Part 50

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Christopher sighed as his wife, peeked in the mirror again. "My hips got wider and my stomach has a pouch now." He walked up to his wife, kissing her stomach and hips. "You look sexy as hell right now but I can't have you just yet."

Three years had already passed and Veena was still struggling with her baby weight. Christopher tried reminding her every time that she was beautiful but she ignored him most of the time.

Veena smacked his head, pulling him to his feet. "We are in public." She hissed but he didn't care. "I'd remind you in the middle of a zebra crossing if you gave me a chance." She decided to come to work with him today just to see the new company and how things were going.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Bang, I haven't seen you in so long. How are you doing?" A woman around his age strutted to them with a bright smile. "Hey Sarah, I'm great, this is my wife, Veena. Love, this is Sarah, she's the head of our Marketing group."

Veena started feeling slight deja vu at that moment. "Wonderful to meet you, I didn't know you were married, I never saw a wedding ring." Christopher looked at her confused. "What are you talking about, I wear my ring everyday."

Veena immediately saw right through the woman. "Your ring probably needs cleaning again or some people need glasses." Sarah glared at her for a few seconds before going back to her chirpy self.

"Sweetie, I'm late for a meeting now so I can't show you my office, Sarah can you show here my office please?"

"You know I would. Go before you're late." The bitch touched his shoulder but he paid no mind to it. "Thanks, you're the best." Christopher turned to his wife, kissing her goodbye. "I'll be back in an hour. I love you."

"I love you too." He ran off, leaving the two women together. "You know he has a wife but yet you still try. How pathetic can you be?"

She ignored her, walking to the elevator. "I just see a cougar taking advantage of a young man with potential and he deserves to be with a woman around his age."

Veena clenched her fists. "You can try all you want, but you have nothing he wants in a woman. The man only has eyes for me. Say what you want, nothing can change it."

"But there is one thing that I have that you can never get back." The doors opened as they both stepped out. "What would that be?"

"Time and youth."

"That's two things."

"Be sarcastic as much as you want. Your elasticity is fading just like your beauty."

Veena grinned in her face, pushing her out the way. "I know that you want me to act all jealous and sad but I know my husband. He would never leave his sexy ass wife and beautiful child for a bimbo who can't even find a single man."

"I can be a real good step moth-" Veena raised her hand to slap her but Christopher walked in. "I forgot m- what's going on here?" She was about to explain but Sarah started crying. "She was being so rude to me, Chrissy."

Veena's mouth twisted sourly at the nickname. "What?" Sarah walked toward him with tears in her eyes but he pushed her away, walking to his wife who had tears in her as well.

"Baby, what did she do? Talk to me." He wiped her eyes, grabbing a water from the mini fridge. "She thinks she could steal you from me and be a good step mother to our child."

Chills entered her body as he turned with the nastiest glare. "What the fuck did you say to my wife? You actually think I'd leave a woman for a girl? How petty and ridiculous can  you be?" Sarah tried speaking but she had no words.

Her eyes met Veena's who was smiling but went back to sadness as Chris hugged her. "Alaire will be hearing about the way you treated her sister and my wife."

"Her sister? I didn't-"

"Well now you do, get out of here." Sarah stormed off in defeat and Chris turned to his wife. "Stop faking. I know you're not crying. You cried harder for donuts." She grinned, kissing her husband.

 "She was so annoying, your kindness makes everyone want you." He rolled his eyes. "Too bad, I only love you." Veena grinned at her man.  "I love you too now get back to your meeting."

He smiled, smacking her ass and walking off.



Alaire sat in her home office with a spandex and shorts on. She was angry with the world at the point in her life and it was Lucian's fault. A knock made her look up to see her husband looking at her with sadness.

"I don't want to see your face right now. Go get the boys from school." She looked down at her work again as he slowly slid into the room. "I just wanted to make you feel relaxed. I didn't mean anything by it."

She slammed her hand on the table, making him jump. "Making me feel relaxed and getting me pregnant are two different things. I'm in my forties, Lucian, the boys are only five." Lucian looked at his wife's swollen belly. She was around seven months and it wasn't going well.

Anytime something didn't fit her, she would blame him and start the entire age speech to him. If she was sad, she'd bring up the pregnancy. If the place was too hot, it would be his fault too. Everything led back to him getting her pregnant but he took the blame.

Carrying Aden and Lucas was easier than this and she cried back then too. She vomited half the day, peed herself constantly in public, gas pain and she was paralyzed because their child took a nap on her abdomen.

Her ankles were swollen, so was her nose and breasts. She was always uncomfortable. Today she was resting comfortably for the first time in weeks and Lucian woke her up with a kiss on her stomach, leading to their baby, kicking for the rest of the day.

She was so pissed that she cried. "Christopher said he'll pick them up and take them for ice cream."

"Go join them. Get me some too." He kissed her head softly. "I will get your ice cream, I love you."

"Hm." She leaned away from him as he smiled at her, walking out.


When he came back home, she was on the couch, watching a movie. Lucian handed her a spoon and a napkin. "Thank you, Eugene." She smiled up at him which he returned.

"No problem baby. You relax."

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