Part 7

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"Absolutely stunning!" Veena cried, taking a bunch of pictures of her best friend. She put butterfly locs in her hair, her diamond necklace sparkled through the room. Her makeup done flawlessly as she smiled in the mirror. 

"You look stunning." Veena complimented once again. "Thank you, this is all because of you." She pulled her best friend into a tight hug, trying not to cry. "Come on! Don't start. Your baba sent a driver for you, he said that you'll go back with Westly later tonight."

Westly. She rolled my eyes at that name. "I'm good, thanks. I'll just take a ride with daddy later." He didn't even come home to get ready, it's like he's doing this on purpose. "Woah, things going bad again?" Alaire waved it off, picking up the casing. "I don't even want to talk about it. Maybe a next time." All she did was nod as we made our way out to the car. 

"Like I said, once he sees you in this, he'll fall right back in love with you." Alaire chuckled bitterly. "Sure." She shrugged. "Well somebody will. You look too gorgeous for them not to." Veen grinned as the car pulled into her friend's home. "I'll see you later, have fun."

She waved her off and there she sat in the car, wondering if she could actually do this.


The building was nothing but grand, flashing lights everywhere, people showing up in their best, big, fancy cars, gorgeous women clinging to handsome men

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The building was nothing but grand, flashing lights everywhere, people showing up in their best, big, fancy cars, gorgeous women clinging to handsome men. The door suddenly opened, the chauffer held his hand out for her with a smile. "Are you ready madam?" His brow raised.

"Yes, sure." She took his hand as he guided her through the crowd. "She looks stunning! Who is she?" People started mumbling. "That's Emmanuel Achebe's daughter. She's never been to one of these events before."

"Alaire? Today must be really special." Alaire put on the best smile she could as she entered the main hall. She gasped silently as the chauffer released her hand. "This is as far as I can go, please have a good evening." He walked away leaving her there all confused.

"Would you like some wine, ma'am?" A waiter asked, snapping her out of her daze. "Yes, I wo- Veena!" She grinned at Alaire, holding the tray. "Surprise!" She looked at her outfit, she was dressed like a servant. "What is going on? How did you even end up here?" Alaire gestured to her friend's attire.

"Well, I was afraid that you weren't feeling well still so I snuck in, stole someone's uniform. Here I am." She grinned, handing someone a drink. "You would think security would be top notch at something like this." She mumbled, shaking her head in disappointment. 

Alaire was slightly worried but relieved as she didn't feel alone. "Where's your baba? I haven't seen him since the night started." Veena scanned the room before nudging her friend. "There he is! In the corner with mister hot and sexy." Alaire rolled her eyes at her friend. "That's Lucian's father that daddy's talking to."

"I know. Now go over there and have fun, I will be watching you from afar." She walked off as Alaire made her way over. "Oh, oh my goodness. Look at this! My night immediately got better." Her father voiced, claiming the attention of a few people around them. She grinned at her father, embracing him tightly.

"Look at you, you're glowing!" He kissed her cheek, introducing her to some of his associates. "Isn't she stunning, Luca?" He asked with the biggest grin ever. " She sure is." Mr. Appius smiled, kissing her cheek. "It truly is wonderful to meet you, my dear. I apologize foe the tardiness of my son, he had prior engagements to handle."

Alaire smiled gently. "It's not an issue-" She was cut off with applauding. "Look who just arrived!" Luca smiled at his oldest son. "I apologize for my tardiness father." He gave his father a kiss on his cheek with a slight hug. "Nonsense, you had things to take care of." Alaire couldn't help herself, she scanned the six foot man from head to toe. His hair slick back, his black and gold suit complimented his physique perfectly.

He looked like a prince. His dark eyes landed right on Alaire and his jaw clenched. This woman was beyond stunning. The moment he spotted her in her office, he wanted to have her. Just the very thought of it made his heart race.

His hands slipped behind his back as he gave her a silent greeting as he didn't trust his voice. Her eyes shifted to the casing in her hand, trying to avoid his gaze. "What kind of greeting was that?" Emmanuel muttered.

"You're right, where are my manners." Lucian gently took her hand, kissing it gently. Alaire's heart could have stopped right there and then. His gaze became hot as they locked eyes once more. "Thank you for coming." Veena stood from across the room, gaping at the scene until a few guards came up to her.

"Ma'am we would like to ask you a few questions." She gulped loudly before speed walking in the other directions. 


A crowd gathered around them as a staff handed Luca the mic. "Would everyone have their seats as we are about to begin." Emmanuel took his daughter's arm as they took a seat near the stage. Alaire scanned the crowd, looking for her husband but she couldn't spot him.

Was he coming? She played with her fingers anxiously until her father tapped her shoulder. "What's the matter?" She forced a smile, shaking her head. "Please welcome my son." Everyone clapped as he took the mic. 

"Thank you all for coming for this celebration, it means a lot to my father and I that our company can grow in both our eyes and we can help others with what we do." Alaire softly clapped as he came  down from the stage but he was walking right up to her. Oh no.

"Speaking of helping others, I would like to introduce to you this wonderful woman." He took her hands, guiding her up to the stage and she was shaking. "Her name is Alaire Achebe." Her brows frowned. No it wasn't.

"She's one of the best architect in the country and I had the pleasure of working with her to build a few homes for families that needed it."

Everything was going so fast for her. Alaire took the designs out as everyone mumbled in approval. "I'm very impressed with these. You really came through." He whispered in her ear, sending goosebumps all over her body. "I told you I wouldn't disappoint."

"Since you did something for me, I'm going to do something for you. When everything calms down, meet me up those stairs." I She followed his gaze then looked back at him. Was it sex he wanted? What did he think this was?

"I'm sorry but I'm -"

"Married, I know." His arms hugged her waist, bringing her in ear shot as the cameras flashed. "Do not think little of me, Ms. Alaire. I have some decency than to make love at a noisy event where anyone could walk in on us. Give me some credit."

A smirk played on his full, pink lips. "I just have a small surprise for you." He helped her down as they parted ways. What was that all about?

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