Part 4

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I took of my jacket, sitting on the chair, trying to avoid Veena's icy glare. "Repeat to me exactly what he said?" She walked around the desk, making me face her. "I told him about the events he kept a secret from me and he said that he felt inferior to me."

She threw her hands on her head, praying in Hindi. "You actually bought that?" I frowned at her. "He said that, he wanted to make a bigger name for himself before bringing me because he wanted me to be proud of him. Isn't that sweet?"

The look on her face said something completely different. "That would never, ever happen! Your father is freaking Emmanuel Achebe! One of the richest black men alive. Do you know what else people know?" She questioned me. "They also know that you're his daughter! One and only, might I add."

She sarcastically grinned. "And to add to this beautiful list, is the husband no one knows she has. No one could even give a name! If people had known you were married, they would have said, 'oh Alaire's husband?'. So to answer your question? No matter what you do or even say, it won't make a difference because you were born inferior to him."

I choked up a little. "That's exactly what he doesn't want." 

She sucked her teeth. "When he married you, he should have known that this would happen. He didn't marry to make a name for himself, he married you because he loves you, being a nobody and all. It's your job to make him feel like somebody, not everyone else. He shouldn't be leaving you on the side so he could look important."

She was right.



I took my phone out calling my father. "My everything, how are you?" He said cheerfully. "Daddy, I have decided that I want to surprise Westly at the celebration. Could you tell me what day and the time please?" 

"That's wonderful news! Would you like to go with me?" He asked. "No, I want to arrive there by myself, act like you don't know anything." He hummed over the line. "I could do that."



"What did your baba say?" She leaned over my desk, eating my food. "He said that they will be having it at Golden Melody this this weekend. He told me that gates open at eight but the real thing starts at nine. He already got me a pass since I wasn't invited so getting pass security wouldn't be an issue."

Veena clapped in excitement. "This is so fun! What are you going to wear? What are you going to do with your hair? What about nails? You have anything in mind?" I haven't thought about it that far. "I probably have something inside my closet that I could thro-" Verna sneered at the very sentence. 

"Absolutely not!" She grabbed my arm, picking me off the chair. "We will go shopping right this moment. We already dealt with the client we had this morning, our next one is at six this evening. We could find a dress in that time." She encouraged me. "You sure about this? I don't want to miss anything."

"It's going to be just fine. I have my business phone with me, so if there were any emergencies, we will know." She said while shoving me out the door. "You don't have to be so rough with it." I mumbled as we left.



"No, try something else on." Veena crossed her legs, flipping through some catalog about the latest cars. I groaned in protest but she didn't even take me on. "Veena, I'm tired, I'm hungry....I'm tired." She glanced at me for a second before looking at the magazine again. She said ever so calmly.

"So you want to appear in front of hundreds of people looking like a basic bitch? Is that what you're telling me?"

I pouted at her words. "No, I don't. I'm just tired." The employee came, offering us some wine but Veena stopped me. "Weak bitches don't get wine." She sipped hers before taking mine as well. The nutcase stood up, circling me, looking at my body up and down. 

"We are on a mission and we will not give up until that mission is complete. You must have every man's eyes on you, do you understand? When you step into that event, Westly's chest must be up to his chin, filled with pride. Do I make myself clear?" She turned behind her, waving her palm amongst the dresses, speaking Hindi. Her hand then suddenly stopped.

She dramatically took the dress off the shelf, handing it to me and with a serious face she said, "Alaire, this dress will make that man fall in love with you. Your welcome." She sat back down on the couch, sipping her wine and then I finally noticed that poor employee never left. "I'm sorry you had to see that....I'll go try the dress on now."


"This is it, Alaire, lord Krishna heard my prayers." She gushed at me but I couldn't speak, the dress was beautiful. "You're right, I love it." Veena nodded in agreement, getting an employee to wrap the dress. "Now all we have to do is get an appointment for your hair, nails and makeup and we can be on our way." She pulled her phone out, already finding several places.

"Thank you for this, Veena, I'm really grateful that I have you." She grins but shrugs it off. "You would have done the same for me." A few minutes later, we pay for the dress and was on the road back to the office. "Your appointment for your nails would be the morning of the event and you will get your hair and makeup done at six that same day."

She was giving me my information until her business phone rang. "It's Martin, what could he want?" Martin was the CEO of my job but he could be overbearing sometimes. "I have no idea, we're not late or anything, right?"

"No, I would never make a mistake like that." She frowned answering the phone. "Hello, Mr. Martin, is something wrong?" I couldn't hear much but by the looks of her face, it was serious. "Right away sir, please tell Mr. Appius that we are almost there and thank him for his patience." Appius?! Lucian was in my office?

"He wasn't suppose to be here until next week! Why would he drop in unannounced like that?" I started driving a little faster. "I have no idea but the appointment you had this even was cancelled for him." I quickly pulled in to the building, throwing the keys at Veena. "Park it!" Before running off.


The elevators doors opened and I collected myself before speed walking to the office. "Please forgive her, she's never done this before." I hear Martin begging on my behalf. "Please, not need to apologize, I am the one that came unannounced but it could not wait."

I stepped into the office with a breathy smile on my face. "There she is!" Martin grinned, walking to the door. "I am leaving you into her capable hands, Mr. Appius " With a wide grin and a thumbs up, he walked out. 

I inhaled deeply before putting on a smile. "I am terribly sorry for having you wait, thank you for your patience." I took a seat, pulling up my laptop. "Once again, no apology needed, I came a week early." His smooth deep voice sent calm waves around the room. I looked up to see the sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on.

His eyes were dark, sharp and yet soft, his hair slicked back, his shoulders wide but his suit hugged his back just perfectly. His jaw smooth yet defined. My Lord, you took your time with this one. "Ms. Knight. Is everything alright?"

"Built..." I mumbled, gazing him over once more unconsciously

"Built?" His thick eyebrow raised. "Yes..buil- I mean build!!" I finally snapped out of my trance. "Your home! I mean your home. Yes, that's what I meant." I chuckled awkwardly but he frowned. "Is something the matter?" I asked and he leaned back.

"Yes, yes, actually there is. The email I had sent to this company was not about a mansion but multiple houses." I was confused at this point.

"I'm sor-" Veena burst in with a face full of panic. "I think I read the email wrong." 

Oh God.

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