The Giant, the Titan, the spartoi, and the person.

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In the beginning I resented Tartarus for what he did to Bob, Damasen, and Small Bob but eventually, after he apologized profusely, I forgave him. Turns out he really did feel sorry and decided to do something about it.

As you probably know the Bobs (Small Bob and Bob/Iapetus) and Damasen all died fighting Tartarus and other monster so Annabeth and I could get out of Tartarus.

After they died they were sent to the Void. Luckily the Void is Chaos' abode and he is the primordial/god of it. The Void is also another name for The Realm of Chaos.

When Chaos found out that my friends were in the Void he and Tartarus decided to free them. They usually don't free people because it takes a lot of energy and a long time but because Chaos and Tartarus we're working together it only took about 1500 years as opposed to 5 to 10 thousand years.

Tartarus always regretted killing his son.

So that's how they are free and currently helping me escape End. It wasn't that hard to break out of my cell/dungeon the hard part was trying to sneak by without being recognized. Bob blended right in with the crew of monsters and Damasen was distracting End. 

I was hiding behind Bob trying to go unnoticed. That worked for a little while until it didn't.

The first one to spot me was none other than Kelli. I thought Tartarus checked to make sure no one was getting out of Tartarus. How in the name of Chaos did she get here? When she first saw me she was about to lunge but instead she started screaming "HE ESCAPED!" All monsters immediately looked at and went running to push the alarm. Apparently "I was End's" which means that only End is allowed to hurt and torture me. Unless End says otherwise. The mosnters were circling us. Luckily Bob was bigger and stronger than almost all of them. I grabbed Anakalusmos (Yes, I still have Anakalusmos. The only reason I didn't use it to break free was because I couldn't reach it.) Bob grabbed his broom and we had defeated the army within seconds. We were running down the hallways looking for the exit when End started chasing us. Luckily Damasen was chasing End and caught up to him. Let's just say End won't be attacking Camp for a while. Damasen caught up with us and led us to the exit. We got out. I tried flashing us back to Camp but I just couldn't. I had been tortured for what felt like weeks. The running already took a toll on me. I was honestly very surprised that it was so easy to escape. I was  definitely expecting the worst. And as a demigod or god or primordial or champion you always kind of have to expect the worst.

We decided to set up camp for a while considering it would take me a while to flash us all back home. Turns out we are in Alaska. I took this time to tell them how my life has been going and about the betrayal. I told them everything. From when I was first betrayed to coming back to camp and getting engaged. It's a pretty long story. By the time I finished it was pitch black out. The Bobs we're mad. Really mad. Bob kept muttering bad friend about Annabeth. And whenever I would mention Annabeths name Small Bob would growl. I decided not to mention Nico's part in the betrayal because Nico was the only one who visited Bob when he was working in Hades' palace. Damasen stayed silent the entire time. He was born to appose Ares after all. He is very peaceful and helpful. He expressed a tiny bit of disappointment but other than that he remained sympathetic but mostly emotionless.

Soon after I finished the Bobs both conked out and we're snoring within seconds. Damasen was playing with the fire and I was trying to rest so I could flash us to Camp the next day. We were both silent. The red orange murkiness of the fire gave me flashbacks to my first trip to Tartarus. When I met Damasen and the Bobs. I realized Bob can see the stars again after all. That gave me a happy feeling. As I was thinking about Nikki, the Camp, and just life in general Damasen spoke "I feel anger." I sat up straight "What do you mean?" I asked "You. You are very angry." He wasn't wrong. "Not at you or anything" he chuckled "I know.  I know this is very hard for you but don't you think you should forgive?" I shook my head "I can't. It's too hard. They hurt me too bad." Damasen nodded "Can you try?" I don't think I'll be successful but, I guess "I'll try." He smiled. He really is peaceful.

We woke up the next morning and I felt ready enough to transport us. I will probably collapse when we arrive but I can make it. We gathered all of our stuff and off we were. It was  lunch time so everyone was in the pavilion. The conch horn sounded three times because they probably saw the Giant, the Titan, the spartoi (cat thingy), and the person. That kind of sounds like a Dr Seuss book. The army came out first. They were about to charge. I guess they couldn't recognize me. "This is not exactly the welcome home I was expecting!" I yelled realization dawned on their faces and Nikki was the first to come running. By that time the campers had all gathered and we're looking curiously at the giant and titan. Only Annabeth and Nico seemed to know who they were. They both looked confused. Nikki was hugging and punching the shit out of me in the meantime. We all walked closer to the campers and Nico and Annabeth came running. They both had huge smiles on their faces. Bob stopped Annabeth and yelled "BAD FRIEND!" Let's just say she got really upset. Nico however got a hug. Damasen just kind of stood there uncomfortably. The smaller campers were petting Small Bob. Damasen and the Bobs decided to set up camp in the woods. My friends and I all walked to the Chaos cabin. Halfway there I collapsed. Yay.

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