After war

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POV: Percy

This happens way too often. I was once again put on bed rest.

I couldn't go a long time without handling the after war consequences. I also couldn't have Luke or Nikki handle it for my sake and theirs. 

As soon as I finish the paperwork and fix things around here I can get the hell out of here.

The worst part of the job is the deaths.

Especially here. All of the campers are kids or very young adults.

We lost 58 campers.

11 from Ares cabin, 17 from Aphrodite cabin, 9 from Athena cabin, 5 from Hermes cabin, 1 from Iris cabin, 2 from Nike cabin, 2 from Demeter cabin, 4 from Apollo cabin, and 7 Hunters of Artemis. In addition to all that there are countless campers wounded.

I have to meet with the gods to discuss funerals, paper work, and repairs for the camp. Most cabins were still technically intact but it's just a matter of time before they aren't. Which means I have to meet with Annabeth and Chiron to discuss it. And I have to do it all in a wheel chair.

My meeting with the gods is in an hour. After that I'm going door to door to all the cabins who lost someone and the cabins who are upset about the deaths.

My army and I are going to offer some "grieve counseling". Of course we aren't counselors but we can relate.

We've all lost people.

After that I have to talk to Chiron and Annabeth. I also have to handle the shrouds and funerals. And to top it all off I have to get more things for the infirmary.

Just in case you forgot I have a practical black
hole in the middle of my chest that hurts so FUCKING bad!

I haven't even had much time to talk to my friends.

I haven't been able to check on Silena either. I mean, sure we talked a little bit when I first woke up but I've been so busy, Micheal has limited the visitors, and I'm asleep a lot.

Even though I have to stay in a wheelchair and am in unbearable pain, I don't regret anything. Rather me than anyone else, right?

I was getting ready for my meeting with the gods when my father came. "Hello son," I shrieked and he chuckled. "Hey dad, what's up?"
He sighed "Nothing I just wanted to check on you. I haven't seen you awake yet. How are you feeling?" He was pacing back and forth between my room. "I'm fine, dad. Just sore. Are you okay?" He stopped pacing and looked at me. "Why, yes. I'm fine. I just... I was just wondering.... Are you..... Are you planning on.... Or how are you getting......." He continued stuttering. "Dad?" He didn't listen to me "DAD!" His head snapped up. "What is going on?"


I shook my head "Nope, nope, nope. Spit it out!" He sighed "Are you quitting the army to stay here?" I was shocked to say the least. If I were drinking something I would have spit it right out.

"I wouldn't be mad. I'd understand," he continued "I get it you know. This is your home. And I know I'm not your real dad. So it's no big deal. Since your staying I'm sure the army will too. You guys can visit. Or I'll visit. Unless you don't want that, I get it. I just don't want you to feel like you have to stay. I just want you to know that I-I-I- love you. And the rest."

I put my hand on my heart "Wow, dad. You love me." I joked wiping fake tears from my eyes. He laughed but it seemed forced. He sighed and sat down running his hands through his hair. "Dad," I rolled over to him. "Dad, I'm not staying here. I don't want to live here. I've made up with some people, sure. But I don't want to stay. I'll visit a few times in the next 200 years but I want to go back home." He looked at me "Y-yo-you do?" I rolled my eyes "Yes I do. You are my dad. And I-I-I- love you too." I cringed at our cringey-ness. I saw a single tear fall from his eyes. I sighed and motioned for him to hug me.

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