Part 39

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"It's you at this point." Veena said as she cleansed her from all evil. Alaire held her breath as she turned. "I'm so frustrated at this point." Since Christmas, Lucian has been waiting for her to feel better and every time she did, something would happen.

Week 1

Alaire walked out in her sexy, black outfit to find Lucian passed out on the bed. She frowned. "Lucian! Wake up!" Nothing. She sat on him, she even kissed his neck and there was no movement. "You must have been tired. I'll let it slide."

The next day he was blowing her phone up with apologies but she forgave him because he was a very busy man.


Week 2

New Years came around and she thought that this was it. They had went to a party but she had left early to get herself ready but when Lucian arrived, she was already snoring on the bed. A bitter laugh escaped his mouth but he just fixed her on the bed.

When she had woken up, she mentally jumped off a very high bridge. "Did you sleep well?" A grin on full display. "You wouldn't even wake up, you must have been tired." Alaire face planted in the pillow, letting out a groan.


Week 3

"Third times' a charm, right?" Lucian smiled at her, tugging the knot on until his phone started ringing loudly. We tried ignoring it but it kept on ringing. "Just answer it, it might be important." And it definitely was.

Luca had a golfing accident and fell, breaking his ankle. He was taken to the hospital where we stayed with him for the night. When they were finally free, no calls, no breast pain, no passing out, they both were exhausted.

"I can't even move, baby." He spoke, collapsing on the bed. "Same." They both crawled into bed together, falling asleep in each others' arms.


"It's been like that for the entire month and we're almost in February! What am I doing wrong?" She asked, coughing.

"You guys are trying too hard, that's why it's never working out. This has to come naturally to you guys. You're ruining the romance and the sexiness of it." Veena sat her down.

"Maybe you're right but I'm just so ready to do this." Veena nodded. "Valentine is coming up, I don't want you to plan on having sex. Just plan on spending time with him and that alone. Everything else should fall in place."

As always, they forgot Christopher in the room as he sat quietly in the corner, sipping his tea. "How long have you been sitting there?" He ignored her and handed Alaire her schedule for the day. "Here you go boss lady." He side eyed Veena once more before leaving the room. "Your boss might be looking for you."

"Did you guys have a falling out?" She rolled her eyes. "No, he's being sassy like always. I really best be going. Call me later when you get off work." Alaire nodded as she started her day. For the next few days, Lucian would be out of the country so she had some time to her self. She planned to go see her father.

Alaire opened her laptop and the first thing she saw when she opened her google made her shock.

Westly Knight bankrupt and wife gone missing.


After work, Alaire went to visit her father who was out in the garden, talking to himself. "Amahle, these would look in blue, don't you think?"

"Daddy!" His head perked up with a smile. "My everything! I missed you. What brought you here? I was just talking to your mother." Alaire pulled her phone out, showing him the news. His eyes widened.

"Well would you look at that." She looked at him with suspicion. "Did you have anything to do with this?" Emmanuel looked at his daughter offendedly. "How could you think such a thing?! You know his business was going to crash from the very beginning. You can't blame that on me."

"I'm talking about his wife going missing." Emmanuel's eyes shifted slightly. 


"No? That's all you have to say for yourself?" He nodded. "So you have no clue where she could be?"

"Not one."

"Are you lying to me? I feel like you are."

"She's probably human trafficked by now."

"What the hell?!"

"I'm just pulling your leg."

"Well that's not very funn-."

"She's dead."

"Daddy, I'm serious."

"So am I, her body could be in Venezuela by now."

"Did you-"

"No, I promise you this time. She tried going to the public about your marriage to bald bitch but I stopped her before she could. I threatened her a little but by the time she could get back to her loving husband, some men got to her. She owed them money."

"Why would she owe them money?"

"Something about not having enough to do what she wants and Bald bitch going broke. She took more money than she could give back. It's a dangerous world we live in."

"That's horrible. No one should die like that."

"She was the one to make that article about you." Emmanuel added.

"That bitch!"

Emmanuel made a face to his daughter. "I mean, that poor soul. I've moved passed that already. You should to."

"Aren't you even slightly curious about bald bitch and what's happening?" Was she? Alaire felt absolutely nothing when it came to Westly and she wasn't even slightly interested in what he was doing.

"No, I'm good actually." Her father smiled, seeing his daughter finally moving passed it. He watched her crumple in pain to thrive above everything and he was happier than ever. "Alright, if you say so."

She looked behind him to see a bunch of flowers. "What's that for?" He turned around with a smile. "Your mother, I decided to visit her grave today. It's been years since I last saw her. Would you like to join me?"

"Of course."


Alaire stood behind her father as he placed the flowers around the grave. "Don't have my head. I'm sorry about not visiting sooner. It's been hectic around here but you already know that. I brought your big head daughter to see you." She hit her father.

"Didn't see grow up well? You would have been so proud of her-" Emmanuel choked up. "I miss you so much, my love. Every waking day is not the same without you." Alaire hugged her father, comforting him as he spoke. 

"I've been trying to be a good daughter because you would have beaten me if I wasn't. I've been in some ups and downs lately but I'm getting better now. I even met someone new and he's so amazing. Daddy really has been doing his best for me, even now. I don't know what I would do without him. Thank you for being there for him."

Emmanuel kissed his daughter's head. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He rubbed the grave stone once more. "Let's get going, it looks like it's going to rain soon." She glanced at the grave before nodding. "Let's go."

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