hand gently massaged his woman's breast as she rode him on their couch. "Don't stop." He mouthed to her, flinging his head back in ecstacy. 

"Yes, sir." Alaire rolled her hips, biting down on her lips, trying to stay quiet. "When I come back this evening, it should be in order." Without waiting for a response, Lucian hung up, throwing Alaire on the couch, getting on top of her.

"I think I created a monster." He smiled entering her once more.



"Don't go baby." Alaire pouted as she watched him get ready. "I already missed two days of meetings alone. I can't stay home anymore. Virtual meetings don't work for me. Plus you can always go out with Veena. You've been complaining about not spending enough time with her."

Alaire had two weeks off from work and she didn't set any plans. She thought her idea to keep Lucian home was brilliant until he caught on to her. "I can't. She's in India with her parents. She won't be back for another four days."

"What about pretty boy?" Lucian put his shoes on, walking down the stairs. "Christopher went to Australia to visit his parent's grave. You hang around Veena too much."

"You father?" He grabbed his keys. "Daddy's on a trip in Vegas with your dad. He won't be back until the weekend."

"I told you that you should have never given up on archery. You were getting so much better at it."

"I shot the instructor in his ass, twice might I add. I'm practically banned from the range until I die." Lucian stifled a laugh, heading to the door. "You were really traumatized back then."

"It's not funny. I feel pathetic. I have no one to hang around and nothing to do." He nodded. "Then do what you do best. Design."

"That's the whole point of taking time off from work. To not work." He kissed her. "Design something for yourself. Something you've always wanted for yourself. You've been doing it for others for years. It shouldn't be that hard."

She stopped for a minute, thinking about it. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll try it." Lucian smiled, kissing me once more. "I love you, be safe and call me if you want something. I'll be killing someone at work."

"I love you too, be safe and don't kill anyone."


She banged her head on her desk, paper and tears all over her home office Lucian built for her. "Why is this so hard? What do I want?" She looked at the mess around her until it clicked. Alaire got up, clearing the area and started once again.

Apparently she had lost track of time because Lucian came home, exhausted, wanting to hold his girlfriend but could find her. "A?" He called out but no response. "It's too late to be out."

Lucian searched the house before calling her phone. The chime sounded from her home office. "What the hell?" He followed the sound to find her with pencils in her hair, paper all over the room, coffee mugs on the floor and her drawing board in disarray. He looked on in horror and she squealed.

"What is going in here?" Her eyes shot to the door with a smile. "Hey Eugene, why are you back so early?" He pointed his diamond wrist watch, slightly disturbed. "It's past three in the morning, love. What are you doing?"

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