Scene 8 - The World Of Kembel

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We follow the Doctor, Xrax, Groth, Tegan and Turlough through the jungle. The rest of their conversation begins.


We aren't going to stumble into any more unpleasant Varga plants, are we?


Not unless I can tell.


Groth can hear and detect the movements of beings around our localised area. It's come in quite handy. That's how we were able to find you in the jungle.


And these Varga plants? What do they do when they get hold of someone?


The rather nasty plant species have the ability to inject its thorns into a subject and alter their thought of rational thinking and turn its victim into killing vegetable matter. The poor organism then turns itself into a Varga plant too.


You seem to be very well informed of the plants here, Doctor. And of this planet you claimed you arrived on by mistake.


I know a Varga plant when I see one. Flora and fauna turned savage and aggressive from the radioactive atmosphere on the planet Skaro. Native home to the Daleks. And where are we on instead? Kembel? One of the planets originally conquered by the Daleks by the year 4000 where they released their particularly nasty creatures in the jungle of this planet.


Hey. You certainly got your facts right.


But what I don't know is why my friends and I have been brought here. We were on our way to a different part of the galaxy and have somehow ended up here. Now, no doubt my friends and I will find it why we are here. But that begs the question why you two are here exactly? Looking for an old rumour's tale perhaps?

We cut to the boy Jasper in his bed, still listening to the Doctor tell the exciting story. The Doctor continues to read out the tale to him.

The Doctor discovered that the two Earthmen were wealthy executives to a market of establishment networks back on their home planet. Filled with the corruption that funded their enterprise, Xrax and Groth were both passionate in investigating new theories and possibilities. Such as which helped their businesses to thrive. With all their attained wealth, they set up their quest in learning a new and difficult mystery to solve. To search and find the long lost Splint family. A simple Earth family with two loving parents and their only son. They had heard of the Splint family reputation through their establishment of networks and set out to search for them.

The camera continues to show the Doctor narrating the scene as the Doctor in the story and others continue through the jungle. The same Monoid follows them.

After much searching and investigating across the universe, their lead and contacts had led them to the planet Kembel. After crashing onto the planet, the men became trapped there and continued their hunt for the Splint family. Little was known about them. But for our heroes, all was not as it seemed after all. The time travellers had encountered a similar jungle planet before and felt that the events they had encountered on Mira was all too similar to that on Kembel. Something was, indeed, not quite right.

Groth stops, hearing something behind them.


Something follows.


A Varga plant?


No. One of our assistants on this planet. Here he comes.

The Monoid reveals himself out into the open.


Monoids? What are they doing here?

Monoid 1:

Who are these people you bring with you?


Just a couple of tourists. Not from around these parts. We think they might be able to assist in the repairs of our ship.

Monoid 1:

Good. Our Chieftain would like to know who these individuals are. Take them to the camp where we are all safe to talk terms.


Can the others come out as well?

Two more Monoids reveal themselves out of the forestry. Tegan looks unpleasantly at the alien appearance of the creatures, specifically their face which has the singular eye only in the mouth. The Doctor and his friends are led ahead...

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