Holy Hera, he's back

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POV: Annabeth


My seaweed brain.

We're having the annual Percy meeting on Olympus.

After he left it was like we all came to a realization about how fucked up we were. And ever since we've had a meeting about Percy at least once a month.

We all have no idea what happened.

It was like we were under a spell.

All I want is my seaweed brain back.

When he left I went into his cabin and found an engagement ring.

I don't think I've taken it off since I found it. I haven't dated, kissed, or even liked another boy since he left. 

I miss him.

I just wish he would come back.

Everyone has been absolutely broken ever since he left. But me and Poseidon especially.

He looks thousands of years old and barely shows up to meetings unless they concern Percy.

I don't look much better.

I don't think I've slept one night through in about 3000 years.

My eyes look dull and my skin pale.

Some people think he's dead. No demigod can survive thousands of years alone out in the open. Especially a child of the big three. And even if he did survive he isn't immortal, so he could have died of old age. The seven, the gods, and all of his friends refuse to believe it.

He is Percy Jackson. Hero of Olympus, nothing can bring him down.

Once we all arrived Zeus started asking everyone if they had seen him.

Artemis was about to answer when all of a sudden, 10 figures appeared.

I was examining them and started with their shoes then worked my way up to their faces.

And what I saw made my jaw drop.

The fallen.

Michael, Lee, Castor, Ethan, Zoë, Bianca, Silena, Beckendorf, Luke, and this other girl I didn't recognize.

She was absolutely gorgeous. Before we could say anything they started to move making way for two others.


I barely even saw his face before I knew it was the creator of the universe.

I am a daughter of Athena after all.

Plus his aura was very powerful.

I immediately felt like bowing down and praising him, but I refrained.

The second one had an aura almost as powerful as Chaos'.

Once I got over that fact I looked at their face. I felt like I was about to faint.


My Percy.

Seaweed Brain.

"I'M BACK BITCHES!" He exclaimed.

"Chaos, you were supposed to tell them that we were coming. What the fuck were you doing for an hour while we waited?"

The creator of the universe just shrugs.

I was shocked Percy never cursed.

"Percy," I whispered.

"Ok, before you guys get all sentimental just know that we all hate you. We don't actually want to be here. We're only here because we couldn't let innocent people die."

Once he finishes he smirks at all of our expressions.

Everyone's either crying, shocked, devastated, or all of the above.

I will admit his words hurt. Not as much as what I saw next.

The gorgeous blue haired girl leaned over, whispered something in his ear, and kissed him!

My heart broke into a million pieces.

Even though I was upset I was still excited to see my old friends.

And maybe Percy and I could work it out.

I guess everyone was thinking the same thing as we all rushed forward only to be stopped by Luke.

He didn't say anything but the look on his face said enough. I was devastated and by the looks of it so was Thalia. 

"Luke, I-," I begin.

"Save it, Annie. I can't believe you. What happened to you?" He was fuming.

 "You're one to talk." Thalia retorted. 

"Hey, I redeemed myself and have been working my ass off for thousands of years. Percy and all these guys," he gestures to the army "forgave me and that's all that matters. I don't give a tiny rat's ass anymore about what I did to hurt YOUR feelings." 

Nico hesitated but walked up to his sister "Ciao Bia, mi dispiace tanto, possiamo andare avanti? Mi sei mancata. E mi dispiace tanto Perce." I only know a little bit Italian so all I got was "Hi Bia." Bianca slapped Nico across the face. "Va bene Nico. Perdoniamo solo alcune persone e fortunatamente per te sei una di loro," Bianca tells him and gives him a hug. I guess she forgave him. Percy just nodded at him. 

"We would like to tell Nico, Pollux, Clarisse, Grover, Artemis, Hades, and Hestia that we are not mad at you and want to have a proper reunion soon." I know I don't deserve it, but I still wished they'd forgiven me.

After Zeus threw a fit about not needing help we all went back to Camp Half-Blood.

I started planning a Chaos cabin only to find that Percy already made one.

I will admit that I was a little disappointed. I thought that maybe if we were to work together again, we could work things out, but I guess I just have to except that things will never be the same. Ever.

Gods, that's depressing.

The rest of the seven, Rachel, and I, all decided to go to Bunker 9 and debrief.

Once we get inside we realize that Beckendorf is already there.

Rachel, and I being the only ones who knew him decide to introduce him to the rest.

"Everyone this is Beckend-" I was cut off by Leo squealing

"Beckendorf as in THE Beckendorf. You are my absolute hero. Festus is literally my best friend. No offense guys. I'm obsessed with your work. I-"

"Listen dude," Beckendorf cut in. "I really appreciate it and I'm usually not like this, but can you please get out? I was here first and I don't want to spend time with," he pauses "you."

I guess I hadn't noticed tears forming in my eyes. Piper starts comforting me probably using charm speak, but I feel too broken to care.

"Ok listen here, Hephaestus spawn," Piper starts "you don't know anything, so stop acting like you're all high and mighty when really you have no idea what happened all those years ago. I suggest you leave." Her voice was laced with charm speak. It took all of my power not to walk away.

"Huh, so your the demigod who helped defeat Gaea with her charm speak. Piper, right? I have to admit I'm kinda underwhelmed. I've been dating a daughter of Aphrodite for about 4000 years, so I've had to learn to resist charm speak. And I must say that was weak. I wasn't even tempted for like a milli second." He chuckles.

"Shut up!" Jason exclaims and tries to punch Beckendorf in the face. Key word: tries.

Beckendorf painfully twists Jason's arm and knees him were the sun don't shine.

"Damn!" Leo exclaims "Holy Hera that was badass!"

As soon as he says it he's elbowed by Piper who rushes to her boyfriend's side. 

She's about to yell at the "Hephaestus spawn" again only to find that he's gone.

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