Exsqueeze me?!

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POV: Nikki

Seeing it coming didn't make it hurt any less.

When I saw Percy laying unconscious on the ground I collapsed. My legs caved in.

The medics carried him away and I just stayed there.


I looked over my shoulder and Estelle wasn't doing much better. She was screaming at the medics to make sure they would to a good job.

He did it.

He sacrificed himself to do it but he did do it. Chaos flashed down after Percy was hauled away. We all ran into his arms.

He is our father after all.


Chaos stayed for a while waiting for him to wake up but he didn't. He left after 5 days. Michael and Lee told us he wasn't in very good condition.

The campers started making a shrine for him. And for all of the other campers who didn't make it.

The army would have helped with Percy's shrine but he wasn't dead. He won't die. The campers gave up after a couple of days but we didn't. Until that machine hooked up to him flatline's, he's alive.

Silena healed for the most part. She hated waking up without Percy being  there but we had faith in him.

Beckendorf was over the moon. Silena loves him and all, we love him too, but he has been ridiculously over protective. I mean, JEEZ! She can't even get a water bottle without him offering to do it for her. For a while it was nice but when you are in recovery you hate being coddled. Take it from me. Silena was going crazy. But she knew he was just being considerate and he loves her.

Seeing them together definitely didn't make me feel any better about Percy that's for sure.


Walking around camp I really noticed what an impact he has on everyone. Percy was our best friend, family, and for me husband.

I guess I never really realized that to the campers he was the biggest most inspirational hero.

He was their never forgotten legend. Their most important legend. He was more worshipped than the original Jason, the original Perseus, Achilles, Hercules even. The stereotype of children of Zues being more powerful broken for eternity.


He was unconscious for 2 weeks. Nectar and ambrosia didn't help much. The ambrosia wouldn't go down and the nectar could only do so much. He looked awful. This is going to sound grim but I'm just gonna say it. I'm an assassin. I kill people for a living. I've seen a lot of dead people. And Percy looked as good as dead. I'm not much for sugarcoating if you can't already tell. So hearing that he was awake made me love the fates. Kinda. Only at that moment.

POV: Percy

Of course I had the best healers in the universe working on me so it wasn't really my end but I really thought it was. When I woke and Michael told me I had "come back from the dead" I'm pretty sure my exact words were "exsqueeze me?" Yup exsqueeze me. The second most powerful being in the universe, the heir to the universe, the assassin feared by all said exsqueeze me.

Not exactly my proudest moment. Luckily he didn't laugh because he was happy too see me.

I got that reaction from practically everyone. Plus a couple of punches to the face. But they were all done out of love. I hope.

I'm sure you know that I've been in the infirmary a lot. I just got off of bed rest. So I'm used to it. I'm used to being hurt. But this... this time it was different. I was too scared to look at my chest. If it looked even a portion of the amount it felt then I was fucked.

Breathing hurt.

Moving hurt.

Drinking hurt.

And don't even get me started on eating. My chest felt like it had been impaled multiple times, set a fire, and then stomped on by Damasen.

Michael said that I would recover. It will just take a long time. I have a collapsed lung. He told me that the mark would be permanent but fade slightly over time. He also told me no chest bumps or bro hugs.

Hearing that my wound would always be with me. I figured it was about time to check it out. So I took a peak.  It looked like a blackhole. Pitch black with red around the rims. Michael told me I was lucky to even be alive.

Lucky I'm Chaos' son, I guess.

I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. This book is almost over and it's getting harder and harder to write longer chapters. There are still a couple chapters left. I posted a lot of them today because... I wanted to, I guess 😅😜 Thank you so much for reading. I still hope you enjoyed this chapter. ♥️♥️♥️

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