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POV: Estelle

Ever since Percy came back I have been thinking about my mother. I noticed how Percy has been less mean towards Annabeth.

In my opinion she doesn't deserve it but still. It got me thinking about forgiveness.

Percy and Nikki told us they were getting married. We were all happy and confused.

Until I realized why they were doing it. They never really told us why but I knew.

I only just technically met Percy but I feel like I've known him forever. You also don't need to know him very long to know about his loyalty. He would do anything for his family.

I hate Percy for it. Don't get me wrong, I love him and shit but I hate that he'd die for me. I hate that he'd die for his family. It's so annoying.

The entire army knows he's gonna do something incredibly stupid. If/when it comes down to it he'll sacrifice himself. It's just the way he is.

Considering the fact that I'm his sister we do have something's in common. I would also do anything for my family.

I am still mad at my mother. I don't have to make up with her. I have every reason to be mad. But deep down I feel guilty. Guilty for ignoring her my entire life. I don't want to live with eternal guilt in the after life of her think that I despised her when I died.

I can do it like Percy did. I can tell her that it will take some time but I will try and forgive her. I am her daughter after all.

Percy and I are in very similar situations after all.
He had to come back to the planet where he was betrayed and tortured. I have to go to an apartment in New York to talk to my mother who treated me well but, I treated her poorly because she drove my brother away and kicked him out. Yeah, it's the exact same thing.

I didn't want to tell Percy about it. I didn't want to put more on his plate. He'd insist on coming and I had to do this alone. I debated asking someone else in the army but decided against it considering the fact that everyone was busy with the wedding.

This is something I have to do by myself. Shit.

I took a cab to their apartment. I stood in front of the door for about 30 minutes before mustering up the courage to knock.

I haven't even seen my father in about 200 years. We were all given partial immortality so that isn't as long as it sounds. We also don't really age much.

I heard footsteps approaching the door. "Who is it?" It was my father.
"Ummm.... I..... It's..." I mean what am I supposed to say? Hey Dad, it's your daughter who you haven't seen in 200 years. She wants to try and make peace with her mother because she might die.

I continued to stutter with my words until he opened the door. He definitely looked surprised to see me. Especially here. "H-h-hi dad." He crushed me in a hug. After a minute of him squeezing me half to death he let go. "What are you doing here?"


"Honey, who is it?" My mother called from the other room. My father gave me a look asking if my mother was allowed to know I was here. I nodded. He grinned from ear to ear. "Why don't you came and see." My mother then came to the door. She looked exactly the same as the last time I saw her. Which was like 3000 years ago. I would imagine I looked a little different.

A look of realization dawned on my mother's face but was quickly dismissed. That went on for a while. It was as if she was telling herself I wasn't actually here. Tears started to form in her eyes. "Hello Sally" I could see the hurt in her eyes when I called her Sally. "H-h-hello." My father motioned for me to come in.

They sat me down. I didn't look my mother in the eye. Even when she gave me blue cookies. "So how've you been, hon?"

"I've been good. I met Percy. And am now a part of the Chaos army which means I will be moving to Chaos planet once the war is over." My father looked disappointed yet proud at the same time "You did always want to help others," he told me "just like Percy." I didn't say a word to my mother. I didn't know what to say. "Not that we don't love having you around, sweets. But what are you doing here." I struggled to find the words. "I'm here to try and mend our relationship," It was the first time I looked at my mother. "Percy forgave you, didn't he?" She nodded. She looked much happier now. "I'm not fully there yet but I want you to know that I do still... I do still love you. But what you did affected my whole life. So I want you to know I'm on the road to forgiveness. My point is don't feel guilty anymore." She now has happy tears in her eyes. I walked over to where she was sitting and hugged her. My dad joined in too.

That went on for a while. "Listen so there is a war going on. I better get back. I'll come back soon." They gave me knowing looks but smiled. They did technically raise Percy. They know what's going on. They know how the mythological world is. I have them one last hug and left.

The whole trip was pretty short, my brother was getting married after all, but it meant a lot to me. Even though I hugged my mother I still don't totally forgive her. But I needed her to know that I love her. I needed her to forgive herself.

I arrived at camp and continued to help with the wedding. I acted as though I never left. I was going to tell Percy about it eventually but now wasn't the time. He deserves this. He deserves to be happy for a while. Well he deserves to be happy forever but in the mythological world you take what you can get.

The ceremony was beautiful. It was at midnight so the stars were twinkling and the moon was shining bright. It seemed as though everyone forgot for just a second about the war and all the shit that has been going on. We had fun. We stayed out for practically the entire night. Then the dreaded noise came. Waking up the campers, well not the Athena cabin they were probably already doing homework or other random shit like that, but still.

The battle has begun. Dun dun DUUUUN!!

SORRY! I'm sorry that I've been MIA for a while. I'm sorry that this chapter sucked. It's more of a filler chapter. The end is coming. Wow. I guess I never really noticed how dramatic I am until I wrote it down. Anyways, I still hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try and do better next time. Thanks so much for reading. Bye!

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