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POV: Percy

I have been staring at Estelle's picture and have memorized her address. I didn't sleep at all last night. At all. I might even be more nervous to see Estelle than I was to see my mom. Which is saying something. I was worried that she was expecting someone amazing and cool as a brother. I didn't want her to be disappointed when she realizes I'm just me. Bianca wanted to come again so I let her, obviously.

We flashed to Alaska only to realize that it was 5am and Estelle would probably immediately hate me if I woke her up at 5am. To be honest I didn't love Alaska. Last time I was here I almost died a lot, my memory was gone, and there was a war coming. This place just brings back too many memories. We booked a hotel and tried to find a place we could spar. Training is the best way to take your mind off of being nervous. Bianca is really good too. Time just kind of flew by. Before we knew it it was 1 o'clock. If Estelle was still sleeping, well that would be kinda weird.

We walked to her place instead of teleporting there. We weren't in a rush. On the way Bianca gave me a little pep talk. The gist of it was just "you can do it", "don't be nervous", "she loves you",and "she wouldn't have cut off her mother if she didn't love and miss you." That last one kind of made me feel bad. I couldn't help but feel as though it was my fault she has a bad relationship with her mother. Mom isn't a bad person and she has suffered. She pushed her son away and in return her daughter hates her. Ouch, that's gotta sucks. We got to Estelle's house. Bianca gave me a hug before I knocked. Her place looked kind of abandoned. But I knew she lived there. She had security cameras and a sign that said "Beware wild dog. Knock if you dare" well played little sister, I thought . We knocked again when she didn't answer the first time. Me being Chaos' son and all I knew she was there though. She was also armed. Like brother like sister I guess. I realized she wasn't going to open the door so I began speaking. "Umm hi Estelle, I know you probably don't remember me because you've never really met me but Chiron tells me you have a picture of me. So umm how bout you look through your peep hole then open then door." I didn't really know what to say. Bianca rolled her eyes. I didn't mean to sound like a stalker. It just kind of came out. Whoops. I didn't expect her to open the door but when she did I fell to the ground. She tackled me in a hug and started crying. I tried comforting her but wasn't really successful. I hoped they were happy tears though. After about 5 minutes she calmed down. Ish. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! WHERE WERE YOU? WHY DIDN'T YOU COME BACK? WHO IS THE GIRL? IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND? I MISSED YOU!" I didn't know which question to answer first. "Umm I'm not dead, who told you that? I was traveling the universe. I didn't want to have to deal with the assholes on Earth but I did miss you. This is Bianca. No she is not my girlfriend, I do have one though. I missed you too. And I'm sorry." I started tearing up a little too. "Well come in come in! You have to tell me everything. Oh yeah, nice to meet you Bianca." I laughed at her response. She sounded a lot like me. Once again like brother like sister, I guess. Her house was pretty cozy and cute. Estelle herself was really pretty and looked a lot like mom. She looked a little lonely though. How did I know that you ask. It's just a son of chaos and a sibling this. We sat down and started explaining everything. She listened very intently and didn't act surprised by anything. Once we finished she just simply said "wow."
"Well, what have you been up too?" I asked "Nothing much. I cut myself off from the mythological world and moved here. I don't love it here but it's better than seeing mom and being harassed by monsters and the gods." I nodded. "Why are you so mad at mom?" I asked. I expected her to get mad at the question. I also technically new the answer but just wanted to confirm. She was very level headed just like mom. "Because she is the reason you left." She gave me a look that said "you can't change my mind and no follow up questions, ok?!" I got the message and changed the subject. We just talked about life. Estelle and Bianca talked as though they have been best friends their whole lives. It was getting late and I didn't really want to stay at the hotel we booked. Let's just say it didn't look very clean. I also thought that because of the upcoming war I would feel more comfortable having Estelle come with us to camp. She didn't seem to love Alaska. "Do you want to come with us to camp?" I blurted out. "You know, meat the army, train, and stuff. We can spend more time. I won't make you talk to anyone you don't want to talk to." I of course meant mom and she caught on.  She looked so happy. "YES! Of course. As long as I don't have to be near your betrayers that you still hate. I would probably kill them, especially that Annabitch. "Language!" Bianca exclaimed jokingly. We all laughed. "Oh please, I'm thousands of years old." Estelle said. We all laughed even harder. In reality it wasn't that funny but we were happy. "I'm so excited to meet Nikki." I already had a feeling Nikki and Estelle would become best friends. Estelle gathered her stuff and I teleported us back to camp. I was happy. I had my little sister, my friends, and an amazing girlfriend. I was complete. My family was complete.

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