Sorry to break it to ya. NOT!

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POV: Percy

Today was the day we were telling everyone about the engagement. We couldn't wait any longer. At first we thought we should only tell the army but decided against it. At first I thought that it would be a bad idea because it could get to End and he'd have something to hold against me. But then I realized that he has to already know we are dating. He is End after all he has to know something. Plus Nikki really wanted to see Annabeth's reaction. Not gonna lie, so did I. But we decided to be the bigger people and not announce it to the whole camp at once. They'll probably see the ring on her finger, anyways.

We were going into the city with the army for pizza. We were going to this place that my mom used to take me to when I was little. She was friends with the owner so we would always get a discount. It worked out well when we were tight on money. I guess I just grew fond of the place. It brings back good memories. I had to do some research to see if it was still even there. It has been a while. Luckily it was. That even surprised me. I guess people just appreciate good food.

We decided to walk to just see everything again. I guess a lot can change in like 3000 years. But at the same time very little. New York was still just New York. I have to talk to Gaea though she will not be happy about how much humans are polluting nature. It is even worse than 2022! I didn't think we could go any lower. I guess what they say about hitting rock bottom isn't true. You can still dig deeper and deeper. Wow, that's depressing.

So we were walking to the pizza place. It was fun. It was normal. I forgot what it was like to be normal. We had normal clothes on, not our usual armor. We just looked like a random group of 21 year olds. Little did strangers know that we were thousands of years old. Since we are immortal we can change ages. We decided to all be 21 today so we can drink. Genius, right? I think so. 

We arrived at the pizza place only to find out it's no longer owned by the same family. I guess that makes sense. But it was still a bummer. I was hoping to get a discount today. I paid for everyone's food and drinks because I wanted too, we were celebrating, and I was the only one with American money. The rest of the army just had Chaos coins and a couple of Drachmas. I didn't think the restaurant would appreciate that.

We had all ordered pizza, obviously, and some drinks. For some reason Nikki got really mad at our waitress. She was just talking to me. She must have put a lot of blush on her face because her cheeks were really red. She was also smiling really big. I just figured it was her job to be friendly. She was super nice to me. During the whole experience the army was laughing their heads off. Only later did I find out that she was flirting with me. What can I say, I'm a Seaweed Brain.

Once everyone had ordered we decided to break the news. I had given Nikki the ring a while ago but she obviously couldn't wear it without people knowing. She slipped the ring on and I lifted her hand up "Well, that happened." I said and pointed at the ring. They all looked confused except for Silena. She just squealed and yelled "OMG, YOUR ENGAGED!" I swear I heard the waitress groan. We nodded and she practically jumped over the table to hug us. Realization dawned over the others' faces. Estelle literally started jumping up and down. Did I mention I asked her to be in the army? Luke and Beckendorf congratulated us and so did the rest. After that we.. Well let's just say we couldn't walk home that night and had to teleport back to camp.

POV: Annabeth

The army had left to go into the city. I was confused as to why they would go now. There is a war going on. Plus the magical plates in the dining pavilion can make you whatever you want. So I decided to wait up. I was reading one of my books in a tree when they finally got back. They were totally wasted. The army kept congratulating Percy and Nikki. I wonder why. "Come out, come out wherever you are , Annie." Damn. How does he always know. "How'd you know I was here?" I asked. "I just knew." The army chuckled. "So what are you celebrating?" I asked trying to change the subject. "None of yo business" Luke replied. Gods, he was drunk. "Nah it's fine Luke, guess what Annie I'm engaged. Sorry to break it to ya. NOT!" My jaw fell to the floor. I started to cry. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." Nikki said with a smug look on her face. Gods, I hate her. Before I knew it I lunged for her. And that  ended up with me being judo flipped and the army laughing historically. How the tables have turned. They chorused some goodbyes and see ya's all sounding bitter and insincere. I wish things could just go back to the way they were. So there I was sitting in a tree in the middle of the night, reading my book, and having had failed at spying on my ex boyfriend. I hated saying that. Ex boyfriend. It didn't feel right. But he's moved on so should I, I guess. After a while I walked back to my cabin. Cold, depressed, and heartbroken.

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