Part 35

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I sat at the end of the tub mentally cursing Veena. Half these clothes were too revealing. "Where are my pants?" A knock came through making my stomach fill with dread. "Is everything alright in there?"

What the hell was I supposed to do now? "Um, so there's a slight problem, nothing too big. Can I burrow one of your shirts? Veena apparently had some plans of her own." I heard him shuffle a bit before knocking again. "Here."

I slipped my hand through the door, feeling for the shirt but got a fist filled with pecks. "Someone's in a rush." I could feel the smile on his face. "You can go lower if you want." I slapped his chest, grabbing his shirt.

I put on a red laced underwear, buttoning on his shirt. "Any day now." His eyes immediately scanned my entire body making me feel self conscious. "Having these thoughts are wrong when you're recovering."

His eyes met mine, guiding me to the bed. "The other half of me isn't recovering from anything." I wanted to punch myself in the boob, the stomach and my ass. His eyes immediately widened at my comment. "Are you absolutely sure? I can wait a few more months."

I pulled him close to me, kissing his bare chest. "Wait, Alaire." If I were to stop now, I won't ever have the chance on this trip. I pulled his head down, nibbling on his lips which turned into a kiss. "Alaire."

"Please let me do this." His eyes locked with mine. Lucian laid me on the bed opening my legs. His hot breath tickled my skin as he got closer and closer to my panties. His nose skimmed the thin cloth, causing my hips to rotate slightly.

"You smell so good, baby." A small moan escaped my throat as he planted kisses on my pussy. "Take it off please."


Third Person

Lucian's eyes grew darker as he saw her lewd expression. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as he kneeled down. "Legs up." Without a second thought, she placed them in the air as he ripped them off.

His hands gripped the back of her knees, looking her dead in her eyes as his head lowered between her legs once again. One lick to her clit sent shivers down her body. Her stomach pooled with heat as he lapped her pussy, teasing and sucking her folds.

"Lucian! Wait!" Her hips bucked against his face but that didn't stop him as he tugged on her clit. Her juices leaked down his chin on to the bed. "Oh! Wait!" Her hands gripped his hair as her legs shook.

Alaire pulled back but that pissed Lucian off as he dragged her back. His fingers slowly sank into her, pumping into her slowly. A dry sob left her mouth as she rode his fingers. "I didn't tell you to move."

His fingers abruptly stopped causing her to fret. "I'm sorry, I won't move unless you tell me to, just don't stop." Lucian's fingers curled inside of her. "HFNJSH." Her pussy tightened around her fingers as water gushed out of her but he didn't stop there.

"Holy- Lucian, please!" Her legs shook as her back arched with her second orgasm. She couldn't see anything, she couldn't hear anything. Lucian licked his fingers and mouth clean. "I think we need new sheets."

Alaire blinked a few times, snapping out of it. "Sheets? Sheets?" She looked down to see the a big wet stain. "What happened?" Did she spill something? Everything was so hazy. Lucian picked her up, taking her to rinse her body off. 

Suddenly everything started coming back to her as he left the bathroom. "Oh my gosh." Alaire hit herself, scolding her body for doing something so embarrassing. Nothing like that has ever happened before.

When she was finished getting ready a second time, she came out to see Lucian with a clean bed. "There you are. How do you feel?"

"Um, good." She didn't dare look at him in his eyes, she was too ashamed. He tried hugging her but she made a run for the bed, burying herself under the covers. Lucian belched out a laugh but she ignored him.

"Don't feel bad, it happens." He hugged her under the covers, pressing close to her. "I'm going to take a rinse off, I'll be back." She felt the weight shift and then the shower running. There she was hyping herself up to run in the shower with him.

"You can do it. He just has a dinosaur for a penis, nothing serious." She already knew she wasn't ready to sex but she at least wanted to help him out. "Come on!" She started removing her clothes and swung the door open, scaring him in the process.

"Jesus, Alaire!" Her eyes immediately went to his swollen cock in his hands. "Um, uh. Help?" Lucian felt himself stiffen again at the view at the door. "Come here." She slowly opened the door, flinching as the water hit her back.

"You don't have to do this." Her eyes fell to his cock once more before getting on her knees. Her lips kissed his tip before taking the entire thing down her throat. A loud gag echoed in the bathroom but she refused to look like a bitch. Her nails dug into his thighs as tears ran down her face mixing with the water.

Lucian moaned as she hummed on his cock. Alaire's head bobbed back and forth until she started losing her vision. She pulled back for air, as drool dripped from her face to his cock. Her hands pumped him as she licked and suckled his balls.

"What the fuck, baby." Alaire sucked his head, looking into his eyes and that did it for him. His hands gripped the back of her hair, pushing his cock as deep as she could take it. His thrusts became faster as he eyes rolled to the back of her head but he tapped her chin.

"Eyes on me." Her pussy ached again for attention as she rubbed her clit. A strangled moan left her throat as he pulled out once more. "Come here." He clamped her legs together, slipping his dick between her thighs. Pleasure roamed her body as he sped up his pace.

"Lucian!" She leaned into his body feeling her legs turn into jelly. "I'm coming again." She grabbed his arms as her toes curled. Her body shook as she came yet again. A thick, creamy substance coated her thighs as Lucian came soon after.

They both leaned on each other to support as they came down from euphoria. "Who taught you to do that?" Was the first thing to come out his mouth.

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