Part 49

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"Lucas I told you that you can't eat Charvi's face. It's soft but you can't eat it." Alaire picked her son up as he cried. Veena laughed as she held her daughter in her hands. "Smell goo mama." Was his defense.

"These are your sons." Alaire told Lucian but he was busy looking at the man serving the food. "Baby, what's the matter? Who are you looking at?"

"Alaire~" That voice. She pretended not to hear it and continued to pay attention to her sons. "How have you been?" Lucian placed his hands around her. "We can leave if you want." She shook her head. "I'm over him."

"I just want to apologize for what I did to you. Please." She looked at Lucian who looked at her. The table was quiet until she got up. "Make sure he doesn't eat her face again." Alaire looked at Westly but was taken by surprise to see how bad he looked.

"Outside." She brushed past him, walking to the clear area around the corner. "Speak."

"You look good."

"One minute, fifty nine, fifty eight-"

"I deserve everything that I got from this. I deserve to be alone, I deserve to be broke and miserable. I didn't treat you well when we were together and it's true."

"What's true?" She asked, folding her arms. "The only reason I continued to approach you was to get your father's money." Westly looked down in shame but she wasn't affected at all by his words. "I figured that part out."

"I know I'd be asking too much by asking for your forgiveness but please, Alaire. I feel like dying everyday thinking about the way things had ended. I always thought about our baby and what would have happened if I was just loyal to you. If that miscarriage never happened. Where would we be?"

Where would they be? Would they have been happy? Or would they have gotten along for the child's sake? Or maybe he would have denied the child and left. "It's too late to think about silly things like that. I have a family now and that's all that matters."

Westly nodded, forcing a smile. "A family. Congratulations on your boys, they look just like their father but they're cute." That comment made her smile a little. "I know, the audacity of them to look like him after I carried them."

He chuckled before looking into her eyes. "I'm glad I met you, even if it wasn't forever. You are an amazing woman." She nodded at him. "I'm sorry you couldn't see it but I can't see my life turning out any other way."

He nodded, stepping away from her. "It's been so long since I saw you and I told myself, the minute I see you, I would run you over with my car, or beat you or have daddy handle it-"

"I would have you run me over with your car twice than have your father deal with me."

"But I don't feel hatred or anger anymore. So have a wonderful life Westly. However you choose to live it. Don't stop anything from making you love again and please do it the right way this time. You should have learnt something by now." His smile widened.

"Yeah, I'll try. You best be getting back inside before that husband of yours come out here." Alaire nodded, walking passed him feeling lighter. This was the ended the needed. "Are you alright?"

Lucian looked at his wife with concern, rocking Luca in his arms as his brother coloured the paper. "Everything is fine, I'm fine, I'm great. I love you." She pecked his lips, as he watched her confused. "I love you too."

"That's a good sign. No one needs to be killed." Chris stated, holding his daughter for his wife to eat. "He's right."

They all sat at the table, enjoying their food.


Alaire moaned into the pillow as he husband took her from behind on their couch. The twins have been fussy, wanting to sleep on the bed with them. Because of this, they didn't have any time for themselves. Lucian glanced at the staircase ever so often just to make sure they were in the clear.

"Harder." As he slapped her ass, roughly thrusting into her as he glanced at the stairs ever so often. "Oh, yes baby!" He hissed at her, burying her face into the pillow. Her pussy was so wet that her juices were making sounds that kept making him hard.

Lucian leaned on top her, pounding her walls as hard as he could as she slapped his thigh. "Make any noise and I'll stop." Alaire whimpered, crying into the pillow. He felt himself about to burst, as he grabbed his wife waist, sitting her on top of him.

Her back pressed against his chest, her legs opened wide. His large hands groped her breasts as he hips rocked back and forth. Alaire flung her neck over his shoulder as his hips met hers. "I'm coming, Lucian." She moaned in his ear. "Me too baby."

"Mama?" In the middle of her orgasm, she turned her head to see Aden, coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes. "Shit." Lucian came inside his wife accidentally, trying to cover them. "Wait there baby, daddy's coming."

"Seep time. Come to bed now." He whined with a pout. "If you go upstairs right now, we will be right there." Alaire smiled, trying to pull her husband out. "Tay." He said, walking back up the room.

"Never again."

"You were supposed to be watching!" Alaire jumped up, feeling something run down her legs but she ignored it. "I was! He just came out of nowhere. He was so quiet."

Alaire ran into a sare shower, bathing herself off quickly. Lucian joined her as they shared a few kisses in there. "Let's do it one more time,please." His large hands, ran down her body, kissing down her neck and playing with her nipples.

Alaire bit her lips, rubbing her ass on his hardening cock. "Don't tempt me." Lucian looked around, making sure the door to the room was closed. "Please baby, I haven't touched my wife in so long." Lucian's fingers skimmed her back, fully hardening between her legs.

She slowly clenched her thighs around his cock, moving slowly on it. "One more round." He immediately bend her over again.

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