Part 34

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"The girls are sitting perfectly." Veena gasped as Alaire made a full turn for her. "I know right. Look at the booty." She turned shaking her behind, making the dress move. Veena clapped once more. "You look stunning." The scar was noticeable but she didn't care. She survived cancer and there was nothing to be ashamed about.

It was Friday afternoon and she was getting ready for her date. "You think it's showing too much? What time is it? Would it be too late to change?" Veena shook her head, putting Alaire to sit. "You look perfect and Lucian would agree, the time is 5o'clock, he'll be here anytime now."

She took few deep breaths in before calming down. "You're right." She flipped her braids behind her back, playing with her freshly done nails. "I wonder where he's taking me. I've been trying to ask him for a while now but he's not responding. He keeps saying it's a surprise."

Her best friend tried acting confused as well. "You should have made me do it, he would have told me in a heart beat." Lucian did tell her where they were going. She had secretly packed a bag with some of her belongings and sent it to his house.

Veena made sure to pack a few sexy outfits in there as well, just to help her friend out. "Oh, by the way, when was the last time you saw the red lady?"

"Oh, last week, you think I'd wear something like this if she was here?" Alaire laughed but stopped hearing the door bell chime. "He's here!" Alaire hopped to her feet but Veena stopped her. "Calm down, let me go open the door and then I'll call for you."

Veena made her way down the stairs, letting Lucian in. "Is everything set?" He nods. "Just need to lady of the hour and we are ready." Veena called for her friend as she slowly made her way down.

Lucian knew that there was no way he was letting this woman go

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Lucian knew that there was no way he was letting this woman go. "There is really nothing in the human dictionary that can describe you. I know I say that a lot but it's so true. You look everything beyond words."

He reached his hand out to her, kissing it once more. "I see you found the address. I hope there was no issues?" Alaire grinned. "None at all. I just need you to go and we will be on our way." She turned to Veena smiling. "Take care of the house for me."

Lucian opened the door for her. "Can you tell me where we're going now?" His grin widened. "I actually have to blind fold you now." Her eyes widened. "You can't be serious!" He pulled a blind fold out of this pocket, gently placing it on her. "Can you see?"


"Perfect." He helped her in the car and they were off.


"You look handsome, I have never seen you dress that comfortably before. Even when we were at the hospital. You were always business." She turned her head to his direction. "I don't really have casual clothes because I'm always travelling for business and meetings. But since you like it so much, I'll do it more often."

He raised her hand to his mouth, kissing it gently. A smile spread across her face but she stopped immediately. "Is that the ocean I smell? Are we at a beach? In this weather?" He still didn't answer her but pulled into the parking area.

"Tickets for two." The horn on the boat bleared through the air, causing her to jump. "What's going on? Lucian?" The employee grinned at Lucian. "You two have a great trip?" As soon as he parked the car, he took her blind fold off.

Alaire adjusted to the brightness, looking around. Her mouth dropped in shock. "Surprise." Lucian was taking her on a two day cruise.

"I'm not going to cry because Veena would kill me if I ruined her makeup." Lucian got out the car and opened her side. Alaire came out, kissing him gently but his arms wrapped around her, pulling her even closer. "Thank you for this."

"I wanted to take you Trinidad and Tobago but I want you to be fully healed first. So I settled for this instead." Alaire wanted to do the unthinkable with this man right here but she knew better.

She immediately came down from her high when she realized she had no clothes. "What about clothes? I didn't pack anything."

"Ye have little faith in me. I asked Veena for a help out earlier this week when you were working overtime. Don't worry. I have everything under control." She really could count on her friend for anything. "Remind me to bring something back for her."

"Please enjoy your stay." The employee smiled, guiding us to our room. "The bar is open until eleven tonight, dinner can be served on the deck or to your room. The pool and jacuzzi will be opened to you 24/7. If there is anything you would like the find out, please do not hesitate to call."

Alaire looked around the room realizing that it was one bed. Her heart started beating wildly. "Thank you." Lucian closed the door, hugging her body from behind. She instantly leaned into his embrace. "How about we get something to eat and then relax on the deck?"

"Won't it be cold up there?"

"It's a dome, it won't be cold. I promise." All this woman is thinking about right now is having him all to herself. "Let's get something to eat first."


They sat by the glass, getting a full view of the ocean. "I didn't know you played the saxophone." She smiled. "Well I was bored in my early years of uni so I just picked the most random thing and practiced. What about you?"

"I never really had time to learn things like that. I was just so focused on getting a great job that I didn't make time for anything. You think it's too late to pick on archery? I've always wanted to do it."

"I would gladly be there to watch you shoot someone by accident." He laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Make fun of me all you want but I think I can do it."

"How about I take you for you birthday next year? You have until then to really make up your mind."

She looked at him with a smile. "You actually know my birthday? I don't remember telling you."

"It comes up if you search for your father."

"Oh, that's fake. Daddy hated how random strangers would just send happy birthday cards for me to get close to him so he payed Wikipedia to put a fake birthday. My real birthday is August 6th."

Lucian didn't know if he should feel embarrassed or impressed. "Smart man."

"Yours is June 4th, right? I remember seeing your father throwing you some big 35th birthday somewhere."


"Ok! Serious questions only. Do you see yourself with me in the near future?" She hums, sipping on her juice. "You make me feel happy, safe, protected, you have patience with me and you understand me. I don't see why not."

"So if I were to ask you to take me as yours, would you accept?" She felt like a teenager right about now. "Yes, that would be lovely."

"How about we go back to our room?" She nodded, looking him dead in his eyes. Lucian took her hand, guiding her back to the room.

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