What happened to you?

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POV: Leo

Mcshizzle Mister here!

I couldn't sleep at all last night because of what Percy said.

I couldn't wait to meet formerly THE Charles Beckendorf.

You know, under different circumstances where he isn't practically telling me to shut up and get out.

Both Hazel and Frank are super excited and nervous.

The army aren't exactly our biggest fans.

Even though I am excited to see Beckendorf? Beck? Charles? Charlie? What do I even call him? Oh shit.

My ADHD is really showing.

Anyways back on track.

Even though I am very excited to see Beckendorf, Beck, Charles, Charlie my main goal is to mend my relationship with Percy.

I can tell that Hazel and Frank feel the same way.

Percy told us he'd introduce us at breakfast, so we all walk to the dining pavilion.

Once we arrive at the dining pavilion Percy waves us over to his table.

Jason and Piper aren't here yet. However, Annabeth is.

She looked like she was about to explode when we walked over to the Chaos table.

I have a feeling Piper and Jason won't be too happy either.

I feel kind of bad.

Once we sit down the army introduces themselves. (Not in the mood to do the whole introduction thing soooooo yeah. You know who's in the army.) Some of them act pretty distant, but hopefully they'll soon see how absolutely fantastic The Mcshizzle Mister Supreme is.

Beckendorf told me to call him Beck, so that cleared itself up.

He was actually super nice and told me we should get together and make something.

I literally squealed.

Let's just say I got some weird looks.

Percy's girlfriend is really cool. At first she scared me, ok fine, she still kinda scares me but she is so nice, has some pretty cool stories too.

Overall they were really nice.

Luke definitely hates me though.

POV: Jason

I'm getting so sick of this.

When I first saw Percy again I was.... I don't know.

Happy isn't the right word neither is mad I was just..... surprised, I guess.

And when I started to realize he would never forgive us I guess I just didn't care as much as I probably should have.

And when he forgave Leo, Hazel, and Frank I was just slightly annoyed.

I don't like how powerful he is. Or how his aura made me want to bow down to him, more so than the gods.

I guess, I've always kind of resented him.

He's been through so much and done so much, and people worship him for it.

I've been through stuff and done stuff too.

I've never liked how both the Romans and the Greeks loved him and were broken when he left.

Even the younger campers who had never met him loved him.

I was at Camp Jupiter for my entire life and I still felt like I didn't get the same amount of respect. And to top it all of Annabeth and Piper won't stop talking about him.

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