Aren't we already engaged?

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POV: Percy

Even after I got out of the infirmary I was put on bed rest. They wanted me fully "functional and healthy" for when End comes.

I have spent a long time thinking. Which isn't good. I have been planning for the battle. But I have also been thinking about other things.

Nikki. I have been thinking about Nikki a lot. I have been thinking about my proposal.

I've always been very irrational. Whenever I set my mind to something I do it.

Even though I was kidnapped and tortured. I'm happy. And I want to be happy forever. I know everyone wants to be happy forever. But this was different. The one thing that would make me happy would be to ask Nikki to marry me.

I know I have already asked her. We agreed on getting married back home on Chaos planet. But I couldn't wait

Because, let's face it. I'm the one who's least likely to survive.

I want to die being married and happy. (I forgot if I gave the army partial immortality or just immortality. Sorry. If I gave them full immortality just imagine they can be killed by End. And most of the primordial council. But that's it.)

When it comes down to it no one in my army. Or my friends. Are dying. No way.

I got out of bed, after several failed attempts, I was going to ask Nikki to marry me. Today or tomorrow. Either one.

She's never cared about the big party or the dress. She only cares about the people who are at the wedding. That's one of the things I love most about her. She doesn't care about the things she cares about the people.

I stumbled down the stairs into the kitchen, where the rest of the army was eating. I was surprised they hadn't heard me and come rushing to my aid. I was glad the didn't. I had to do it myself. I'm not going to heal completely by lying in a bed 24/7.

"Babe, can I talk to you?" Nikki looked up from her salad and glared at me. Along with the rest of the army.

"What in the name of Chaos are you doing here?!!" I rubbed my neck nervously "You're supposed to be in bed."

"I've been in bed for a week!" Estelle rolled her eyes. "Beck, can you help bring him upstairs?" Estelle asked. Well she more commanded it.

"Wait! Just wait! I have to talk to you, Nikki," I gave her my baby seal eyes "Pleeeeaaaase."

"awwwww" Silena cooed.

"Fine" Nikki got up. She then proceeded to drag me by the shirt into the next room. So much for being gentle and careful.

Why am I so nervous? I already proposed. She has a ring on her frickin finger. We practically already set the date. Now I'm changing it.

"Let's get married." I stated. She raised her eyebrow "Did Michael put you on meds or something. Aren't we already engaged? We are getting married." She pointed to the ring on her finger.

"Yeah, I know. But with the war coming up. I want to marry you right now. Or tomorrow," She gave me a calculating look. It was as if she was checking my face to see if I was being serious or not. "I don't know what's going to happen in the next week. All I know is I want to be married to you when it happens." I didn't have to tell her what I meant when I said that. She understood. She knew me. She knew that even she couldn't prevent me from risking my life to save my family.

"Ok" she said. Tears falling down her cheeks. I knew she was happy. But I was also very much aware of the fact that she was devastated.

I wasn't going to tell her "it's all going to be alright." We both knew that bad stuff was most likely going to down. I didn't want to lie to her. Instead I just hugged her. We stayed like that for a while.

The army then came to get us because it was getting weird. We had been in there for like and hour.

I guess, we are planning a wedding.

The planning was done in about 10 minutes. We were going to wear our army uniforms because we look fantastic in them. Chaos was going to officiate. And only the army, Hades, Hestia, Nico, Grover, Juniper, Artemis,
Clarisse, Chris, Bob, Damasen, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Small Bob, and Pollux.

Juniper is Grover's plus one. She didn't betray me either. But even before my betrayal we weren't that close. I still liked her but we weren't close friends same with Chris. He is Clarisse's plus one.

We are having the ceremony in the middle of the night. So no campers are around. I debated inviting Chiron. I decided it would be the right thing to do. Damasen told me to start forgiving so I figured I'll try and start with Chiron.

I actually wasn't even sure if I wanted to invite Leo, Hazel, and Frank. But I figured I should. I don't hate them. I also had a feeling it would be really awkward if I didn't invite them.

We are already fighting a war and I have to be close to my betrayers. We don't need more drama.

We got married. Don't really know what to say other than we got married. I can't believe we got married.

It was your normal ceremony. You know, the usual. Creator of the universe/dad officiated. Couple of gods came. A centaur, a satyr, and a bush sorry a wood nymph came too.

All in all it was just a normal wedding hosted at a secret demigod camp in Long Island. And the people who got married live on a different planet. Yup, super normal.

I felt so mature. I am a husband. A hubby. A partner for life. A life partner if you will.

I have been alive for thousands of years and only now do I start to feel mature. That's kinda sad. Oh, who cares?!

The next morning I woke up next to my WIFE! Wow, that sounds crazy. Wife. Wife. Wife. The ole ball and chain. She'd kill me if she heard me say that.


Sadly, over the many many many years I've learned that happy moments don't last very long. Especially if you are involved with the Greek Mythology world.

The conch horn sounded three times.


Sorry this chapter sucks so bad. I'm having minor writers block and it is soooooo annoying. So I apologize. I still hoped you enjoyed it though. Sorry it took me so long to update this. I've been working on other stories too. So go check them out if you want. I'll get better with this story. I promise.

Thank you so much for reading.

Have a good night, morning, or just day. Lol😅

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