The Battle

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POV: Percy

I was happy. Oh so happy. Married even. I didn't know I could hate the sound of a horn as much as I do now. But I'm a leader. I gathered the army and woke up the campers.

Since I've been kidnapped and have been on bed rest since I got back we haven't gone over the battle strategy much. The army will defend outside the barrier and the campers will defend inside. Immortal campers Infront, more advanced campers behind them and less advanced behind them. Campers under the age of 8 won't be fighting but are armed so they can defend themselves. I hate that there are kids fighting in general but it's what has to be done. Once the war is over I'll try and figure something out to that affect.

End's army approached. In the front line was End himself and his golden eyed lover. I hate myself for saying that. They both had smug looks on their faces.

Luke recoiled at seeing Kronos. I had told him about him being a part in the war but I don't think it really sunk in until now. Without Luke being his host  he just looked like a normal dude. With golden eyes, of course. He was wearing armor, obviously, but I der that it was just jeans and a t-shirt. End however was fully decked out. He had a black uniform with armor on.

I hadn't told the campers about Kronos. Since he looked so different only the Athena cabin really knew who he was.

Luke's skin was as white as a sheet. But there was an army approaching I'll talk to him later. I addressed the army "Nikki and Luke you're with me fighting End. Micheal and Lee you guys fight monster until it looks like the infirmary needs help. Zoë, Bianca, Ethan, and Castor you take Kronos. Holler if you need help. Beck go check on the weapons and Hephaestus cabin. Make sure everything is in order then come back and help where you can. Estelle and Silena go check on the younger campers and manage the campers fighting. Got it?!" They all murmured "got it's" and went to do their things.

Luke then came up to me "Replace me with Bianca and Zoë I gotta kill Kronos. Again"

"Are you sure." He nodded.

I went to tell the others and got into position.

I focused on everything bad that came out of my betrayal. In the beginning it was torture I had no one. I was never one to charge first. I preferred to be on the defense. That probably hard to believe considering I'm an assassin but I kept parts of my fighting style from when I was a demigod. They charged. Kronos was always very hot headed. From my experience with End so is he.

The monsters weren't of the highest quality since they weren't from Tartarus. There were a couple of Titans but we had Damasen and Bob so that wasn't a problem.

I came face to face with End "Hello, my name is Percy Jackson. You destroyed my happiness. Prepare to die." I might have stolen that line from The Princess Bride. But in my defense I adjusted it and it can get boring in space sometimes.

He chuckled. He was very skilled but still pretty reckless. He was very big on offense. He stabbed and slashed while I just defended myself. He began to slow down. Which I would have to considering the speed he was going at. "Kronos told me you were restless." He cut me leg. But I shrugged it off "Awwwww, I'm flattered you guys talk about me." He growled. Quite literally growled. "Don't be too flattered." He started to gain the upper hand.

Luke was having a little trouble with Kronos so I sent Zoë, Nikki, and Bianca to help him. They very reluctantly agreed. Very reluctantly. So it was just me and End.

"Once I finish you, your army, the camp, the gods, your wife, and little sister. Let's just say I know where your parents live." He had a disgusting smirk on his face. His words gave me more power. I'm not doing this for me I'm doing it for my family. My anger got me the upper hand and I started on offense. I needed him to shut up.

I was to busy to notice what was going on behind me. I was too busy to notice that my friends were frozen in place. So we're all of the monsters. Now it really just me and End. When I fight I do. I don't think much. In turn I forgot to think about Kronos.

The army looked at me in horror. Nikki was about to scream my name. But then I heard a thump. End looked even more annoyed. I assumed Kronos was going to stab me or something. Kronos was now unconscious on the ground. End rolled his eyes. My army was too in shock to move.

"Hiya boss!" I kicked End in the stomach so I could buy myself some time. Kronos was still on the ground recovering. He gained consciousness again and my army dragged him away and resumed fighting.

I turned to see a familiar face. "BLACKJACK!" He asked me if I had donuts. He just saved me. He'll get as many donuts as he wants. After the war. "I'll get mad at you for disappearing later, boss. For now go fight!" I nodded. I turned just in time. End was charging again. I hate to admit that he was pretty good at smack talk. It made the whole fighting him thing a lot more annoying. The campers were handling the monsters pretty well. With the help of the army. Blackjack was helping pit wherever he could. Damasen and the Bobs were handling themselves pretty well too.

End was relentless. Kronos wasn't exactly easy either. I wanted to finish off End as fast as possible so I could help my friends but he was a formidable apponent.

I stabbed End in the leg which gave me a good advantage. Things were finally looking up. I would win this. That was my thought process until I heard a bloodcurdling scream. 

To be continued......

Sorry this chapter is so short. The end is almost here. Thank you so much for reading.

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