Family issues

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POV: Poseidon

Holy Hera, my son is back. Those are the words I have been thinking, muttering, exclaiming randomly throughout the day. In doing so I have pissed off my other son and my wife. But right now I don't really care. It's still sinking in. I missed him so much. All those years ago I really fucked up. What? You've never heard a god curse before? I have to talk to him. I am turning wrinkly, old, and am probably going to fade soon. And in my opinion what hurts more is that I am no longer his father. And he hates me. So much. Did I already mention how much I fucked up? Yeah? Well I'm saying it again. I fucked up. Fuck!

I was sitting on my throne talking with my wife half listening to what she was saying, you know. When all of a sudden I felt his presence. In the water, incase that needed clarification. So I went to him ignoring my wife's annoyed yells. He was sitting there with his girlfriend. Their feet were in the water. They hadn't noticed me yet. I was contemplating going over there. But I had to. I had to at least try. So I did. I went over there. "Hello, son." I tried to sound as though nothing had ever happened between us. That he still loved me and we were still good. But it didn't exactly work out. "I'm not your son!" Ouch, that hurt. "Percy, I-" wrong move " Don't try to make excuses or try and justify what happened, ok? I don't want to talk to you," Double ouch "I can't believe all those years ago I thought that you were different from all the other gods. You are all exactly the same!" Triple ouch. He stormed away. I guess I couldn't really blame him. So that left me with his girlfriend. Talk about the most awkward meeting the parents ever. "Nice to meet you,......" I said knowing her response wouldn't be the same. "My name's Nikita. Listen, you have to accept that he will most likely never forgive you, but just know that deep down he still really does love you. It's just masked by all of the hurt that you guys have caused him." To say I was surprised that she was being nice was an understatement. I was shocked. However, it didn't last long. " Ok, I'm going back to hating you now. Just remember what I said and don't try to bother him." I nodded. I think I liked her. Not that she cares of course. I went back to my palace and felt myself becoming younger again. I took comfort in knowing he doesn't totally hate me. If anything he is afraid of how much he loves me. HA! Yeah, sure let's go with that.

POV: Percy

After talking or yelling at Poseidon it kind of made me think about things. Things can never be the same with us that's for sure. But I guess deep down I don't totally despise him. Like deep deep deep down.

I haven't really been totally honest. Annabeth hurt me. A lot. A lot a lot. But the one that broke me the most most was my mom. I went over to her house to you know see her. She had already given birth to Estelle so I obviously wanted to see her too. But to be honest I needed her to comfort me. I hadn't yet processed what had happened. So I went over there and she basically told me that she didn't want me to be in Estelle's life. Or hers. Ouch. She didn't abuse me. Physically or mentally really. Yet what she told me shattered me into a million pieces. She was the one I could always go to if I had a problem. When Annabeth betrayed me I thought I could go to her. That she could comfort me. Help me. I guess I was wrong. She pushed me over the edge and made me leave.

However, moms case is a little different. All the others who betrayed me I hate and don't need them. But with her I would give anything for her to tell me she is sorry, hug me, make me blue cookies, and for us to just talk again. I want to see my little sister.

Being the Seaweed Brain that I am I never really put together that they are all dead. They died a long long long long long time ago. Dam. I'll have to talk to Hades about that or maybe even Chiron just to see how they died and how their lives were. Chiron is easier to reach. Yeah, Chiron. I'll go talk to Chiron. Shit, that'll be awkward. Oh well, I'm off to see Chiron.

I walked to the big house. Only to find out that the head counselors/older immortal campers were having a meeting. About me. Oh fuck. I also noticed Jason wasn't there. So there I was. Standing there like a fucking idiot while everyone was staring at me. Oy. I just wanted to talk to Chiron. I decided to break the silence. I cleared my throat and began. "Chiron, can I talk to you for a sec?" It was meant to be a question but it came out like more of a statement.
He looked surprised to say the least but quickly responded "Yes, of course," He then addressed the campers "Excuse me." We walked outside and sat down on the porch. Well I sat, he stayed seated in his wheelchair on top of the porch. "What is the matter, Percy?" I decided not to tell him to call me commander or Omega and let this one slide. "I want to talk about my family" He looked like he saw this coming. "Ah yes, Sally Jackson."
"And Estelle and Paul" I added. "Well, we all felt awful about what we had done to you. Your family included. Estelle always resented your mother for what had happened. The gods wanted to make up for it. Knowing they couldn't really make it up to you because you were gone they started doing good deeds. And granting your family partial immortality was one of them. Paul and Sally still live in New York. The same apartment even. How they have managed to not get attacked or killed by monsters is beyond me but they have. They come to Olympus occasionally for your meetings and to Camp Half-Blood for your birthdays. However, Estelle cut off all ties with her parents and the mythological world. She now lives in Alaska. I think you are the only one who could convince her to come back. Perhaps even join that army of yours. She is an immortal 18 year old after all." Wow. They were still alive. "Thank you, Chiron." Was all I could say. "Your welcome, Perseus." I started walking away before he called out "I'm so sorry."
"I know." I replied giving him a small smile.
Tomorrow I'll go into the city to see mom and Paul. And the day after that I'll go to Alaska but for now, I think I've had enough family issues.

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