Farewell Earthlings

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DISCLAIMER: Contains a lot of cringe.

POV: Percy

Saying goodbye can be hard. Keyword: can. Saying goodbye to my mother was hard. Luckily I got that one out of the way.  Saying goodbye to...ummmmm other people isn't as hard.

I know I'll be back, so it isn't all sad. Over all I was in a good mood. I'm going to miss the camp. It was my home for a while. The place I felt most comfortable. Camp Half-Blood in practically everyway made me who I am today. It made me a demigod. It made me the best swordsman. It made me find Chaos. Those experiences, some good some bad, made me who I am today. I will never fully forgive the people who were a part of my betrayal, but I can finally accept it.

I told you a while ago that I didn't care.

That I didn't even want to know what happened.

I said I didn't care if they were put under some sort of spell. Which I guess turned out to be true.

In some ways I was telling the truth. I wasn't going to forgive just because it was a spell. But if I'm being honest even though I had Nikki and my friends the things that kept me awake at night weren't my nightmares.

No. The thing that kept me awake at night was the curiosity. And the pain. And the anger. I can't even believe I'm about to say this, but coming here was probably the best thing to happen to me. I got closure. I even got some of my old friends back.

Now that I know the truth I can fully move on with my life.

I loved Nikki from the moment I met her. It was a feeling I didn't even get with Annabeth. When I first met Nikki a part of me wanted to go back in time. To a time where I was Seaweed Brain.

Considering my father is Chaos I probably could have made that happen but I'm glad I didn't. Loving Nikki is my biggest privilege an that's coming from the prince of the universe. Yikes, even I cringed at my title. It sounds like something a little kid would call themselves.

Nikki makes missing my mother feel better. She is the love of my life. My whole immortal life.  She is everything I've ever needed. She is what Annabeth couldn't give me. If that makes any sense. If not... well... It doesn't have to.


I've started to feel a little better. Physically.

Or at least that's what I've been telling myself.  I've started walking again. Getting back into my routine. Even though my work schedule never changed, my workout/training schedule definitely did. I sneak out of the cabin every night to work out considering the fact that Nikki doesn't even let me go down the stairs without having Beck carry me. It would be degrading if it weren't so fun.

I just managed to escape the rest of the army to take a walk around camp.

I went to the lake where I got claimed. I went to the area where Luke almost killed me. No matter where I went there was always another memory. I sat down on a bench overlooking the strawberry fields. All of my memories came flushing back. I stayed there for an hour. It was very peaceful.

We are leaving in 5 hours. I liked my trip here. It was good for me. I know it may not have sounded like it but compared to what I do on Chaos planet this was just a long vacation. With a war, of course.

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice. A sweet comforting voice.

"So when are you leaving?" Without turning around I responded "4 hours and 37 minutes"

She sat down next to me on the bench. "I know we haven't talked much, or at all, since you arrived but I'll still miss you. It was comforting having you here." She layed her head on my shoulder.

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