Part 15

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"Good morni- Jesus!" Christopher walked into her office with a coffee and a bouquet of pink flowers to see a zombie looking right back at him. "I-I mean, uh." Alaire looked at the young man, stretching her arm out for the coffee. "Give me." He slowly slide across the room, placing it at the very end of the table.

"Boss, is there something bothering you?" She ignored the questioned, pointing at the flowers. "Oh! they were addressed to you so I brought it up." Was it Lucian again? She rolled her eyes. "The card says, 'From your knight in shinning armour.' That's romantic, right?" Her face turned into a scowl.

"Throw those into the street." Confused, he cleared his throat. "T-The street?" Her dark eyes met his and his soul almost ran and left him on the spot. "They don't deserve to be in the garbage, they don't deserve to be recycled."

Chris, was too afraid to ask anymore questions to he just walked out, praying nothing was flying behind him. "You got it." Tears formed in her eyes for the millionth time and she was tired of it. "So stupid." Wiping her face again, she opened her calendar to see who she had this morning.

"Boss, I'm back, the flowers are on the street, I even took a picture to prove it." Alaire hummed in approval, looking at her emails. "Good, my next client will be here in thirty, I need you to get me the documents from the Contract team."

Sadly, he didn't know where that was and Alaire realized. "Never mind, I'll get it." Christopher stopped her with a smile. "I know I've just started working here and I honestly have no complaints. I don't want to sound harsh or mean but boss, you should stay here-"

"Good grief! Did anyone see you like this?" Martin walked in, holding his chest. "Please tell me no one did. You look terrible. I refuse for you too see any clients looking like that. Go fix yourself." Martin looked at her assistant. "Were you going to let her out this office looking like that?"

Christopher shook his head quickly. "N-No! Absolutely not sir. I-I was just on my way to collect documents from the Contrast -"

"Contract-" She corrected him.

"Contract team. I best be going." He slide out.

Martin looked at her with a frown. "You need to leave him." Alaire looked up at him, taking her makeup out. "How'd you know it was him? He shrugged. "Big guess. You kept crying that he didn't love you a few weeks ago. I just put two and two together. That man is tearing you apart, Alaire."

She sighs. "I'm just so tired." He nodded, patting her back. "I don't know what's going on between the two of you and it's not my business to know but don't make him kill you. You're young, talented and gorgeous beyond belief. No man should make you feel like this. Ever. Do you understand me?"

Alaire's eyes watered. "Yes, I understand."

"Good, put some makeup on, you look like the Walking Dead." He walked out the office.


During the day, things were going a little better until her phone rang. "What is it Chris?"

"I know you're probably busy but there's a woman by the name of Alissa Benjamin that keeps calling for you. She says that she knows you?"

Her mouth snarled again. "I have no idea who that woman is, please tell her that this is a professional line and it is not here for amusement."

"Sure thing."

A few seconds later her phone rang again. "Now she's claiming that she was a client of yours and wants to reschedule her appointments." Reschedule? What does that even mean? Sighing in defeat she told him to put her through.

"Is that a problem, Ms. Benjamin?"

"Finally! I kept telling that secretary that you know me." Alaire rolled her eyes. "Sorry, he's new. Is there something you wanted?" She squealed loudly. "I wanted to restart my project with you! My fiance said that the wedding is back on and I can continue with our surprise for him. Isn't that great?"

Alaire covered her mouth, trying not to cry on the phone. "Hello?"

"Yes! Yes! That's wonderful news! But, uh, unfortunately, I am completely filled this month. I'll have my P.A set up an appointment for you as soon as possible."

"That's perfect. Thank you so much!" She sent the call back to Christopher before breaking down in her office. "It's not fair." Picking up her phone, the first person she thought to call was Veena until she remembered that they're not on speaking terms. 

She had no one to turn to and it was all her fault. If she just had let go of everything like Veena told her, then none of this would be happening. All Alaire wanted was someone that she could love and they could love her back. She thought if she buried everything from him, they could start over.

"Boss?" Looking up, she saw Christopher looking concerned. "Are you alright? Is there anything I could do?" Shaking her head at him, she smiled. "Not this one." Getting up, she took an envelope from him. "What's this?"

"I just sent you an email about it. Mail crew just brought it up." Confused, she opened it. "Did you read the email?"

"It's about Appius' 72nd birthday ball. You were personally invited. VIP guests invitations have been sent out two weeks prior the event." She hummed wondering if Westly received anything. "These people throw a lot of parties."

"Will you be attending? Invite says that a response indicate whether person is coming or not." She wasn't in the mood to go anywhere or do anything. "It also says a plus one." He added. "I'm not sure I want to go anywhere-"

"Like hell you are!" Martin walked in. "Are you just walking around listening to other people's conversation? You're really free these days." He scoffed at her. "I was doing my random pop ins to scare people back to work. This isn't about me."

He pointed her. "I shouldn't be telling you this but Mr. Lucian has made a great investment in this company-"

"So that means you're going." Martin rolled his eyes at her. "That's not the point, you're going and you could bring K-pop star over here. You might lock in some deals for us." Christopher looked at me. "I don't mind."

Was she really going to do this? "Fine, reply to the stupid email and clear my schedule for the day." Martin looked please with himself before walking out. 


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