PART 3 - Scene 1 - Invasion

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(Opening titles)

We see the bedroom of the little boy again. The Celestial Toymaker, carrying the figure of the Monoid, enters the room.

Celestial Toymaker:

Oh, I am greatly enjoying this little game, Doctor. We've put in such hard work to achieve such a vast collection of figures from your timestream.

The Toymaker places the Monoid figure into the position for the First Doctor's era. He then wanders over to see the end of the line of figures.

The boy will be even more delighted to have a new set of toys to play with.

We see the new figures of another Fifth Doctor and Nyssa joined in with the collection at the end!

It will be fun having you here. All of the many variants of each of your selves, all the delightful companions, and all the strange aliens you've met in your travels. Happy play time, Doctor.

The Toymaker leaves the room laughing, and we are left to see the large collection of figures, and the most recent additions of the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa. We cut back to the tent with the Monoids inside. Tegan begins feeling odd again and raises her arm for her aching head.


You sure you're alright? You're looking giddy.


I don't know. I'm still not feeling myself. Like I'm... different.


Maybe when the Doctor is making repairs to the ship, we can take you back to the ship and get you some of that aspirin Earthlings take.


Yes. And I'll finish making repairs to your craft and get her running again. Then once we're all better off you can tell us more about this ancient legend you've been searching for. I'm fascinated to know. But first, I think we need to set the record straight about the Varga plants on this planet. Now, the Varga plants are not originally home to Kembel. They are from the planet Skaro. The origins of a race of green blobs and tentacles that are armoured and encased inside war machines. They released their Varga plants from Skaro, mutated vegetable life forms as a result of their unstable radioactive activity on their planet. Now logically if the Varga plants are here from Skaro, then the Daleks would be too.

The Monoids turn to each other.


He's got us worried alright.


Oh, you should be. Varga plants are nothing to contend with against a Dalek. They're merely just to take down the population around the landings the Daleks have made. If you've ever had the misfortune to encounter the Daleks, you'll know that diplomatic reasoning is out of the question. They have one mission and one mission only, the extermination or subjugation of all non Dalek life forms. Which they deem as inferior to themselves.

Monoid Chieftain:

This is disconcerting news for us, Doctor. We must leave here immediately.


It could be a little too late for that already. However long you've been here, you're lucky the Daleks haven't hunted you down yet and wiped the lot of you poor things out. Or they might be planning to do so right now.

A Monoid interrupts and speaks to his superior.

Monoid 1:

Apologies for the interruption, but two of our kind have not yet returned back to our camp. They were seen only a short while ago.

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