Part 33

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I was finally out of the hospital and ready to see outside. Lucian has been at my side every step of the way. Daddy started feeling much better after constant reminders that I was doing well. "Are you sure you want to go back to work? You know Martin can give you more time to recover. It's only been three weeks."

Veena was on the phone with me as I got ready. "Yes, I'm feeling so much better, I want to make up as much hours as I can. Christmas is around the corner and I really don't to be at the office." I put my watch on, looking at the engagement ring on the counter.

I haven't worn it since the day we cancelled the wedding, Luca still hasn't spoken to me and I don't blame him. "Fine, just be careful on the roads, it's slippery." She hung up as I got my keys, heading out the door.

I looked around my new home in content. After I started feeling better, I bought my new place. My father was obviously concerned that something would happen to me but it didn't hurt as much as it did in the beginning. Of course he checks up on me whenever he could to make sure I take my pills or go the hospital for my radiation sessions.


Entering the building, I was getting the usual stares. "Good to have you back, Alaire." One of my colleagues told me with a smile. "Thank you. It's good to be back." I entered the elevator getting off on my level to see Christopher with a small cake with candles. "Welcome back!"

Veena came out with balloons. "We were supposed to say it together!" Chris rolled his eyes walking up to me with a grin. "How are you doing? Ready to start back those long hours?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, let's get to it." He placed the cake down, handing me the tablet. "You have a few voice mails to listen to, I arranged all your emails from simple to difficult tasks."

"Wow, you already made the table up for the week. Impressive." Christopher looked at me with worry and confusion. "The week? This is for today, I thought we would start slowly since you just came back but if it's too much, I could always-"

"No! I was joking, this amount is good." This was for the entire day? Was I away for that long? Veena bid her farewells before returning to Martin. God please let today pass quickly.


"Boss lady, we have a meeting in ten minutes, I will be taking the minutes." I was dying, I was dying and rotting.  I was stinking up the entire office because of my death. It's only been half the day and I still have an entire section of work to complete. "Coming."

"Are you sure you can do this? It's only been your first day back. Mr. Martin told me that I could give some of your work to Linda, she doesn't mind." 

"No, I got it. I just need to get back in the flow of things and I'll be aright. Let's get to that meeting before Martin blows a fuse about tardiness."

When we came back from the meeting, I could smell the smoke from my brain. I can feel the headache coming on. "The meeting was only twenty minutes, you look terrible." Chris said with such pity in his eyes and voice.

"Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it but I got this. Send in my next client, I'll be in my office taking a power nap, make sure that they knock before they enter." I fell on my couch, knocking out completely.

"You can't be sleeping this heavy at work, love." Someone kissed my head and then my cheek. "Are you going to wake up?" I opened one eye to see Lucian above me with a grin. "Oh! Hey, when did you get here?" I opened my arms for him to hug me but he didn't.

"What's the matter?" He walked over to the chair waiting for me to sit behind my desk. I slowly got up, sitting opposite him. "What are you doing here? I'm suppose to have a client right about now."

"Hello, my name is Lucian Appius, I heard about your amazing work from a friend and would like to see your work up close." What was this man doing?

"Lucian what is going o-" He cleared his throat making me roll my eyes. "Yes, sir, you've heard right. I do the outmost best for each and every one of my clients. You will not be disappointed."

Lucian's gazed became more intense. Did I have drool on my face? "Is there a problem, sir?" He shook his head. "No, it's just that you're so breathtaking that I had to stop for a minute." This man was lucky I was black. I was blushing so hard.

"Um, thank you but this is a professional establishment." He nodded. "You are absolutely correct so how about we continue this at dinner this Friday? We can learn about each other then."

I couldn't stop smiling at this point. "I'm pretty busy on the weekends too but I think I can squeeze you in." Lucian smirked. "You can pick me up at this address." I wrote down my address and my phone number for shits and giggles. "It really must be my lucky day."

He stood up from his chair, kissing the back of my hand. "Until then, I'll pick you up at 5:30, Miss Alaire. Dress tropical." He made his way to the door but I stopped him. "Wait, you still have an appointment with me."

"I just made it so I could have a way of talking to you. You can go back to sleep if you want." Lucian winked at me, walking out the room. This man was so unbelievable. I suddenly felt all the energy rush back to me.

"How was your 4 o'clock appointment?" Chris peeked in with a grin. "Oh hush and get back to work." He chuckled, going to back to his business. "Let's finish this shit and get home."

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