Long time no see, huh?

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POV: Percy

Today was the day I was going to see my mom. I love her and I will forgive her. If she even wants to see me. I was never really mad mad at her just hurt really hurt. She's just special. She's my mom. My best friend. Right now my biggest worries are that she doesn't want to see me and still hates me. Tomorrow I'm going to see Estelle. I asked Nikki to come with me but she had duties to attend to so Bianca is coming with me instead. I would have asked Luke but he was still in a bad mood. Bianca just has this sweet quality to her. She's good at calming me down. Almost as good as Nikki. She's like a little sister to me and a fantastic buffer.

We teleported to my old apartment. Bianca was trying to talk to me but I just couldn't hear her. I was so focused on my mom. Would she still hate me? She wouldn't have come to Olympus or camp to celebrate or search for me if she didn't miss me, right? Gods, I was nervous. DAM ADHD! I guess Bianca kind of picked up on it so we stopped walking. We had teleported on the roof so nobody would notice two random people appearing out of nowhere. It was kind of cold so standing on the roof wasn't the most fun but I was glad that I had an excuse to wait a little. "Are you okay, Percy?" She asked. She was good at the whole sympathetic thing. "Yeah" I lied she didn't look convinced. "Talk to me"
"I'm nervous, Bia. She might still hate me or resent me for leaving. And I'm still kind of mad at her and just overall hurt. Gods, this is complicated." She gave me a sad look "Listen Perce, I think everything will work out but on the off chance it doesn't you have a whole army who loves you and is your family. Nikki loves you. I love you." Did I mention that she was also really good at the whole pep talk thing. Cause she is really good at it. "Thanks, Bia."
"No problem. Shall we?"
I nodded "We shall"

We walked to my old apartment. We stood in front of the door. My hands were literally shaking. I took a deep breath and knocked. I heard a muffled voice "Hon, could you get that?" I heard footsteps approaching. Oy vey. A man with salt and pepper hair opened the door. Incase you hadn't guessed it it was Paul. He had smile wrinkles and happy loving eyes. I am a master at reading people. If you looked deep into his eyes you could see he was kind of sad. Probably because he missed Estelle. I was taken out of my trans when Bianca elbowed me and Paul looked at me expectantly. "Sorry, can you repeat yourself?" I rubbed the back of my neck. You know, it's a nervous habit. "How may I help you?" He asked. He always seemed to have a smile on his face. I guess he didn't recognize me. I can't really blame him it has been thousands of years. "I-I-I um" I tried to get the words to come out of my mouth but my mouth betrayed me. Luckily I was cut off by my mother. She came to the door. "Honey? Who is it?"
"Not so sure of that myself, Sally."
She came up behind him. She first looked at Bianca. The slightest sign of recognition on her face. I had a lot of pictures of the fallen and my friends on my wall when I still lived here. I suppose the pictures might still be there unless they cleaned it out. She then looked at me. Tears filled her eyes. "My baby," she muttered. Paul looked confused. "Do you know this man?" I chuckled "Gee, Paul you don't recognize your own stepson?" He looked shocked I guess that has been the common reaction for my return. "Percy," he muttered "Long time no see, huh?" Bianca rolled her eyes at my response. Mom surged forward and hugged me "Honey, I'm so so sorry. I don't know what came over me all those years ago. I know that's no excuse but I'm so sorry. That's all I can say I screwed up. Bad. I've missed you so so much. I love you." I guess somewhere during her speech I started tearing up and Paul joined in on the hug. "I've missed you guys" Mom looked relieved that I wasn't mad. I just couldn't stay mad at her. "Well, come in! Come in!" They exclaimed. They looked so happy.

They ushered us into the apartment. And sat us down "Do you want something to drink? Or do you want some cookies?" I nodded. Bianca laughed at my quick response. Once we had settled in we began talking "So you're Bianca, right?" Mom asked her. She nodded with a smile. "I don't mean to be rude but didn't you umm die."
"SALLY!" Paul exclaimed
"No it's alright. Yes I did die." Bianca responded. Paul looked extremely confused. "I guess it's story time" I said

After we told them everything about the army, my return, chaos, the fallen, extra details about my betrayal, Nikki, and how things are going at camp Paul looked slightly less confused. Key word slightly. "Wow!, that's quite a story." I chuckled at his response. I was glad we were having fun however I would soon ruin it. I was just curious. "So umm how's umm how's Estelle?" Moms eyes kind of glazed over. Shit. Bianca gave me a look that said "Really, Seaweed Brain? Really?" It was an accident. I just wanted to know more, ok? Mom looked down ashamed. Paul just looked sympathetic towards her I guess him and Estelle still talk. Silent tears started falling from her eyes. Oh crap. "Oh geez, mom I'm so sorry I shouldn't have mentioned her." Shit. "No it's fine umm she's umm I don't know." Oh fuck why did I have to ruin this. It looked like Paul knew how she was but didn't want to rub it in so he just stayed silent. Bianca decided to change the subject. Thank the gods for her. "So ummm what have you two been up to?" Paul looked relieved and moms face brightned up a little. We started talking normally again until me and Bia had to leave. I hugged my mom goodbye. Paul walked us out. We were about to leave when he stopped me. "Estelle is fine. I assume you want to know where she is."
"Chiron already filled me in. I'm going to see her tomorrow." He smiled "Good, even though she never met you she still missed you more than anything and will be thrilled to see you." I nodded and gave him one of my classic trouble maker smirks before teleporting back to camp Bianca by my side.

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