Part 23

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Christopher cancelled all her appointments for the upcoming months, giving them to other architects, as Martin ordered. There he stood as Veena combed her friend's hair as they all sat there in silence. "I'm so embarrassed right now." She covered her face as he two friends frowned. 

"Why?" Chris asked, giving her some water. 

"I ended up here again, because of him. I can't control my emotions when it comes to that man."

"Your emotions are reasonable but your actions aren't. You cut your ulnar arteries. You would have been dead and he would have been alive and thriving with that bitch." Christopher tried stopping Veena but she ignored him.

"No, pretty boy, she needs to hear this. I love her but she has to take this into consideration because the next time may be in a body bag." Veena looked down at her friend. "You need to see someone, I mean it this time."

Alaire looked down. "I don't think it'll help." She kissed the side of her head. "You won't know unless you try. Plus you have me."

Chris cleared his throat making Alaire smile. "Is there something in your throat, pretty boy?" He ignored Veena. "You have me too, you have your dad and even Lucian."

Alaire gasped, "Lucian! He brought me here. Where is he? I should thank him." Veena shrugged. "After you got admitted, he called us, waited for us to arrive then he left with baba. They didn't even say where they were going."


A few hours later, Veena and Chris left but she wasn't left alone for long as her father walked in, looked concerned yet disappointed. "Daddy, I know. I really messed up this time." Without any words, he sat by my side, kissing my face.

"You were holding in so much pain and anger, I didn't take it seriously and I'm sorry." She leaned into him. "I didn't quite show it for anyone to see it. You can't blame yourself." Emmanuel stared at his wonderful daughter for a moment.

"How about you come live with me? Just for a few months or until you fee better. You don't have to worry about anything." She didn't hate the thought of it at all actually. "Yes please."

Emmanuel pinched her cheeks. "Excellent! We already packed your things-"


"Lucian thought of the idea but he's busy sending them to my home. He wanted you to have no stress. What a good boy."

Her smile turned into confusion. "What about dog shit's things?" Emmanuel grinned once more. "The majority of this belongings, such as clothes, shoes, watches, were all sent off to local shelters. His documents on the other hand..."

Lucian parked his car at the residence, coming out with four boxes of papers and electronics. The rain poured heavily but he didn't seem to mind this type of weather. "What the hell are you doing here?" Westly spoke through the machine. 

"Alaire wanted me to bring some of your important things. You should get them before the rain pours heavier." The papers instantly got soaked, all his flash drives, laptops, printers were being filled with water.

"You have them out in the rain?!" He screamed at Lucian but he just shrugged. "I told you to come and get them."

"Leave and then I'll come for them." A devilish smile made it way to his lips. "I don't think it would be safe to leave these things out here until you arrive. That would be irresponsible."

Frustration seeped into Westly more. "I'll call the police!!"

"For standing on public property? Go ahead." He hummed as thunder boomed across the sky. "You have my things against my will!!"

"I am literally trying to give them back to you. Wow that lightening was bright." He glanced at the boxes seeing them in ruin. 

"Don't you have a multimillion company to run?" 

"Fine, if you want me to leave that badly, I'll go. If something happens to them after I leave, that's on you." Lucian hopped into the car, driving off.

Westly ran out as fast as he could, slipping a few times. The gate opened and all his things were in ruins. Curse words flew out his mouth but no one could hear his cries. He tried picking up the boxes but they just fell apart.

"Oh so Lucian went to drop them off." Alaire confirmed with her father who was still smiling. "He did." She squinted at his strange facial expression but dropped it when Lucian walked in with an expression matching her father's.

They looked like the cat from Alice In Wonderland. "His things have been dropped off, father."

"Excellent, well done my son." She looked between the two of them. 

"You guys know that this engagement is fake right? You don't have to call each other that."

"After today, I claim him as mine." Emmanuel patted his back, standing up. "I'm going to buy you something to eat. I'll be back."

Lucian glanced at Alaire who avoided his gaze. "How are you feeling? Are you in a lot of pain?" His hands gazed over her wrist but she pulled away. "I'm fine, thank you again for being there." Her voice whispered off. "You don't have to apologize."

Alaire glanced at her fingers realizing the ring wasn't there which sent her into panic. "Breathe! I found it on the mess and placed it at your father's home. As soon as you're discharged, I'll place it where it belongs."

"This isn't real, Lucian, you don't have to pretend to like me." He paused for a moment remembering how much she needed to heal. He knew she didn't need his confession weighing on her mind. If she were to care for him like he does for her, Lucian wanted it to be guilt free.

He didn't want her to chose him because of the circumstances. He didn't want to pressure into anything unless she was fully ready to commit but he would be there for her. "Yes, I know but what gentleman wouldn't treat you properly. Fake engagement or not."

Her smile grew slightly. "Thank you." Emmanuel came back with food for everyone as the sat, planning the next few days.

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