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POV: Percy

I was worried about Luke. He was always super gloomy and cranky. Which is coming from me. He was harsh with the younger campers and absolutely brutal with the older ones. He's nice ish to the army and to Grover, Nico, and Clarisse. Luke had a fight with them but ever since then they have acted as though nothing happened. Like they were old friends. Which I guess they are.


We were eating lunch in the Chaos cabin. Clarisse, Nico, and Grover were there but otherwise that was it for the campers. It was them and the army. Luke was silent and just stared at his food. Eating only a few bites. Clarisse asked if he could give her the salt and he didn't respond. She asked him about five times before slamming her fists on the table "That's enough! You've been in a bad mood ever since you got here. I get that you're mad at the other campers but we didn't do anything! So stop acting like a fucking baby and grow up!" Luke was deadly silent. But then he spoke in a low deadly tone "Oh yeah? He didn't do anything," he motioned towards Nico. He looked down in shame. Bianca was about to say something before Clarisse started again "Fine he did do something, but Percy forgave him and he has apologized a million times."
"So?" Luke asked "Why are you being mean to me and Grover then?" He finally looked her in the eyes "Cause." was his intelligent response. "Fine if that's how it's gonna be. Two can play it that game," I noticed Grover nervously chewing on a ton can. YOU NEVER APOLOGIZED FOR JOINING KRONOS! NOT OFFICIALLY, ANYWAYS!."
Luke nodded. "CALL IT EVEN?!" He asked sticking his hand out "Fine," Clarisse replied "now will you pass the damn salt?!" Luke and the rest of us chuckled. And he passed the salt. Since then Luke has acted normal towards Clarisse, Grover, and Nico. But if the rest of the campers see him coming, they run.

Flashback over

I was still worried about him though. I however decided not to push it. I understood why he was unhappy. I'm not exactly ecstatic being here either. He's usually not like this. I just have to trust that things will go back to normal when we go back to Chaos planet. He'll be fine then. I'm almost sure of it. Wow, I'm such an optimist, right?

POV: Luke

I was well aware of the fact that the army was worried about me. I wasn't trying to be mean to them. I've even begun tolerating Clarisse, Nico, and Grover again. Leo, Hazel, and Frank however are a different story.

I knew the army was talking about me behind my back and trying to help me. But as long as we are on this planet I will stay Mr. Grumpy Puss. Sorry. Well not really sorry. I thought it was going to be harder to be mad at Annie and Thalia but it's been working out pretty well. For me at least. The only person I wanted to make things right with was my dad. I watched from Elysium how he grieved me. I saw how he defended my honor. Even when I think we both knew I didn't deserve it. But most importantly I saw how much he really loved me. With him I was just annoyed that he hurt Percy not really mad. I couldn't stay mad. Percy also told me he forgave Hermes and Hermes didn't hurt him that bad during the whole betrayal thing. I knew Percy was lying, though. I knew he just wanted me to be happy. And he knows me better than anyone. He knows that talking to my dad will make me happy. Or at least it'll make me happier. That's one of the reasons I'm so mad and staying mad at the back stabbers.

I didn't really know how to get my dad's attention. We hadn't spoken in thousands of years. And even back then we both never really reached out much. And then I became Kronos, so, ya know. Shit got in the way.

It was about lunch time so I did the only thing I could think of I wrote a letter telling him to meet me at the beach and sacrificed it to him. I got a couple of weird looks from campers considering no army member has sacrificed any food yet but I just sent them death glares and they stopped. I now realized I could have asked Chaos or Percy to help. And he is the god of messengers and travel so there was probably an easier way to talk to him , but who cares?

I told him to meet me at the beach at 7.  He was there 7 on the dot. I had tried to think of things to say but I couldn't. You would think that I would have thought of something considering I sent HIM the message but I didn't, ok? What the hell are you supposed to say to your dad who you haven't seen in thousands of years and thought you were dead? What if the last time he saw you, you literally were possessed by an evil primordial of time. What would you say? I'm seriously asking you I have no idea. We exchanged an awkward hug. A very awkward hug and sat down on the sand. "So what's up?" He asked. I shrugged "Just wanted to say hi." he smiled. "Good to know," I chuckled "I was so glad that you wanted to speak to me. I'm so sorry for everything. For everything I did to Percy but most importantly what I did to you. Can you forgive me." I don't think he expected it to go down so easy "Yes." I replied. He looked puzzled. I'm pretty sure I saw him pinch himself "I'm sorry too you know" I told him. He nodded "I know. You wouldn't have done the right thing in the end and died a hero if you weren't sorry. Listen I know you probably won't care but nobody is mad at you." I was glad he said that. I gave him one of those dude hugs and helped him up. "Even gods need some help sometimes," I laughed. It had been a while since I genuinely laughed. "See you around, son. I'll talk to you soon. I promise."
"See you around, dad" I stayed on the beach a little while longer. It was peaceful. After about an hour I walked back to the Chaos cabin in the best mood I had been in since we got here. I walked back with a smile on my face. I think I scared the campers. Even more than I already do. "Oh well, who cares?" I muttered. Some things just don't change.

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