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POV: Nikki

One thing you should know or already know about Percy is that he is very selfless. If he has his leg cut off and I had a scrape on my cheek he would tend to me instead of getting help for himself. When he collapsed I of course freaked out but wasn't too surprised. He had been gone a long time and was held captive by End. However, I gotta hand it to him he is a fantastic actor.

Percy has been in the infirmary for 3 days. His breathing is stable but it isn't looking very good. He flashed himself, a titan, a giant, and a spartoi all the way from Alaska! After being tortured by one of the top 10 most powerful beings in the universe! He had a stab wound through his chest, carvings all over his body, he looked this sick pail greenish color as opposed to his normal perfect tan, a bunch of burn marks, cuts, and bruises. He looked like shit. To say the least. Annabeth kept trying to visit and so did his other friends but only the army, Clarisse, Grover, and Nico were allowed to visit. Finally after three days he woke up. All of his friends were crowding him and wanted to know what had happened. Who was the giant? Who was the Titan? What was the cat like thing? I knew who they were and yet I was still curious.

I pushed myself through the army and gave Percy a light shove. I made sure not to hurt him but I was annoyed. Annoyed that he left in the first place. Annoyed that he didn't tell us he was hurt. I was also annoyed at myself for practically letting him go and not realizing he was hurt. It's easier to take my anger out on him then it is to take it out on myself. "Hey," he exclaimed "What was th-" I cut him off with a kiss and that shut him up.

Michael, Lee, and Will told him he had to stay in the infirmary. I stayed with him and he told me everything. Well, not everything. He wouldn't tell me how he got the wounds or painful things. He was trying to protect me which I found annoying but I appreciated. He told me how Damasen took care of End so we have more time to prepare. He told me who is rising with End. And that Kronos and End are a thing. That surprised me. Once he finished telling me about his journey he asked how the army held up while he was gone. I told him how Luke practically fainted everyday and how much he complained. Percy chuckled at that. Then Percy proceeded to wince because chuckling hurt. I laughed at that. I told him the not so fun details too. We spent the entire night talking. Gods, I missed him.

POV: Percy

One of the things I hate most is having to stay still and lie in the infirmary. It sucks. I wanted to get back to my normal activities. I wanted to catch up some more with my friends. With my little sister. Get back to my work and check the work Luke did for me and possibly redo it. I swear Luke looked so relieved and happy to see me back. It was like the weight of the world has been lifted from his shoulders.

But I can't get back to my activities, catch up with my friends, or do work. Instead here I am stuck in the infirmary. Luckily Nikki was with me, though. I told her all I could tell her about my "trip". I didn't want to scare or worry her. Chances are if she would actually be scared. She is one of the universe's best assassins but I knew she would get worried, start to feel guilty, and blame herself.

We practically talked the whole night. She fell asleep at 4:00am but I stayed awake. I didn't want to risk nightmares.

I started to think about what Damasen had said about trying to forgive Annabeth. After hard deliberation I decided. I would stop being mean unless she heavily annoyed me. I would just ignore her. I won't tell my army to stop being mean, though. They are their own people. They can choose who they are mad at. I never thought I would be taking advice from a giant but Damasen is different. Peaceful. He's my friend.

POV: Annabeth

I am now fully surrounded by people who hate me. I wake up in the morning to Bob mumbling/yelling "BAD FRIEND!" I was glad Damasen didn't hate me though. He was made to oppose Ares so he is very forgiving and peaceful. I can tell he is a little disappointed in me though but that is better at him yelling at me.

I wasn't allowed to visit Percy and I had a feeling I wouldn't get an answer if I asked him what happened with End. Part of me was considering giving up on Percy but I knew I couldn't. Before he leaves I have to get him to at least talk to me.

Instead of going to Percy for obvious reasons I went to Damasen. I had him tell me everything he knew. He didn't know much about what happened with Percy so he just ended up telling me about how he beat End up. It was a little out of character for him but I didn't mind.

It is very annoying being a daughter of Athena sometimes. I have to know everything. I was really debating going to the Chaos cabin or infirmary to talk to Percy. See, I wasn't even sure if he was still in the infirmary or not. I basically not allowed within a  hundred feet of him. In the end I decided against it. I didn't want to get my ass kicked by an assassin tonight.

I couldn't sleep so I started battle strategizing. Even though, Percy probably already had I plan. Damasen had told me that he bought us some time so I was glad we weren't going to war tomorrow. Gods, how the tables have turned. Seaweed Brain is a battle strategist and I follow along with his plans not the other way around.

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