So, this is how we are doing.

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POV: Luke

How the fuck knuckles does Percy do it. And by it I mean everything. How does he command an army? How does he do all of the paperwork? How does he strategize for upcoming wars? How does he manage to also train? How does he handle other planets asking for our help? How is he not insane? How does he manage to balance his work and social life? How does he do it all by himself? How does he manage to get any free time? My ADHD was not helping me with all of the work I had to do. But Percy has ADHD too so how does he do it? So many questions. I never realized how much Percy has to do. We get mad at him for locking himself in his office and working. Now I feel like an asshole. Beckendorf has been helping me out a little and even then we can't seem to get it all done. I need Percy. We need Percy. Nikki  and Estelle have absolutely fallen apart. Bianca and Nico are just shutting themselves out and getting mad and blaming others. I guess it's a child of Hades thing. Silena has just kind of stopped talking. She has become very introverted. Which is so unlike her. Beckendorf has been throwing himself into work just like me. Castor, Lee, and Michael are trying to distract themselves. They have been training the younger campers. Zoë has gone crazy. She hasn't slept in a full week and has been planning a quest to go save Percy. I have told her several times that we can't go and save him but she won't listen. So I've stopped trying. Ethan is just in denial. He doesn't want to believe Percy is gone. None of us do really. He will come back. I know it. He has to.

We haven't talked to Chaos yet so he doesn't know that Percy is gone. Since I'm not his son or first in command the only way I could think of getting his attention was sacrificing to him. He hates it and always yells at us when we do.

The whole army walked to the pavilion and sat down. I looked over at Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Hazel, and Frank they all had puffy eyes and were eating silently. Hazel, Leo, and Frank haven't eaten at our table since Percy left. Percy was kind of the glue that held us all together. Since I'm first in command and don't really like them I think they feel uncomfortable. Nico, Grover, and Clarisse still sit with us, though. We had all gotten our food when I went up to sacrifice. I hadn't told the army what I was doing so they looked at me like I was crazy. I scraped just a little of my food into the fire. Just a little. I didn't want to waste it. And immediately this awful smell clouded the room. The fire went out and Chaos' appeared. All of the campers bowed. And Chaos rolled his eyes and gestured for them to rise. His gaze then landed on me and he glared. "NEVER SACRIFICE TO ME! PERCY DOESN'T LIKE IT WHEN YOU DO IT TO HIM EITHER," by the way Percy is kind of a primordial god so we can technically sacrifice to him but he absolutely hates it. Anyways Chaos continued. "SO WHY DON'T YOU DO IT TO PERCY?! I THOUGHT LAST TIME WE FINALLY KNOCKED SOME SENSE INTO YOU! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO WITH YOU? RIGHT, PERCY? Percy? Luke, where is Percy?" He then examined the room and saw the army's sad faces. I got kind of scared Chaos is equally nice to all of us and loves us equally but if something bad happens to Percy than he goes crazy. As he would with any other army member. But Percy is his son. "Well... I-I-I h-h-he wa-a-was"
"Spit it out, Castellan." I was about to tell him when Nikki said "He was kidnapped, dad" Chaos let's him call him dad but I still have Hermes so I just call him Chaos. And ever since the engagement Nikki has been prone to calling Chaos dad. Once Nikki finished Chaos went through a whirlwind of emotions. First he was confused the sad then mad then he looked like we were pranking him and then he got sad again then mad. Really mad. "WHO DID IT?!" I had a feeling he already knew but incase he was wrong he didn't want to rip the wrong persons head off. "End" I said my voice sounding small and barely a over a whisper. "I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" He was about to flash out and probably find End when I blurted out "He told us not to come." It looked as though Chaos calmed down "Well the have to go kill some monsters." The army all nervously chuckled. We chorused a couple of bye's and I love you's and he left. I was surprised he just accepted that Percy didn't want us to go looking for him. I thought he was going to go totally ape shit and look for Percy. But I guess he respected his son's wish. I think he left because he didn't want people to see him cry.

POV: Nikki

I miss Percy. I am falling apart. I need him. I keep having nightmares about him being tortured. I could have prevented this. If I would have insisted that I would go instead of Percy than he wouldn't have to be going through this. I have been held up in my room almost this entire time. He has been gone for 10 days, 17 hours, and 28 minutes. Yes, I am keeping count. I am absolutely going to hug anf kick the crap out of him if he comes back. No, when he comes back. He'll come back.

It was nice seeing Chaos again even under these circumstances. I am glad I went to the pavilion. Once Chaos left the entire camp was silent all you could hear was Annabeth's annoying sniffles. She was throwing herself a pity party and I was so over it. So was Estelle. We have all had to refrain from kicking her ass. All I am thinking right now is that Percy better come back soon. Or else.

Sorry this chapter is kind of boring. :(

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