Part 27

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Alaire and Lucian kissed wildly as they stumbled to the couch of his home. She couldn't even remember the last time she felt so good. "You are too damn beautiful." His long tongue, passed down her neck to her top of her breasts.

She wanted to rip them off as her nipples hardened on contact. He brought his lips back to her as she tried pulling off his pants. Lucian's cock visibly printed out on his pants and he carried size but she didn't care.

She mentally prepared herself to make it fit. His hands grazed her nipples once more, before taking her shirt off. Her bra held the key to the last bit of sanity he had. If it were to fall, his reasoning would too.

"Please fuck me." She whimpered pulling his clothes off. "Do anything you want to me." Alaire didn't care, she needed some good sex. Lucian nodded pushing his large hands through her pants, gripping her ass and panties.

A loud moan echoed the room as she reach around to unclasp her bra. His mouth watered, wanted to suck on them. 

His phone started ringing but they ignored it as he dropped her on the couch, opening her legs wide. The ringing once more played loudly making Lucian wake up from his trance. What was he doing? Was he insane?

The breathless man, fell backward, grabbing the phone. "This...this was a mistake. I'm so sorry, Alaire but I can't do this." She meant more to him than a simple sex buddy. He wanted to make love to this woman. He wanted her to shake under him, cry and beg for more. 

"What? Lucian, please! We were doing just fine." Lucian grabbed his pants and shirt, marching into a random room. Alaire was shocked yet confused. Did he not want this?

Turning to grab her things, he walked out looking slightly presentable again. "Ill leave." She spoke, putting her clothes back on. "Alaire-" She cut him off, putting her shoes on. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me anything."

Her eyes avoided his, making her way to her to the door. "I'll find my way home from here." He was not about to let her walk away without him explaining himself. 

"Alaire, I want to do this more than you but right now is not the time." She rolled her eyes, breaking away from his touch. "Let's just pretend that this never happened. I'll see you around." He grabbed her arm once more.

"You're vulnerable right now. I am not going to sleep with you just so you can regret it later. You're hurting Alaire, I get that but this is not the way to do it. Sleeping with me won't make you get back at Westly for cheating."

Alaire's eye twitched. "How would you know what I'm thinking?"

"So you weren't thinking that? Then tell me what were you thinking?" She fell quiet but her attitude didn't falter. "I care deeply about you, Alaire. I won't do this with you unless I know that you are ready."

"Let go of me." This time, he didn't object but he let her walk out. He knew he had messed up badly this time. His phone started ringing again. "How dare you hang up on your father twice!"

"Papa, please, now is not a really good time." His father heard how frustrated he was. "Fight with the wife already?"

"Papa, please."

"I understand, just do whatever you can to make it up. I'll hold off the party until you're ready." He hung up, leaving his son in deep thought.



"There she is! My favourite person in the entire building." Martin grinned, walking into her office. "Are you settled in?" She nodded with a forced smile but she really wasn't happy. Since the day she walked out of Lucian's house, she hasn't spoken to him or seen him. Her father knew something was going on but said nothing.

"Great. Have fun and make me money." He walked out and in walked Christopher with a small frown. "Your client is here." She was in dread but she was also relieved because this would be the last day she would be here.

"Send her in." Alissa walked in looking worried. "What's with the expression? I thought you would be happy about our project?" She nodded, sitting. Alissa seemed to fidget more than before. "My fiance seems to be rethinking this and it's making me nervous."

Alaire didn't care but she wasn't stopping her either. "Apparently his ex told him something and he's been off ever since. I don't know what to do. Please help me."

"Miss Benjamin, I am a architect, not a therapist. I can't help you." Alaire handed her the project and she smiled. "This is perfect! I'll bring him here to show him our surprise!" Oh right, the surprise, Alaire had completely forgotten about that.

"I don't think-" Alissa pulled her phone out, calling Westly. "Babe, something really bad happened and you need to come here right now! I'll send you the address." She hung up with a smile. "He'll be here any minute."

After finalizing the divorce, she hasn't seem him and it made her livid that she couldn't run away from the situation.

A few minutes later, Christopher was at his desk with Veena, talking about Alissa. "She really is an airhead." Veena spat. "Well that's not very nice, she's just slow."

"I'll take that has an insult." She said.

"Oh, God! Why are you here??" They both turned around to spot Westly huffing. "I work here you dumbass." Chris stood in between the both of them. "I'm looking for Alissa, she sent this address, have you seen her?"

A smile appeared on her face. "Westly, you really don't know anything about Alaire, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Not even where she works? I thought he went her events when they were together?" Chris asked, confused.

"Oh, it was an act. He never really loved her." Christopher hummed in realization. 

"So what about the flowers he had sent? How did they get here?" 

"All he has to do is give the name of the person and the building's address."

"And he still doesn't know what his wife does or work?"

"You'd be surprise what this man knows about Alaire." Westly snapped his fingers. "I'm right here!

"We know. Alissa is right through that door." Veena pointed and he rolled his eyes. "You could have just said so."

He stomped into the room but stopped in his tracks to see his ex wife with his fiance. "You made it!" Alissa went to his side, kissing his lips. He couldn't speak, he was in shock. "This is my husband, you guys met for a few seconds at your father in law's birthday party."

"Right!" Alaire stood up with a forced smile. "Nice to meet you, Mr-?"

"Oh, it's Knight." Alissa answered for him as she sat him down. "I have a surprise for you." She smiled, putting the design in his hands.

"What is this?" He asked, looking through them.

"Well it's your new home, your wife wanted to surprise you with a newlywed home." Alissa was so happy she couldn't stop giggling. "Tada! Don't you like it?"

Westly's eyes widened then looked at Alare. "You did this?"

"Well, it is my job sir." He wanted to talk to her but she looked away. "You two love birds are made for each other."

Westly was too deep in this now. He couldn't say what he wanted to say and it destroyed him. "Thank you." Was all he said.

"I can't wait for your engagement party. Everyone's talking about it." She tilted her head but didn't correct her.

"Sure. Have a good day."

When they exited, Veena ran in. "Engagement party? What was that about?"

"I have no clue, I have to talk to Lucian about this."

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