Part 9

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Numb. I felt absolutely nothing. A few days later, I was discharged from the hospital and my father decided to keep me at his home but I refused. I wanted to go home and talk to Westly about this entire situation. My body felt lifeless, I felt like I wasn't supposed to be alive. The sad thing about the entire situation is that Westly still doesn't know I was in hospital. 

You would think that his name would be an emergency contact but no, he removed it. Since that night apparently, he hasn't been home. He's been with that whore of his. Rage filled my body just at the thought, the memory of them in that bed. I wanted them dead just like my unborn child. My hand rubbed my stomach, feeling all my emotions rushing to me all at once.

The door chimed and clicked closed. "Honey! I'm back from my trip. Sorry I was gone so long, it got extended a few days." He spoke but I refused to speak. "Honey?" He called out to me but I refused to answer. I was so close to blowing up on him. "Are you asleep?" He asked, walking in front of me.

"Woah! Are you alright? You look really sick." He asked in a concerning voice. He was so good at acting that I was almost fooled. This was the man that I fell for all those years ago. He was my everything. "Do you want to lay down? I'll make you something to eat." There was nothing I could say to this man. 

He soon came back with some pancakes and orange juice. A lump formed in my throat as I tried not to cry but he seemed to notice. "What's going on my love?" He asked me in the sweetest voice. This was the man that I know. He would have never cheated on me.

After a long pause, I finally spoke. "Do you love me, Westly?" He stopped for a while, looking me dead in my eyes. "Of course I love you. Look, I know I've been busy these few days and we've been having a few arguments but that doesn't change the fact that I love you."

"Oh really?"


"Then fire Alissa. I'm not comfortable with her being around you."

"Where is this coming from?" He questioned with a deep frown. "Alissa is great at her job, she gets her work done on time, she's great with clients-" I bet she is.

"To fire her is like losing my company. Did something happen at work? Why are you bringing this up?"

"One of my colleagues got caught cheating with his assistant and it made me feel insecure." I lied to him just to see what he would do. "Oh no. Baby, you don't ever have to feel insecure around me, I would never do that to you." He placed his hands on my knees. A shiver of disgust ran through my body.

"Humor me." Bitterness ran through my voice. After a few minutes, he finally nodded. "Fine. If that's what you want to make you feel better, I'll fire her." For some reason, that seemed too easy.

"Good." With that, I stood up, leaving him in the room.



"You're joking, right?" Veena closed the blinds and door. "He said that he'll fire her." I argued, sitting down. "Alaire, this man has been sleeping with that woman for God knows how long and maybe even more. Why are you contemplating on giving him a chance?"

Annoyance was slowly filling me. "Veena, this is something between married couples. You wouldn't understand." She scoffed, folding her arms. "It doesn't take a genius to know when to leave someone. He's lying right to your face, you know and yet try to find the good in nothing."

"Why are you so indulged with my life? Why does it concern you? He's my husband and I'm choosing to give him another chance. If she's not there then he'll move on and come back to me." Veena started laughing and I mean doubled over, tears running down her face, laughing.

"Oh, that's rich. It's like you want to be hurt." Her giggles died down. "You do what you want at this point. Catch something for all I care. News flash, Alaire. A man like him won't ever stop so see it now before you really suffer."

Veena shook her head once more. "I can't just throw away eight plus years just like that, Veena. I have to try something." Tears formed in my eyes, thinking about all the years. "It wasn't always like this. He really did love me at some point. I just have to find out where it all went wrong."

"Sometimes, there's nothing you can do. People just stop loving each other, that doesn't mean you did something. The quicker you leave this all behind, the better." I couldn't do it.

"Your appointment is here. Can you do it?" She asked me. "Yeah, let's get this over with." She opened the door but stopped in her tracks. "Hello, I'm here to speak to Alaire Knight." That voice. What was she doing here?

My fist clenched, my heart started beating wildly as she stepped passed Veena. "Hello, my name is Alissa Benjamin, you had an appointment with me." Glancing at her finger, I saw a huge engagement ring on her finger. It was very similar to mine.

"I emailed you about a newly wed home. I apologize my fiance couldn't make it, he had some work to finish." The room was dead silent. No one spoke, leaving her looking highly uncomfortable. "Did I come at a bad time? I could always come back."

So he lied to me once again. He betrayed what little trust I had in him. "No, no please sit, I have some designs that you can look at." I placed a professional smile on my face, ushering her to sit. "Veena, please bring our guest something to drink."

"Sure thing, boss." I couldn't explain how calm I was right now. "So, how long have you and your fiance been together?" She grinned. "Around two years. It took him some time to get his divorced fi-"

"Divorce you say?"

"Yeah, his wife's crazy."

"So what I'm hearing is, you're engage to a married man?"

Veena cleared her throat, telling me to stop.

"Yeah but he never let me around it, too messy."

"I bet it was." Veena walked in with two drinks, placing one in front of her. "Thank you." We side eyed each other before she took a leave. "I have a wonderful idea. How about we keep this a secret from your soon to be husband. It could be like a wedding surprise."

She squealed annoyingly. "I was thinking the exact same thing! Great minds do think alike."

"Yes they do."

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