Part 10

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Third Person~

Alaire placed her red lipstick on, looking at herself in the mirror. Westly walked in, giving a low whistle. "Don't you look gorgeous." She gave him the fakest smile she could muster. "You really think so? I'm having a dinner with a client. You know how it is."

"Don't I."

Alaire hummed, walking up to him, adding a sway of the hips. "Don't wait up for me. I left something for you to eat in the microwave. Just heat it up." He tried kissing her goodbye but she dodged him. "Can't ruin the makeup." Was all she said.

As soon as she exit the room, her face dropped, making her way to the kitchen, opening her purse. Alaire pulled a bottle out containing a powder, sprinkling some on his food. She walked out the house, hopped in her car, driving down the street. 

Her phone rang off and she already knew it was Veena. "You ready?"

"I'm down the street." Pulling up the secret camera she placed in the kitchen, she saw him eating the food. "He took the bait, now I just have to wait ten minutes."

The day Alaire found out that he wasn't going to change, she decided she was going to make his life a living hell. 


Opening the door, she smiled. "Honey! I forgot my cell phone. Have you seen it?" She called out only to hear silence. Perfect. Alaire turned he corner to find him face first in the food. She laughed loudly, slapping the back on his head roughly. "You dumb bitch."

Alaire took the phone out his pocket unlocking it. She went through all his schedules and contacts with a smile. "Time for some fun." She started dialing some numbers.

"Hello! Is this Mr. Oswald? Good evening, I am so sorry for calling you at this later hour but I am Mr. Knight's new P.A. He told me to cancel all deals. Mr. Knight told me that he will not be taking any calls right at this moment."


"He had some really bad tacos earlier, it gave him bad diarrhea. He can't sign the deal and said that finding some else would be much more suitable."


"Please, he understood that the money is non refundable and is willing to be the bigger person. You won't ever have business with us? Well if you insist, I cannot force you to do anything you don't want to."

She deleted and mixed up all the plans and dates, making sure to leave no evidence. "All done." Alaire walked out the house once more, feeling much better about herself. Her phone rang once more. "I assume that you're finished?" She giggled evilly on the other side. "Of course I am, I'll be there in a minute."



"There she is!" Veena cheered, handing her a glass with alcohol. "How do you feel?" How did she feel? Was she happy, bitter, sad, depressed? "Honestly, I have no clue." Was doing that the right thing? Probably not but he needed to learn the hard way.

"Here comes the king himself!" People cheered loudly as none other than Lucian walked in. Alaire's stomach dropped at the sight of him, her mood immediately dropped. "I wanna go somewhere else please." Since that night, she hasn't spoken to him.

"Sure, I know another club ar- oh my gosh here he comes." Veena turned the to walk away. "Alaire, how have you been?" Lucian asked her but she refused to talk to him. "I want to apologize, I haven't been the same since that day. What happened to you is all my fault."

She held her purse, walking to the exit. "Slap me, hit me, punch me. I truly am sorry." She spun to look at him dead in his eyes. "What are you sorry for exactly? Putting me under so much stress that you sent me to the hospital, embarrassing me and making me feel like an idiot for not knowing about my husband or making me lose my baby?"

"All, everything. It wasn't my place and you have every right to be angry at me." She paused for a moment as he gestured her to a private room. "I promise you this time, no one is in here. I just want to talk to you. I want to explain everything to you."

She shouldn't be trusting him but she had so many questions that she wanted answered. "Fine but if I see one naked person, I'm kicking you in the balls." Lucian nodded. "I agree." She cautiously went into the back room, seeing that it was empty.

"See? No-" She cut him off. "How did you know about my marriage? No one knew that I was married."

"Your father made it slip one day while he was over, drinking with my father. He said that he wished that you had married me instead of the bald headed Westly." She snorted. "That sounds like daddy." She folded her arms, leaning on the seat.

"I found it strange that he had a son in law and wasn't boasting about him. It was a lot but I did my research and found out that he's been seeing his secretary." She buried her face in her hands, sighing loudly. "Yes, I know that part but ...thank you."

He looked at her confused. "Thank you for letting me know, even though it hurt more than anything. I'm glad I know and now I could do something about it." His brows perked. "If you need any sort of assistance with anything, please, let me know. Let me make it up to you in any way I can."

Lucian felt like he lost any chance he had with her. It's not like he made her lost her earrings. She miscarried a baby, one she wanted for so long too. "I understand, thank you." He watched her walk out the room, admiring her body as she left.

Veena joined her friend outside. "How did it go?" She asked. "He apologized over and over again, asking to help me with anything that I needed, blah blah." Alaire wasn't going to need his help. Not now, not ever. 

"Come on, let's go get drunk." She screamed.



Walking back into the house, she found him in the same spot. "Worthless piece of shit." Alaire slapped him as hard as she could over his head.



Three times.

"Good" She threw his heavy body on the couch, not caring how he landed. "Goodnight."

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