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POV: 3rd person

*Swoosh* An arrow came out of nowhere. The soldiers opened there clenched eyes. The monsters gasped. And Kronos fell to the floor. It was that easy.

*Clip clop* *clip clop* sounds of horse hooves approached. "Hello father,"
The soldiers looked at the centaur with wide eyes. "S-s-son? Why?" Kronos said. Chiron chuckled which turned into a hard core laugh "D-d-did you just ask me *wheeze* why?" Kronos stayed silent "Bye asshole. I hope you stay dust this time." The soldiers and the campers who gathered were just as shocked as Chiron when he said asshole.

Kronos turned to dust  "NOOO!" End screamed. End being distracted gave Percy a big advantage. The monsters snapped out of their trans'. So did the demigods and soldiers. The soldiers gained a new found confidence and fought off the monsters.

Percy and End were going strong. The soldiers went to help them and the campers went to help the other campers with the monsters. Chiron went with them.

POV: Estelle

I considered my childhood weird. I was blessed by a god. Monsters did come after me but not that often. I eventually moved away to Alaska so I didn't have to be a part of the mythological world. I would always pitty myself. I would feel so bad for myself that I did have my brother or just a normal life. But looking at these little kids. Seeing theire faces. Watching them getting scared at a loud noise I realize how easy my life was. These kids at least one maybe even two parents who aren't a part of their lives. I had my dad. I also technically has my mom I just didn't want her.

There were kids who were just 3. At three years old they had their first war!! Some adults love there while life without them. But these babies are going to have a tough life. And they have to be reminded of it all of the time. They have older siblings who might only be 10 but are fighting in a war. They could lose their siblings. And they won't get them back like I did.

I tried to make the kids feel as safe as possible. We were inside the Hypnos's cabin because it was far away from the battle, was very comfortable, and as sound proofed as possible because the Hypnos campers wanted to have peace and quiet while they slept.

It was hard to keep the kids calm. Some of them, even though they were young, were worried for their siblings.  

There were a couple of Aphrodite and Demeter campers helping me with the kids. Luckily I wasn't totally alone.

Taking care of the kids, worrying about Silena, and the army was more than I could handle.

I tried to visit Silena but Will wouldn't let me. I would have yelled at him and forced him but he was tired enough as it was.  Michael and Lee also told me to chill out.

Silena is very strong. She'll make it. 

Castor came to get me. He told me that I had to help with End. Lucy (an Aphrodite camper) took over for me. I ran to the hill to help. Castor following close behind.

I was about to run and charge End but Nikki stopped me. "He has to did it himself." She said glumly. If she were someone else I would have argued. But hey, you try arguing with an assassin.

So I stood there.

The monsters were defeated. We were up to our ankles in gold dust. And we watched.

We watched my big brother battle the brother of Chaos. It felt awful just standing there. I couldn't shake the feeling that I should do something. A lot of us tried to help but Percy just yells at us to leave and if we don't he forcibly moves us and we end up (no pun intended) back on the top of the hill.

We all had tears in our eyes. Some of us *cough* Luke *cough* tried to cover it up with anger but it didn't work.

We just had to wait the out come.

POV: Percy

The monsters were defeated and I was STILL battling End! It was getting kind of embarrassing. Nikki tried to help but I told her to go. If I go down I'm not taking anyone with me. Not even a random demigod I don't know. But especially not my family.

It felt like I was in a coliseum back in the olden days. I just hope the gods aren't watching and enjoying it. The rest of the camp was just watching me.

I was getting tired. He was still doing pretty well though. What is he on?! I guess maybe it's because he was born primordial. We hadn't used our powers much yet. Which worried me. It meant he was planning something. I mean, so was I, but still.

He retreated "Listen, let's not do this. You got Kronos already. Sacrifice yourself and your army and I'll leave the camp alone." I scowled. He could have me but not my army. "No!" He sighed. The army was giving me worried looks. He started backing away and so did I. I got closer and closer to my army. "Fine," he yelled "just know this could have gone over a lot easier!"

The battle was already coming to an end. Little did I know it would be the end to a lot of things. End blasted a laser beam thingy at Nikki (I never really studied the names of fatal deadly attacks I just mastered them, ok?) not at me Nikki. He wasn't stupid. He knew that that would hurt me more.

During battle I don't think, I do. So I lunged in front of Nikki. Taking the blast. And whilst I was doing that I did a movie worthy shot creating my own, more powerful might I add, blast that sent End to the void. That's what I was working on. My dad tought me it before the war. Yeah it was no biggy. Ok fine, It was actually really hard and took a lot of energy and I almost fainted. Dad did tell me to never use it. Only use it in case of an emergency. This was the textbook definition of a fucking emergency.

Athena said long ago that my fatal flaw would be fatal. That my loyalty would kill me one day. She is the goddess of Wisdom. A total know-it-all but sadly she is almost always right. That was it for me. My end.

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