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POV: Percy

Estelle was settling in pretty well. The army loved her like a little sister, already. She is one of the only people who can get Luke to smile or maybe even laugh. She has already punched Annabeth in the face twice and berated her in public like 5 times.

Being with Estelle, kind of making up with my friends and my mom, and seeing the people who didn't betray me are the only good things that have come out of this trip. So far there have been no attacks small or big. There have also not been any threatens or signs of anything. At all. So really we are at camp for no reason. Thanks, Dad.

Or so I thought. I might've spoken too soon.

We were eating lunch in the pavilion when the conch horn sounded three times. Finally some action.

All of the campers were moving so slow. Like at a snails pace. My army was standing in front of the monsters in seconds. Estelle and Silena were rallying up the younger campers who weren't ready to fight. The rest of the campers arrived and looked absolute terrified. They were muttering things like "Whoa." or "This army is huge." or "We've never seen an army this big." My army and I all laughed. It was nothing. Hyperion, Polybotes, and Oceanus were there and about a thousand monsters. The campers were looking at us as if we were crazy. Jason yelled "CHARGE!" The campers were about to when I yelled "NOPE! Stand by. We got this." Jason rolled his eyes "There is no way that your entire army can defeat them."
"Your right, one army member alone can defeat them." He looked shocked but still a little smug. "Time for rock, paper, scissors" Beckendorf yelled. We all wanted to defeat the army. We did rock, paper, scissors and I won! "Suck it!" I yelled. "Grab your stop watch Luke. I want to beat my record. And yours." He nodded.

I defeated the army in under a minute which is my new record. Sending Hyperion, Polybotes, and Oceanus to Tartarus was fun. I killed them before they could even say a word. And the monsters were a piece of cake. I stuck my tongue out at Jason and smirked. The rest of the campers stared at me in awe and clapped. The army congratulated me on my new record. But really all I was thinking was "Really, this is it. I was sent here just for this." DAM! 

I guess I once again spoke too soon. New armies have been showing up. Luckily no more giants, just a shit ton of monsters. The entire army has had a chance to beat their records though. So that's positive. I've been training Estelle and she's already better than Jason. So that's promising.

We were having attacks daily. The campers haven't had to lift a finger.
Instead of fighting they come to cheer us on. If they come at all. This has been going on for a week. Today the conch horn sounded again. We were expecting the same old shit. Instead we got something much harder. The army of monsters was about more than all of the past ones combined. But that wasn't the worst or scariest part.
In the middle of the army was a guy. He had a hood on and had a powerful aura. Not even close to Chaos' power but kind of close to mine. Kind of. Now that got me worried. I told the army to fight the monsters and I'd handle the big guy.

The army was handling the monsters pretty well. I approached the mystery dude, killing monsters on my way. "Sup, dude. I assume that your the guy who I'm supposed to defeat.
And the reason I'm here in the first place." He looked amused but didn't speak. Instead he charged. I was dodging his attacks. At the time he had the upper hand. I was fighting defense but slowly I got annoyed so I started on offense. We went for a while without anyone getting hit. Finally I got a good one on his thigh. He yelped in pain. "Who are you?" He chuckled. "End, the one who ruined your life." To say I was confused was an understatement. I was about to ask what he meant when he said "See ya" and left. DAM!

My army had already defeated the monsters and rushed towards me. Nikki hugged me and Estelle slapped me for scaring her. "Who was that?" Beckendorf asked. "End, the guy who ruined my life. Apparently." They all looked confused. Quite FRANKly I was too. "What do you mean by that?" Estelle asked. "I have no idea," I really didn't. I didn't like not knowing.
I didn't want my friends to be in danger. I decided to change the subject. "Looks like the campers are getting impatient and confused. Let's go back. Don't tell them any details just say it's like all the other attacks, got it? Don't tell anyone outside of the people standing here right now." They nodded. "Some of them saw the fight what will we do about them?" Estelle asked. I smiled "Already got it covered." I used the mist. We walked back and acted as though nothing had ever happened.

Sorry I suck at writing fight scene.😅🥴😬😐😩😅🥴😬🥴😅😩😐😬😐

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