Tartar Sauce! Forgiveness?

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POV: Percy

Once we arrived at Camp Half-Blood I made a Chaos cabin and proceeded to collapse on my bed with Nikki in my arms.

Even though I'm no longer a demigod I still get the occasional demigod nightmare.

Especially when I'm stressed I get really bad ones.

Luckily, all of my Tartarus nightmares are gone because I'm now the champion of Tartarus.

I might've even had him "haunt" Annabeth's nightmares a little.

Just a little.

And no, I'm not being petty.

Okay, maybe just a little. But I get to be petty.

Just as I was about to fall asleep Luke comes in.

Barges in actually.

Without knocking might I add.

Remind me to kill him later.

"The demigods called a counselor meeting," he told me "prepare yourself. Be down in 5 minutes."

I really do not want to get up, at all. But I know I have to.

"Nikki, you wanna come to the meeting or stay here?" I asked

"I'll come." She sounds tired and like she didn't want to go, but knows I'll probably blow up the Big House without her.

I teleport to the Big House with Nikki only to find they already started the meeting.

It's especially awkward because Nikki's in my arms bridal style.

They left open the Poseidon cabin seat for me, I guess. But I am no longer a son of Poseidon. I am a son of Chaos (just in case you forgot which you obviously didn't because I've mentioned it multiple times already).

I made a Chaos chair for myself and my army who arrived a little later. Nikki sat on my lap and I'm pretty sure Annabeth shed a few tears. 

Agh, whatever.

It's fun to be petty.

The meeting wasn't about me or had anything to do with me, so me and my army had a MM (mind message) conversation.

We kinda lost track of time and started laughing, so naturally everyone in the room looks at us as though we're crazy.

"What's so funny? We are talking about a war here." Said the Athena spawn.

"Well Annabitch," Nikki elbows me. And I grunt in pain.

"Annabeth, it's just so funny to me how useless and incompetent you guys are."

Piper looks like she's close to drop kicking me. "What the Hades happened to you? What happened to the old Percy? Huh? Seaweed Brain? Kelp Head? Hero of Olympus?"

I swear to god. This bitch. (And I know I'm not supposed to say that, but in this case can you really blame me?)

"You. You happened. I am still the same guy. I just hate you guys so much like so so so so so so so so much that I don't care if I hurt your feelings or I make you cry. Just fuck off, Beauty Queen." And on that note I leave, my army following close behind.

No matter what I will always love a dramatic exit.

Gods, I can't wait to sleep.


The next day was so fucking boring!

Don't get me wrong kids are cute, training the campers is fun, but after a while it gets really really really boring.

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