Part 21

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"Thank you! Thank yo so much." This was all a big rush. "Come on everyone, give the couple some air." Veena pushed them away but with all the commotion, I was suddenly dragged into a room. The door shut behind me.

"What the actual fuck is going on, Alaire." Westly looked at me, pissed as he stormed toward me. "What are you talking about?"  He grabbed my arm, shaking me roughly. "Ow! Let go of me, you jackass!"

"You've been fucking my competition? Really, Alaire? You're such a whore." He threw me on the chair, walking around the room. "How could you do this to me?!"

Anger filled my chest as I stood, walking to him. "How could I do this to you?" I jabbed his chest hard. "I. DID. THIS. TO. YOU?!" The next thing I knew, my hand flew across his face.

He stumbled back, holding his face in shock. "Did you just sl-"





"You asshole!" I was breathing heavily, my chest was rising and falling quickly. "You did this! You did this to our marriage first!" I was beyond livid at this point.

"For years, Westly. YEARS. You've been unfaithful to me and I took it! I buried it deep down just for YOU!"


"I did it for YOU! I did it because I loved YOU!"


"I did it because I thought you would change for me but you're nothing but trash!!" My eyes scanned the room looking for any sharp object. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Westly slide to the door, trying to open it.

I held the small vase in my hand, raising over my head. "You'll learn to respect me, Westly." 

The door flung open, Lucian locking me in his arms. "Easy, calm down baby." I fought his grip. "Let me go Lucian!" The vase fell out my hand, shattering on the floor but I was willing to cut him with the shards. "Don't let him get to you, calm down!"

"That's enough, Alaire!" My eyes snapped to daddy, holding his cane. "D-Daddy!" Weakness took over my body, making Lucian loosen his grip. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- to do all thi-"

 He raised his hand at me then looked at Lucian. "My son, can you please put some ice on your fiance's arm. It seems to be swelling."

"Of course, dad." Daddy looked at me with so much pity. 

"Dad, what's going on?" Westly stood to his feet, fixing his clothes. "What do you mean fiance? I'm her-"

The room turned cold, daddy's glare chilled us head to toe as he looked at Westly. "Do I know you?"

Third Person~


Emmanuel laughed loudly. "I don't have any sons- well I soon will have one." He glanced at Lucian who had a smile on his face.

"Let's make this interaction short." His cane made contact with Westly's throat. "Touch my daughter like that again- no! Touch my daughter at all and they'll be finding your body parts in Peru. I promise. Do I make myself clear, boy?"

Westly's mouth trembled. "Yes, sir, I understand."

Lucian guided Alaire into the crowd as her head hung in shame. She couldn't believe she did that. He led her to the balcony before returning with ice wrapped in a cloth. "How are you feeling?"

The waterworks begun. "I can't believe I did that. I embarrassed myself in front of him. I was trying to hold out as much as I could. He pushed all my buttons and I just snapped." His arms wrapped around her, rubbing her back.

"You suffered in silence for so long, I'm surprised you haven't snapped earlier." His hand wiped her face. "You're human, Alaire. You took so much from that man and for him to do this to you? He deserves the worst."

Her body made space between them as she broke eye contact. "I know he does." Lucian knows that she's been hurt too much to trust another man and he's willing to wait for her because he knew that she was worth every second.

"Are we disturbing anything?" Veena and Christopher peeked in, looking worried. "No." Alaire stood up with a smile. "My makeup needs touching up though." Veena raised her bag with a grin. A voice cleared their throat.

It was Emmanuel who didn't look his cheerful self. "I want to talk to my daughter alone." Feet started shuffling out without hesitation. Her heart pounding in her chest as he sat down next to her. "Wow, that's a beautiful moon."

"Just get it over with."

"I knew he was cheating on you but I was waiting for you to tell me. I thought you trusted me more with that."

Her heart sank when he smiled. "I had to hear it from Lucian." She frowned. "I was afraid that you might blow a fuse or end up in the hospital. I knew it wouldn't go well if I had said something."

"The only reason Westly has the business he has right about now, is because of you."

"Me?" He nodded.

"All those years ago, he came to me with a plan for his business and it was terrible. He would have been bound for failure. I stepped in and fixed a few things."

"Then why did you invest in it?" His eyes looked into hers. His beautiful daughter who grew up so well, happy, well mannered.

"You looked so happy with him that I wanted you to stay happy. All the hope in your eyes when I agreed. I just wanted you happy and you were."

Her arms clamped around his shoulders as she cried even more. "I love you so much, I'm sorry for keeping something so big from you. I'll do better, I promise."

"You are the best that you can be."

They stayed in that position for a while until she calmed down, pulling away. "So what about Lucian?"

"Even though everything is fake, he seems like the better choice so I agreed and I know he won't hurt you." She nodded, leaning on his shoulder. "Thank you."


After everything calmed down Alaire met Lucian at the bottom of the stairs with a big smile on his face. Cameras flashed with every step she took until he hugged her in his arms. "I just came to say, congratulations to the happy couple."

"You two deserve each other." Martin grinned at Alaire, with a woman at his side. "Who's this?" She asked. "Oh my date? You think I'd come here alone?" He laughed.

"No, I just thought that you were gay." Martin chuckled, popping his hands on his hips. "Why would you even think that?" Alaire shook her head. "I have no clue."

Martin smiled, holding his date, walking off. An annoying squealed rang throughout all the noise.

"Congratulations." Alissa smiled, tugging Westly along. "Thank you and who may this be?" Her hair flipped with a smile. "This is my fiance, small world, huh?" Westly avoided eye contact making Alaire smile.

"Small indeed. This is my fiance, Lucian, you met him before."

Her face sour. "R-Right, flowers guy. I didn't mean to disrespect you-" Lucian shook his head at her. "All is forgiven."

"Next!" Christopher spoke shuffling them to the side.

This wasn't going to be so bad. "Big smile with the new family!" Alaire and Lucian stood in the center as their fathers stood behind them with big smiles. "Show off the ring!" Veena cheered.

Lucian hugged her waist, looking deep into her eyes as his hand held out her left hand for the camera. The diamond glistened with the light. 



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