Still fighting

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POV: Beckendorf (surprise!)

I was helping the Hephaestus cabin out. I was fighting monsters and making sure everyone had weapons. I kept an eye on Silena the whole time. I know she can handle herself but she has already died once. It's just the overprotective boyfriend in me. I wish I could be helping her but I had my own job to do. I was also monitoring the rest of the army. Percy was handling End extremely well. Especially considering the fact that he was doing it alone and he had just been kidnapped by him.

I got so worried when Percy was about to get stabbed by Kronos. Luckily Blackjack saved the day. I could practically hear Silena's excitement when she saw Blackjack.

In the midst of battle there was a little girl from the Aphrodite cabin who came up to me. She couldn't have been any older than 5. "I want to fight. Give me a weapon," I guess more and more children if Aphrodite have charm speak. "They say I'm too young. I also know they think I'm weak because I'm a daughter of Aphrodite. I can help. You will let me help." I gotta say she was pretty good. She was better than Piper. I kneeled down so that we were face to face. "I want to let you but I can't. I can tell you are brave. One day you will be an even more powerful demigod than you already are. You have so much potential. But I can't let anything happen to you. Please. I'll bring you back to your cabin. I need you to be save." She was technically Silena's little sister. They were definitely a lot a like. "You really think I have potential?" I smiled at her "So much potential." She sighed.

I had Leo take over for me and brought her back to the other younger kids. I figured since I'm here I would check in on Silena. I looked around. I guess, talking to the little kid I forgot to keep track of her. I asked around and nobody has seen her. She can handle herself. Right? Yes. Totally. Don't worry. I was running back to my position when I heard someone scream. Not just anyone. SILENA!

Kronos stabbed her. I ran. I didn't care that there were monsters coming at me. I needed to make sure she was ok. She got a second chance. I wasn't sure if Chaos gave out third chances. "PERCY!" I yelled. He was still holding off End but replied. "Take her to the infirmary. Have Michael, Will, and Lee treat her personally. Don't worry about anything other than her. I'll have Leo take over for her. Stay with her!" I nodded and followed his instructions. I slashed at Kronos once but I knew that that wouldn't help. Luke and Bianca backed me up so I could take Silena. He was the reason she died last time. He's not gonna be the reason she died today. She is not going to die today.

Ethan backed me up. Killing monsters that came for us.

I bursted into the infirmary "MICHAEL, WILL, LEE! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!" They came running. They saw Silena and began doing their medical shit. They told me I couldn't stay and had to go back outside because they had to work on her. They told me she was stabbed a couple inches above to he heart. Kronos must've been in a rush and done it hastily. Since I wasn't allowed to stay in the infirmary, even after some heavy protesting, I went back out. I will kill Kronos. I don't care that Luke said he had to. I'll do it.

I ran to Annabeth. "I need your invisibility cap." She was fighting a hell hound. She looked shocked that I was even talking to her. "Why?" I started to get impatient "I need it to kill Kronos." I forgot how Annabeth was "I can do it. You should be with Silena." I scoffed "Actually you can't do it, Annie. And I'm not allowed to see Silena. Can I use it or not?" I kind of felt bad for snapping at her. She was doing me a favor after all.

She took the cap off of her head and gave it to me "Good luck." She tried for a smile. She ran off to kill some more monsters. I put the cap on and ran. I ran to where they were fighting Kronos. I grabbed a nearby dagger and snuck up on him. I was planning on stabbing him at his weak spot. I was pretty sure Percy told me it was at the same place. I snuck up on him and stabbed.

The knife was caught. "I know you are there." Shit. He turned around to face me. I still had the cap on so he didn't know exactly where I was but he had a general idea. "You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" I scowled. "How's your little girlfriend?" I charged. I was being reckless but I didn't care. Luke, Zoë, and Bianca all attacked with me. Nikki was helping Estelle with the younger campers. We were doing pretty well. Then more monsters started crowding us. We lost confidence. Percy was too busy with End. Can you blame him? We didn't see how we could win. Luke was disarmed by Kronos. Zoë and Bianca had daggers to their necks by cyclopes. Kronos had a sword to Luke's chest. "One more step and they die," He told me "weapon on the floor." He ordered. I dropped my dagger. I could see the rest of the army wanting to help but being too occupied. They were also being crowded by monsters. "You should've dropped your weapon. Hephaestus spawn. You know I'm gonna kill them anyway." I gritted my teeth. Zoë, Bianca, and Luke all closed their eyes knowing what was coming. I was cornered. This was it.

To be continued......

Dun dun DUUUUN.....

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