I get kidnapped and see some old friends

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POV: Percy

It was silent too silent. We hadn't had an attack in the past 2 days. I know that doesn't seem like that long, but it was unusual for us. So when the attack finally came we were expecting the worst. And the worst is what we got. The army was ten times bigger than the one were End showed up. Where did he get all of these monsters? I asked Tartarus and he said that he is not giving any monster to the other side. He also triple checked to make sure there were no openings. Like the doors of death. It was one big mistery.

At first I thought it was just one big monster army. But of course my luck sucks so End was there too. He was wielding to epic swords that I would have complimented if he was on our side. The monsters looked hungry. That's not good. They also looked like they were being controlled by something. End obviously. "Hi, nice to see you all again," the campers had all gathered on the top of the hill with the army in front. "so, this doesn't have to go down like this. All I want is...." Before he finished a cyclops lunged at Nikki and caught us off guard. The cyclops restrained her in his arms. "Her." He said gesturing to Nikki. Unless of course you would like to come with me instead." He was talking to me. Without even a second of hesitation and ignoring Nikki's protests I replied "Yes," he smirked triumphantly and gestured for me to come forward. "Not so fast. Swear on the River Styx that you will hand over Nikki, leave, and not cause anyone any harm if I hand myself over. " He nodded. I looked at him expectantly "Fine, I swear" he said in a mocking tone. I walked over to him and was immediately tackled by monsters and other creatures. I was struggling to breathe. Nikki kept cursing at me and screaming my name but I knew that I had to shut her out. If I didn't, who knows what I'd do!? I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to mind message anyone any time soon so I messaged Luke. I told him I had to go. That he has to restrain Nikki and keep her safe. While I'm gone he's the commander. I told him a few reassuring things but most importantly I told him not to come looking for me. I then cut the message off. I saw tears start to fill his eyes but he nodded. I took a deep breath "Let her go, and let's go" he motioned for the cyclops to let her go. I noticed tears in Nikki's eyes and mouthed "I love you" to her. Before we left End squealed about how much fun he'll have torturing me. He punched me for good measure in front of everyone and flashed us and the rest of his monster army to the place were I would be tortured. The last glimpse of camp I got was Luke and Beckendorf holding Nikki back. I saw Bianca and Silena crying. The rest of the army was just staring in disbelief. Annabeth was sobbing uncontrollably and Piper was comforting her. She is so dramatic. Leo, Hazel, and Frank were comforting each other. Clarisse was raging and Grover was eating cans. And Estelle had stayed with the younger campers so I couldn't even say goodbye to my baby sister. She'd have to hear it from others that I was gone. I had just started to get to know her.

I was flashed to a cave like dungeon and was chained up. I could just feel my powers being taken away from me. Much like when Hera was captured during the Giant war I too was losing my powers. And man, could End punch. He had a really good upper cut. But his real specialty was carving things in my skin. You would think that that would be hard. That it would be hard to make it look all neat, but he did a very good job. Besides all of the blood it was very well done. But the worst part of the whole torture was reliving me betrayal and all of my memories from my past life. He would just tap my forehead and I would relive it all. It sucked.

I had been here, where exactly I'm not sure, for, once again I'm not exactly sure, but I think I had been here for about a week. End tortured me most of the day and gave me stale bread and brown-yellow-ish water for food. I don't know which one is worse. The only thing End did let me do was sleep. First of all sleeping chained up and vertical was really hard. And second of all the only reason he did that is because I'm pretty sure he somehow inhanced my nightmares. They were really bad. They showed things from my friends dying to my betrayal. It sucked so bad. So so bad. I had just woken up and when I did End was standing In front of me with a sword and an evil look in his eye. I mean, does this dude not have anything better to do than to torture me. I guess not. He spent what felt like hours slashing, stabbing, and cutting me. He probably did do it for hours.

He finally finished and shoved some food, if you can even call it that, in my face. He smirked. As he was about to leave for a break I guess I asked him "What did you mean?" Gods, my voice sounded awful. Very hoarse and rough. "Oh, whatever do you mean Perseus?" He said his voice sounded sickly sweet. "I mean, when you said that you were the one who ruined my life." He chuckled. " It's about time you asked me that. I have been waiting," I scowled "Now get comfortable, well, I guess you can't really get comfortable, because It's story time. I'll make this as quick as possible because this dungeon is disgusting and I don't want to be here much longer. So listen, I am the being that possessed everyone into turning their backs on you. Now I didn't realize they were going to take it so far into physically torturing you. Now that was all them. But I started it." I should've known.


I was so mad at him. He is the reason that I have so many nightmares and am no longer friends with people I cared about.

I was so close to lunging at him. DAM CHAINS!!" I do have my new friends and family, though. Without End I wouldn't be with them. If it wasn't for End I wouldn't have met Nikki. So I was really on the fence. However, one question kept popping up in my mind. "Why?" He raised his eyebrow "Why? You are a demigod. You were to powerful. I had a feeling you were destined to defeat me. I had to ruin your life. Of course it kind of backfired because you joined my brother but if I keep you here everyone will die. Everything and everyone you care or cared about. You also defeated Kronos."

It all made sense to me. A lot of people and things hate me because they think I'm too powerful. But that last part confused me. Why would he care that I defeated Kronos. "So? Why do you care about Kronos?" I asked. He blushed? Did I just see End blush. "Ummm I-I-I-I w-wh- nevermind." He looked as red as a tomato. "Were you two an item?! How?! What?!" I was shocked. And amused. I couldn't imagine End or Kronos for that matter being in love or even dating someone. "Yes, and do you know how much energy it took and how hard it was to revive him? That's why I had to wait like 3000 years before I started this war!"

I was shocked. Revive him? "He's fighting in this war with you too?" End nodded. Looking smug . I didn't know what to say. "Well, I know how much Kronos would like to say hi to you and kill you but sadly you won't be a part of this war. You will be stuck down here forever. Bye!" Great.

I kept hoping that this was like Tartarus when Bob showed up to help us. Gods, I miss him. And Damasen and Small Bob. I single tear fell from my face. Bob never got to see the stars again. "I'm so sorry, Bob." I whispered.
"Pssssst," I looked up only to see two figures. One big one small. I figured they were just Ends minions until one spoke."I heard my friend call. Nobody calls for me unless there is a mess." Realization dawned on my face. I saw a little cat like thing and a ten feet tall Titan, with wild silver Einstein hair, pure silver eyes, and muscular arms protruding from a ripped up blue janitor's uniform. In his hand a massive push broom. "BOB?!?"

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